
Can men get Pregnant and have an Abortion? Yes says Aimee Arrambide, but Why is IT so?

We decode the meaning of this cryptic exchange in the halls of so called Government

Can men get pregnant and have an abortion? Yes says Aimee Arrambide.

Finally we now have a knowing about how to connect these currently trending Dots;

  • TransGender Movement and Self-Fertilization aka Parthenogenesis

  • Men getting Pregnant and having Abortions

  • Vaccines and Viruses and Gene Therapy

  • Serpents and Bugs hiding in the Vatican

  • Locusts from the Pit

  • The End Times and Kleck The Bell Ringer

If you having difficult processing that let us help because it has taken us years to finally be able to summarize it in about 24 minute mark with another Kleck video.

(The Post Millennial) – Controversial singer Lil Nas X pretended to be pregnant in his latest publicity stunt so he could put on an over-the-top announcement photo shoot for his upcoming Montero album’s Sept. 17 [2021] due date.


Social Media On Fire As Male Rapper Shows Off Pregnancy [Photos+Video]

That was last year in case you missed that demon hybrid child delivery.

Ask yourself why are we constantly being bombarded with Gender Identity Issues and Men can get Pregnant images and emojis? How can a Man get Pregnant and now they can even have Abortions? Why is the rap star Lil Nas X pretending to be pregnant? Because he is sending a message to us Sheep in his role acting playing mockery skit photoshoot.

The Message is that a Man get Pregnant and have Abortions. But how is that possible? It is called Self-Fertilization aka Parthenogenesis and that is what? That is something Serpents can do and that is why the Vatican is showing us literally a pregnant snake is about to give birth from within the Human Host body in their Jesuit Kabbalistic Demon Worship so called Catholic faith.

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The Serpent Race that has breed with the Human Race can now Self-Fertilize with the help of all the Dots mentioned above. All those pieces had to come together at this point in the End of Time in the End Times with a Decoder that could Decode such messages and make videos.

The Demon that hired Ms. Aimee Arrambide could see her potential in Government because the Recruiter was one of them and so is the serpent demon hybrid she hired. They are part of the same race of beings that is now coming out of the pit.

Because it was about Self-Fertilization as in Parthenogenesis from within the Human Host Body. That is how Men can get Pregnant as is being symbolically shown and which will soon literally happen.

Parthenogenesis is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization by sperm.


Our Human Species is being evolved with Gene Therapy by a 3 prong attack of the Vaccines with the bizarre Snake Venom peptides and the CDC Wuhan Fort Detrick mysterious Gain-of-Function Engineered Corona Virus and lastly how our body reacts to such DNA RNA Gene Alterations.

You are currently viewing Can Female Snakes Lay Eggs Without a Male?

Some snake owners may be surprised to find that their female snake that is housed alone has suddenly laid a clutch of eggs! However, there is no need for alarm as this is totally natural behavior. 

Female snakes that have not been bred can sometimes lay eggs, but these will usually be infertile and are commonly referred to as slugs. 

In rarer cases, females can also lay fertilized eggs without a male’s help.


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Some Human Host bodies like Lil Nas X are symbolically adapting quite well and hence he is representing the future of this Human Race in regards to the New Man because He can now Self-Fertilize and make himself pregnant.

How the birthing will occur remains a mystery unless it is Cesarean Birth (C-Section). Because otherwise the man plumbing route will be unimaginable, but we have the likes of Ms. Aimee Arrambide and Gates to guide us through the wilderness.

We have to know these facts through the language of symbiosis and symbolism. We have to know that when a Man can Self-Fertilize that is the TransGender Movement explained. Because it meets their Ultimate Goal and Role Model - “symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites."


It was the Trans as in Transition as in Evolution of Man to higher form of Man in their eyes. Because the Hybrid creation can do what the Master Parent Race could do all along as the Snakes and the Half Goat Half Human False Gods could Self-Fertilize since the beginning of time and now at the end of time so can the Humans because we are now their Hybrid creations.

Since 1856 the name Baphomet has been associated with the "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Éliphas Lévi, composed of binary elements representing the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites": half-human and half-animal, male and female, good and evil, etc. Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order.


What are the implications of Pregnant Self-Fertilizing Men in Society like a bunch of Reptilian Half Snake Half Man Hybrids? Who is going to work if everyone is eligible for Maternity Leave?

With asexual reproduction anyone can pregnant and abort whenever then want and who needs sexual partners for a family now?

Then Sodomy is also no longer an issue because now the Sodomites of Sodom and Gomorrah origin can grow babies without any Woman involved. What is the point of Marriage in society then? There is no point and that is why Baphomet is so pleased.

Sodom and Gomorrah are famous for wanting to rape the Men folks of those days and hence their destruction.

God sends two angels to destroy Sodom. Lot welcomes them into his home, but all the men of the town surround the house and demand that he surrender the visitors that they may "know" them. Lot offers the mob his virgin daughters to "do to them as you please", but they refuse and threaten to do worse to Lot. The angels strike the crowd blind.


All of that needed to be said to bring us to the few minutes of the Kleck video that started this realization and helped us connect the Dots.

Start around the 24 minute mark but make sure you get to the 33:00 mark at least. This video is almost 2.5 hours long and most people will not have the attention span to process such dense data especially if you have never heard it before. If you can only read three paragraphs in summary then see below.

Jonathan Kleck 24:12

And before we look at all the pictures, watch and listen to this. Parthenogenesis means it started with female and itself fertilized it's a self fertilization of without needing a male to fertilize. It was self fertilization [Parthenogenesis] of their own race, then able to transgender what's here at the end of the world have you noticed transgender is like the biggest thing ever?

It's like it's it's like their own race or something. Oh, because it is. How could the girl that was in Congress sit there when she was asked and say and the guy said So do you believe a man can get pregnant and have a abortion? She goes? Yes, she believes that you know why? Because she's that race, there are a serpent race, because you have a penis or a vagina doesn't make any difference to them.

It's the energy that they are. So they believe that and because of a certain thing [Vaccines] that's probably been put within the human system now, huh? It's probably going to be that Parthenogenesis is something that's not that uncommon like a female to self-fertilize because they were able to do it in; lab mice and there's mammals that they've recreated Parthenogenesis in, which is a Reptilian trait.

An Energy Transfer from the Reptilian Race now within our Human Host Bodies waiting to be Transformed and Liberated and Freed to Rule Over Us as the New Overlords because They are now Us and We are Them.

The “As Above, So Below” Occult belief and the Balancing of Male and Female Energies as shown by the Baphomet False God Idol are now close to merger and completion in these End Times.

[Éliphas] Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order.

Never a shortage of tribe members ready to draw demons dragons reptiles and all types of nasty monsters into our reality. Turning Dreams into Nightmares was their goal. But you can wake up from a Bad Dream or a Dream or a Nightmare. They can end as quickly as they began. But in a fleeting moment of time they will come and go.

Time to wake up from the American Dream if it has become a Nightmare and Dream and Manifest a better Future.

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