Corona Times News
Nancy Pelosi flies to Taiwan on the eve of WW3?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:03:42

Nancy Pelosi flies to Taiwan on the eve of WW3?

Are the events of the next 24-48 hours going to witness the start of WW3?

The situation between the two nuclear powers is now so soured and so locked into their hardened positions that neither side can now back down.

Which means there are only 2 options left, one side either loses faces and blinks and is the defacto loser and no War ensues.

Or the nuclear option is where the War starts because Pelosi went their as the sacrificial lamb to start the War aka WW3.

However, Pastor Wiles of TruNews has a different theory and is seems plausible. He is suggesting that Pelosi will be allowed to land in Taiwan, and that will mark the start of the Chinese invasion on the tiny island nation of Taiwan with Pelosi there to witness it all and perhaps even be taken as a hostage or a POW? So they will not shoot her plane down, but rather let it land and their the TV staged drama begins.

So are the are the CommieKratts in America like that? Are they setting us up for annihilation Biden in the Whitehouse owned by the Chinese government or a General Milley? He studies Marxism talks with the top Chinese generals, he studied Mao Zedong. He's He's well versed in Chinese communist Marxist strategy.

Pastor Wiles of TruNews

Another great point TruNews makes is this this entire trip could be staged operation. Send Pelosi to Taiwan and give China the pretext it needs to invade Taiwan. As in the Pelosi and DC boys and girls were all in the pocket of the Big China CCP PLA Mafia and they planned and staged this entire operation to pretend to be the defenders of their homeland against an invading foreign enemy. As in it was all a giant staged PsyOp that was pre-planned and pre-scripted from DC and Beijing.

This is a planned operation. This is not that it's not that Nancy just got up one day and said, I feel like taking a trip. And this was planned a long time ago. Plan a long time ago. We're in a Masonic Matrix.

Pastor Wiles of TruNews

The stakes this time are very high for America. If American blinks and Pelosi cancels her trip it will be for American the Suez Canal Moment for her as a fading Empire. The Suez Crisis dates back to 1956, and it was President Eisenhower that told Britain Frace and little Zionist Israel to stop attacking the Suez Canal in Egypt. And it marks the time from when America on the world stage dictated the terms of War and Peace and after that response from President Eisenhower that the fighting stop or else.

The historical reference here is the America is now the fading superpower in the Taiwan Straits in August 2022, when China now wins over America and becomes the new superpower that dictates the terms. It was a well staged transition of power.

The British Empire eventually declined, of course, and in 1956 it endured the humiliating demise of its great-power status in a clash over the Suez Canal. U.S. policymakers should take note: Britain was brought to its knees not by a military defeat but by an economic one—specifically, America’s refusal to support the British pound, which created a monetary crisis for the British government, forcing it to call off its ill-advised campaign with France and Israel to recapture the Suez Canal after nationalization by Egypt. As its international debt grows, the United States becomes ever more vulnerable to its own Suez moment.

Our analysis is that American will lose in either case if she blinks and cancels America is now no longer a superpower that can rule the seas and air, but is now secondary to China.

Or the other case if China invades then Pelosi was there during the occupation and war for the future of the island nation. Will NATO get activated even if this war is outside the North Atlantic which is what NATO is supposed to be?

The danger zone for nuclear escalation is ripe with this scenario as we are screeching towards a conflict with China. American tried to use Ukraine as a proxy to weaken Russia and that has back fired on America big time and now the hubris of these evil ZioNeoCons is to start a War with China when they could not even do nothing against Russia.

Why are they lusting for War and especially for WW3? For that we have to know our enemies and our foes on this battlefield. If you do not even know who your enemies are then you are surely lost on this battlefield. Can you even recognize friend from foe?

In that regard my friends, the reason they are lusting for WW3 is because of these things are related to the return of the Christ and the Anti-Christ. Both sides are really awaiting the same thing, the return of the Messiah. We are all familiar with the return of Christ narrative, but do we know our enemies plans and visions and ideas?

For the Khazarian Jesuit WEF Globalists Luciferian Mafia ruling over this domain, their Messiah is the Moshiach, which for the rest of humanity is the opposite as in he is the Anti-Christ in the Christian tradition and the Dajjal in the Islamic reference and that is how all 3 of the Abrahamic faiths are aligned to these 2 end times figures.

The Messianic Era will be ushered in by a Jewish leader generally referred to as the Moshiach (messiah: Hebrew for "the anointed one"), a righteous scion of King David. He will rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and gather the Jewish people from all corners of the earth and return them to the Promised Land.

So it's going to happen—that's what we believe. But why is this important today? Why is the coming of Moshiach so central to the Jewish belief system?At that time, "delicacies will be commonplace like dirt." All the nations will "beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Micah 4:3). Humankind will be preoccupied with only one pursuit: the study of G‑dly wisdom. "The earth shall be filled with knowledge of G‑d as water covers the seabed" (Isaiah 11:9).

Let us decode that flowery language for our audience. What they are saying is that the Moshiach does not come during times of Peace, he comes during times of War. Thus War is needed to hasten his arrival. He cannot arrival until and unless a Great War has killed most of the Goyim as in most of the non Jews. Do the Vaccines have any part in such an operation to bring about the Messianic Era?

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Hence WW3 is needed to bring out his arrival, because he is the one that puts an end to these Wars and brings Peace. Then you can arrive at the place where “Nation shall not lift a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore”. War comes first then Peace at the hands of the Moshiach.

Without WW3 we cannot bring out the arrival of the Moshiach. The conditions of Wars and Plagues and Famines are all necessary so he can pretend to be the Man of Peace and Salvation when in fact he is the Greatest Deceiver of All and created for this purpose to fool the Nation of Zionist Israel into believing he was their Messiah.

Their real Messiah and their long awaited King was Jesus the Son of Mary, the Virgin. Jesus was the King of the Jews, but they rejected him and blasphemed against him and ultimately tried to kill him on the cross. You can never kill True Spirits as strong and holy as Jesus.

Just as the Temple had to be destroyed first to be rebuilt by this Moshiach. Sounds very familiar with “Build Back Better”, which again implies destruction must come first in order to rebuild in their Messianic image which is a horror story for non Jews. Which implies that the existing structures there must come down then for the Third Temple to be rebuilt.

people near dome theater

WW3 was needed to bring about the Messianic Era. That is why they are lusting for War, they are tried of waiting more than 5000 years and they want Moshiach now.

Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.

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Until we meet again.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News

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