As we reported yesterday, Putin was about to give major speech on the military mobilization plan. He gave the speech, but at a delayed time to coincide with the UN meeting with Biden present, that was happening at the same time. Putin has just escalated the WW3 battlefront known as the Ukraine SMO in a Do or Die Move with a partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists amongst other things. He ends the speech by saying “I’m not bluffing”. That is the serious side of Putin now coming out.
The audio is of the speech that he gave to the Russian population. Some highlights from the speech below. The voice is not of Putin, but the Translator. The full video can be see on the RT Rumble Channel. The audio is sourced from there. A full transcript is at the end of the post behind the paywall for our paid subscribers.
And if the territorial integrity of our countries threaten to defend and protect our country and our people, we will use all the means that we have and I'm not bluffing.
The citizens of Russia can be confident that we will defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country. and I would like to emphasize it with any means that we have in our possession and those who are trying to blackmail us with nuclear weapons. so we'd like to remind them that the wind can blow towards them as well.
It is the destiny of our people to stop those who want to dominate the world who want to enslave our homeland, our fatherland.
And we will do that now as well. That's how it will happen. I trust in your support.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Speech 9/21/2022
Key Takeaways;
Putin has just mobilized 300,000 reservists after the humiliating defeat in Kharkiv in the recent days.
Not a full mobilization yet, Putin is giving one last final chance to settle.
Putin is no longer seeking a Peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis, he is seeking a final solution to the Bandera Neo Nazi problem in the Ukraine and is willing to go Nuclear on that issue to resolve this mess at his border.
Putin considers the Ukraine conflict a matter of Russian survival where what is at stake is no less than her “territorial integrity and sovereignty”.
Putin says they are fighting the “Collective West War Machine” as in the NATO Alliance using the Ukraine as a cover to install a NATO Army.
Putin announces Referendums in the disputed zones of the conflict. A game changer for this battlefront in WW3 which may have started in 2014?
Judge Napolitano interviews Col. Doug Macgregor and this two minute summary provides a useful context to this conflict zone. When viewing the map below please note what has now changed is that areas in red are about to hold Referendums to decide on their future.
Will they decide to join Russia or the NATO Alliance? Only fools and Bandera Neo Nazis would think that peoples in those areas would support the NATO Alliance.
What happens after these peoples and these areas join Russia? That is where another battlefront open up inside the already in progress WW3 scenario playing out now. Meaning that those areas in red now become part of the Russian Federation.
Any attack by the NATO Alliance Bandera Neo Nazis in those areas then becomes akin to attacking Russia itself. That is how new battlefronts open up inside the already in progress WW3 scenario playing out now. Putin just escalated matters.
The strategy I think is very clear let the Ukrainians impale themselves on defenses they cannot breach. And that's what's happened down in the south in the Kherson region.
And the Ukrainians lost 10s of 1000s of people killed and wounded down there. The hospitals are bulging. I saw a video from given to me from people on the ground in Ukraine and Poland showing these ambulances, great numbers of them in endless convoys trying to save the wounded by moving them to Kyiv because there was nothing to put them in anymore down near Kharkov and these other areas, those hospitals are overflowing.
So we know that the Ukrainians have taken terrible losses down there, the Russians have taken a position let them continue to counter attack, we can destroy those in perpetuity if we have to. But in the meantime, the force build up in the Donbass is very real. Kharkov doesn't have any important side of industrial value, there's no agricultural value to the place. They can wait on that.
And there's something else that's coming along. Now, the Russian Duma passed legislation, that's the parliament, right, essentially provides legislation to support a partial mobilization of the country.
Does this mean that the Russian Parliament which we've always believed is basically controlled by President Putin basically saying to the president, Get real, get serious get this over with?
Yes, I think that's the message that reflects public opinion in Russia, people support President Putin that's not his problem. His support is not eroding. That's a lot of nonsense. And Russia is doing reasonably well, economically right now, our sanctions haven't bitten the Russians the way they bitten the Europeans. So that's not the issue.
The issue is, look, this is an insult to Russia. Russian arms should never have given this up. Well, the truth is strategically, you know, you make those kinds of decisions, and he has limited the numbers of Russian troops that he's willing to use in this operation.
At the same time, we have treated this Ukrainian side as though it's limitless in its scope and duration. So the population said, listen, aren't you seeing what's happening? The United States is at war with Russia. They're just using Ukraine. This must end so I think the special military operation as they call it has changed.
Judge Napolitano interviews Col. Doug Macgregor
It is move and then counter move in a game of chess called The Great Game. And in that context of the game, the game changer was the use of Referendums in the hotly disputed Ukraine Russian zones of the conflict. Referendums
They just pulled a Declaration of Independence move on America. Did the Rebellious American Founding Fathers ask for Permission to Leave the Union? No they Declared it. And the wily Russians just outclassed America by using Democracy and throwing it back at America.
After the Elections and the Referendum are over and show overwhelming support to join Russia, then at that point you have Declared your Independence from the Neo Nazi NATO Alliance. A Declaration of Independence timeline time marker.
You see Referendums are only Kosher when America approves of them or when they are for her Strategic Advantage. Otherwise they are Shams and Invalid. When other nations hold Elections and use the Democratic Method, that is a called a Sham.

Remember the faces of these two Ladies that will be bringing the Fatima Prophecies to life in the coming months about a Nuclear conflict with Russia.

The NATO Alliance which is really just the UK and America is hiding behind the facade of NATO and the EU and the UN. It is really just the UK and America that are the primary drivers of this war against Russia. And they will be the primary targets of the Russian counter attack. Some nations will cease to exist in the future, remember from the Fatima Prophecies - we are now on the path of Russia annihilating nations.
Since Russia has not yet en masse converted to the Catholic Dragon Faith after the Pope’s Consecration, the alternative timeline now opens up where Russia goes WW3 Nuclear because the Ritual failed.
Russia is still Christian Orthodox and has no wish to leave this status and convert to a Faith that hides Dragons and Snakes and Locusts in its Architecture to deceive and fool the sheeple followers. Previous post on this topic. And now Russia is threatening the Collective West to Nuclear Weapons. Connect the Dots.
If you are still waiting for an official Declaration of War by Russia, will this speech suffice as evidence or are you still waiting for the Nukes to land before you announce the official Declaration?
The goal of the West to weaken and to eventually destroy our country. They speak directly about in 1991. They managed to divide the Soviet Union and now the time has come to do the same with Russia, that it should collapse into many regions that will be at war with each other and these are the plans. They have been happening for a long time. They were promoting armed groups in caucus.
They were putting NATO infrastructure close to our borders and for decades, they were cultivating hatred to Russia, first of all, in Ukraine, that the returning into anti Russia hate speech and they turned the Ukrainian people into cannon fodder and they pushed them to start the war against our country. They started this war back in 2014.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Speech 9/21/2022
The signs should be clear, Putin and the Russian Federation (with the backing of the Chinese and the BRICS) are on a path of War and the War inevitably according to the Fatima Prophecies goes Nuclear. If you reside in America or the UK time to prepare and get your affairs in order, as the time is short. But if WW3 did start in 2014 and not 2022 then is another timeline in play?
Full Transcript of Putin Speech to the Russian Federation 9/20-21/2022 below for paid subscribers.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Speech 9/21/2022
Your friends for the sake of my address the situation in Donbass and the special military operation on this liberation from Neo Nazi regime that seized power in Ukraine in 2014. As a result of the armed coup d'état. I address you all the citizen of our country people of various generations and age to the people of our great homeland.
To all has united, great historic Russia to soldiers and officers and volunteers who are now fighting at the front line. Who are are fighting position to our brothers and sisters, people of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions and other liberated territories liberated from Neo Nazi regime.
I am going to speak about the necessary emergency steps to defend the sovereignty security and territorial integrity of Russia about the support of willingness and aspiration of our compatriots to define their own future and to counter the desire of the Western leaders who want to preserve their supremacy. And they want to suppress any sovereign, independent centers of development to continue to blindly enforce their will on other countries and peoples to impose their pseudo values on them.
The goal of the West to weaken and to eventually destroy our country. They speak directly about in 1991. They managed to divide the Soviet Union and now the time has come to do the same with Russia, that it should collapse into many regions that will be at war with each other and these are the plans. They have been happening for a long time. They were promoting armed groups in caucus.
They were putting NATO infrastructure close to our borders and for decades, they were cultivating hatred to Russia, first of all, in Ukraine, that the returning into anti Russia hate speech and they turned the Ukrainian people into cannon fodder and they pushed them to start the war against our country. They started this war back in 2014. They were using it towards us against civilians.
They organized genocide and terror against the people who refuse to recognize the power that came to power in Ukraine as a result of coup d'état and offered today's Kiev regime basically publicly refused to resolve the issue of Donbass peacefully and they started talking about their willingness to have nuclear weapons.
It became absolutely clear that the large scale assault in Donbass like it happened two times before is inevitable. And then it would have led to the assault on the Russian Crimea on the Russian Federation.
That's why the decision about the pre-emptive military operation was the only possible step. Its main goal is to liberate the entire territory of Donbass have always been the main goal and top priority the Lugansk People's Republic has been almost completely liberated from Neo Nazis.
There is still fighting going on in the Donetsk People's Republic. Over eight here is Kiev regime has created multi layered defensive infrastructure and assaulting them directly would have resulted in how the heavy casualties that why our armed forces and armed forces of the Donbass Republic's are trying to save lives and military equipment, and they are moving step by step gradually liberating their territories and the cities and towns of the Republic's.
They are liberating people who Kiev regime turns into [inaudible] as you know, professional soldiers are participating in the special military operation who have contracts with the armed forces and there are volunteer units who fight shoulder to shoulder with them, people of various age and professions.
They followed the call of their heart to defend the people in the territory have done pass. That's why I have instructed the Ministry of Defense to determine the legal status of a volunteer and obey fighters of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.
They should have the same legal status as soldiers so the Russian army, including healthcare and social guarantees and the special attention should be paid to organizing supplies for the volunteer units with equipment and material to resolve the priority of tasks to depend on this our forces using the plans and decisions of the Ministry of Defense and General Staff have liberated vast territories of the Kherson in Zaporozhye regions and number of other territories. As a result, there is a long line of contact that is longer greater than 1000 kilometers.
And here's what I want to see publicly for the first time after the beginning of a special military operation, including during the talks in Istanbul the Kiev representatives reacted to our suggestions and proposals quite positively and we talked about guaranteeing security of Russia and guaranteeing its interest.
But it was obvious that the West was not happy with the peaceful resolution. So after the compromise was reached, Kiev was directly instructed to undermine all the agreements, more weapons were pumped into Ukraine, the key freezing use new gang so mercenaries and new analysis and the union strain by the NATO standard and lapped by the Western instructors joined the fight at the same time reprisals across Ukraine against their own citizens strengthen and it started right up for the coup d'etat armed coup d'etat 2014 intimidation policy terror violence has been becoming more and more massive, more and more barbaric.
I would like to emphasize we are aware that most people who leave at the liberated territories first of all I'm talking about the historic lands of New Russia they don't want to be under the Neo Nazis regime. In Zaporozhye in Kherson in Lugansk in Donetsk they can see the atrocities that Neo Nazis are carrying out in the areas they captured. Followers of Bandera Neo Nazi death squad, they torturing people, they put them to prison.
They retaliate. against civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic in Zaporozhye in Kherson regions before hostilities is more more than 7.5 million people used to live many of them had to become refugees to leave their homes and those who stayed I am talking about some 5 million people. They have to leave on their constant shelling and rocket attacks against Neo Nazi gangs. They are carrying out terrorist attacks against civilians. And we have no right to people who are close to us to these tortures.
We have to listen to their call who they want to determine their own future their own faith the Parliament of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics and administration of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions made a decision about carrying out referenda about the future of this regions and they appealed to us to rush it to support this decision.
I would like to emphasize we will do everything to provide safe conditions to hold the referenda so that they could express their will and make the decision about their future and the decision that will be made by the majority of the people of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.
We will support these decisions. To date our armed forces, as I have said are acting along more than 1000 kilometer long frontline. They are fighting not just against NASA units but against the collective west war machine.
And in this situation, I think the following steps have to be taken and it is completely adequate towards the threat that we are facing, namely, to defend our Motherland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity to defend safety of the people at the liberated territories.
I think we should suggest the proposal of the Ministry of Defense and General Staff about starting partial mobilization in the Russian Federation. Once again, we're talking about partial mobilization only those citizens who are currently in the reserve will be called upon.
First of all those who have certain experience who served in the army who has necessary skills and competence they will have additional military training, or they will be sent to the units considering the experience of the special military operation.
The decree on partial mobilization has been signed in accordance with the legislation will inform about that chambers of the Federal Assembly and the State Duma the mobilization will be launched today, starting with September 21st. I instruct the heads of the regions to give any possible support in this effort.
I would like to emphasize especially that the citizens of Russia who will be mobilized will receive the status and all the social guarantees in all the payments that the soldiers who have contracts with the army have and the decree on the partial mobilization also stipulates certain additional measures on the state contract for the military industrial complex.
Because these companies and have the direct responsibility to increase the number of the military equipment to use additional industrial capacities, and all the matters of the research and financial support of the military industrial enterprises should be resolved by the government immediately.
Dear friends, in their aggressive anti Russian policies, the West has crossed the line. We keep hearing threats against our country against our people. Certain irresponsible politicians from the west didn't just say about their plans to supply long range assault weapons to train systems that would allow them to strike Crimea and other regions of Russia.
Such terrorist attacks, including using the Western weapons are also used on them. The Belgorod and tourist regions, using the contemporary systems have the Asian satellites strategic unmanned aerial vehicles.
The NATO is performing reconnaissance across the entire Russian border. In Washington, London, Brussels, they push keep to try to move teh hostilities to our territories. They didn't even hide it when they are saying that Russia should be destroyed at the field of battle. And they should deprive us of any kind of sovereignty.
They should rob our country of everything they have started nuclear blackmail. I'm not only talking about the attacks against a Russian nuclear power station that is promoted by the Western leaders, but I'm talking about the statements about high level representatives of the NATO countries about the possibility of using weapons of mass destruction against Russia nuclear weapons, and those who make such statements against Russia.
I would like to remind them that our country also possesses various type of like weapons. And in some components, we have more modern weapons than NATO countries.
And if the territorial integrity of our countries threaten to defend and protect our country and our people, we will use all the means that we have and I'm not bluffing. The citizens of Russia can be confident that we will defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country and I would like to emphasize it with any means that we have in our possession and those who are trying to blackmail us with nuclear weapons.
So we'd like to remind them that the wind can blow towards them as well.
In the destiny of our people. It is to stop those who want to dominate the world who want to enslave our homeland, our fatherland. And we will do that now as well. That's how it will happen. I trust in your support.
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