A Triple Whammy of Confirmations of another post from yesterday about the future fall of Saudi Arabia and Türkiye. This podcast from TruNews confirms the trajectory that this nation is on. Saudi Arabia is leaving the NATO orbit and soon joining the BRICS.
SA signs 17 memoranda of understanding with Saudi Arabia
The photo indicates the beginning of a wonderfully profitable agreement for the Saudis, judging by the body language. The one joining new seems to be the one holding the cards and not the other way around? Saudi Arabia is the only nation in the world that is run by one family, the royal family, the Al-Saud family, who are the Saudis of Saudi Arabia. They took one chunk of Arabia and called it ours with the help of the British, back when Britain used to be a world power. Now the British are just reduced to being dirty rats running secret operations in the background, while the Americans are the ones this time losing their beloved Saudi partners in crime.
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and now soon to be added Saudi Arabia officially next year, but already now confirmed with 17 signed MoUs between South Africa and Saudi Arabia. This is the Alt Power Bloc that is now being confirmed and growing as the only viable Alternative to the NATO Nazi Illuminati Alliance we covered yesterday.
SA signs 17 memoranda of understanding with Saudi Arabia
“Seventeen MoUs for us as South Africa being signed and exchanged at the same time is a record and true demonstration of the depth of the relationship between the two countries and the great ambitions that we all have,” said Ramaphosa.
Ramaphosa, who is on a two-day state visit to the country, is accompanied by a high-level business delegation including Solidarity Funds’ Gloria Serobe and Aspen's Stavros Nicolaou among other people.
He said: “These memoranda of understanding are what I call door-openers. They pave the way for much greater co-operation for high trade and investment flows between South Africa and Saudi Arabia.
NATO just lost Saudi Arabia. The deal is done as the agreements have been signed because the common mutual “understanding” that Saudi Arabia is now a nation allied with Russia and China and not America and Britain has been reached and signed and publicly announced.
What is not being publicly announced, but has to be inferred from these actions. A quick summary of the implications;
The PetroDollar Oil for Dollar agreement between American and the Saudi Arabia is dead and buried thanks to the action of pretend President Biden.
This move effectively kills the USD Dollars as the World Reserve Currency
No USD Dollars World Reserve Currency means the BRICS nations with Saudi Arabia controls most of the worlds mineral and energy resources.
USD Dollars floods back into America and immediate hyperinflation ensues
Stock Markets, Bond Markets and Derivatives Markets will not react well to the resulting Margin Calls because there is no value left to the USD Dollars so America this time will not be able to print her way out of trouble.
A Market Crash ends Wall Street and to cover up the mess another War must be started and therefore we are in extreme danger category for American False Flags.
Let us also not forget that Saudi Arabia purchases 25% of American arms sales
So the Triple Whammy of Confirmations are first that this trajectory that Saudi Arabia is now is the way that this nation takes the take down regime change treatment by the CIA Zionist Jackals that will now be unleashed. Saudi Arabia is delusional if it thinks that it can just leave the embraces of the NATO Nazi Illuminati Alliance and then you can just go and dance with another partner in crime?
Answer, No. Once a member of the NATO Nazi Illuminati Alliance, then you are a permanent member of the Occult. Leaving is not an option. Leaving quietly is one thing, but now when you Leave like this Saudi Arabia being run by MBS, then such Leaving has some consequences. That take down was foreseen by a Dreamer we covered in our previous post who predicts the future all of both Saudi Arabia and Türkiye by the Illuminati forces back in 2014.
Secondly, the little Imposter Zionist Israel is now threatening to send arms to the Ukraine war with Russia. Meaning Russian soldiers will be the ones killed if these weapons are used by the NATO Nazi Illuminati Alliance proxy army of the Ukraine. Because when Russia enters the Middle East and confronts little Imposter Zionist Israel and then America comes rushing to the aid her bastard child, that is the trigger event for when WW3 starts, according to the Dreamer from Pakistan from 2014.
Third confirmation is what again covered yesterday in the words of Josef Borrell, from the EU Foreign Ministry, a radical world restructuring event is coming and hence he already knows the NATO Nazi Illuminati Alliance plans for a post Saudi Arabia and Türkiye world. The end of cheap Energy from Russia and cheap goods from China.

Bonus round confirmation as in confirmation number 4 the mystery spoiler nation of Pakistan appears in the same podcast. Translation; the number 3 target nation was Pakistan after Saudi Arabia and Türkiye. And now they are saying their plans out loud by mistake. They want to get the nukes out of Pakistan. But good luck with such an audacious operation, without serious nuclear blowback.
But if either MBS or Erdogan thinks they can just leave the party and not pay the price, then they will soon find out as Tom Cruise found out after failing at the party. Some types of parties you cannot just leave and stay alive. MBS and Erdogan are either very aware or very naive and unaware, but it looks like this party will not end well for either party crasher? Please remove your mask and hope for a miracle.
Josef Borrell’s beloved Garden is about to be trampled upon, so they may preemptively take out your little survival jungle garden, just in case because your dangerous jungle poisonous wild weeds may mix with their pure garden seeds.

But that was a perfect illustration of the Occult Inversion. They are Tares that have mixed with the Wheat that needs to be burnt out in the Fire.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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