We are adding an important update to this post from last night. A number of new data points have emerged. The October Surprise time be fast approaching in these last few days of October 2022.
The Kremlin is confirming, and Gonzalo Lira analyst/reporter living in the Ukraine is also confirming the raw intel. The Americans and the British are conspiring to use a dirty nuke and blame Russia to escalate the War so that the pretend President Biden and the Chahad Cult Member Comedian Actor Zelensky can win over the public.
Ukraine 'dirty bomb' threat is real - Kremlin
There is a clear danger that Ukraine might use a “dirty bomb” during its conflict with Moscow, the Kremlin has said. The statement came after the Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Kiev wanted to resort to weapons of mass destruction in order to frame Russia.
A so-called dirty bomb is usually understood to be a conventional munition containing radioactive material.
“Their distrust of the information that has been relayed by the Russian side does not mean that the threat of the use of such a ‘dirty bomb’ ceases to exist. The threat is evident,” Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, told reporters on Monday.
What we posted just last night on 10/23/22 is below, see how quickly things changed.
This particular Act of Escalation and Provocation being planned by the NATO Nazi Alliance may be the one final trigger event catalyst that starts the use of much larger missile strikes. It may be the Nuclear Power Plant that is used as a Nuclear Weapon. The podcast is with Dr. Francis Boyle and Alex Jones from October 17, 2022 as the good doctor explains how we are “sleepwalking into World War Three.”
What will happen if this NATO Nazi operation succeeds? Here are some dominoes;
Russia and NATO Nazi Alliance members will break diplomatic relations
Breaking of diplomatic relations signals an imminent on the ground War with NATO
NATO Nazis will attempt to remove Russia from the UN Security Council
Without diplomatic relations Russia becomes a stateless enemy to finish without rules
The Winning Move would be to go Nuclear First in a no win situation for Russia
Russia can respond with an attack on America’s exposed financial underbelly PetroDollar
Gonzalo Lira is another analyst to listen to as he is in the Ukraine and provides an on the ground reporting view of where this war is now heading. This Nuclear False Flag may be used by the NATO Nazi Alliance as the pretext and excuse they need to say we now need to act against Russia and they will launch an offensive campaign against Russia and Belarus.
The troop staging and deployments are being detected by analysts such as Lira and Monkeywerx now. The chess pieces are being moved into place by each side for a major escalation in this war which is WW3, but it has not gone Nuclear as of yet. And all of it was illegal and outside the authority of the pretend President Biden. A full global criminal conspiracy in play to take this hot.
Indeed, even the New York Times reported that there are US special forces currently fighting in Ukraine itself, that would clearly be governed by the War Powers resolution of 1973. And the War Powers, laws, and Biden of the Constitution. And Biden has no no authority, and currently is in violation of those sources of authorities, as well, as the other mentioned in my bill of impeachment.
Dr. Francis Boyle
The Russian Defence Minister is calling NATO Defence Ministers to warn them of an impending Nuclear Dirty Bomb type of False Flag event by the Ukrainians themselves on Ukraine to blame Russia to justify NATO entering a Nuclear posture.
Russian, British defence ministers discuss Ukraine in phone call
Oct 23 (Reuters) - Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu held a telephone call with his British counterpart Ben Wallace on Sunday to discuss the situation in Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported, citing the defence ministry.
Shoigu told Wallace that Russia was concerned Kyiv could be preparing to use a "dirty bomb" in Ukraine - a claim he also made in calls with the French and Turkish defence ministers earlier on Sunday. Russia has published no evidence to support the claim.

So far we have only seen Russia using drones that attack small buildings and trucks, but they have larger missiles that can take out entire cities. Those will come into play if this Act of Escalation and Provocation being planned by the NATO Nazi Alliance is not stopped, very soon in the near future.
Russia causes billions of dollars of damage in attacks on Ukraine since 10 October
Since October 10, Russia has hit at least half of Ukraine's thermal generation capacity, causing it to suffer billions of dollars of damage due to missile attacks.
Halushchenko emphasised that 30-40% of the country’s energy infrastructure had been affected during the attacks, which aimed at destroying the energy system of Ukraine – a goal that he said had not been achieved.
Why is NATO Nazi Alliance planning another False Flag attack? Because they are losing badly after they decided to escalate with the attack on the Crimean Bridge. After that attack Russia has unleashed the dogs and is now destroying the energy grid of the Ukraine, before the troops entering to clean up or occupy the capital of Kiev.
Their supply lines are about to be cut off and the energy grid in the Ukraine is getting degraded down by the day and by November the entire grid may be down. Ukraine faces a dark cold winter in 2022 without electricity and relentless Russian shelling.

So the time for the NATO Nazi Alliance is now or it will be too late to fix. They have days and weeks left to escalate now or lose badly in winter and hence the warning from Russian Defence Minster Shoigu.

The key nation to watch in all of this provocations is the nation of Poland. After the Ukraine, the nation mos tin danger of annihilation bordering the Ukraine would be Poland. That is where most of the NATO Nazi Alliance resupplies its Ukrainian Nazi fighters and mercenaries.
And remember in the simulation exercise that now seems to have gone Live, Poland was given the EMP treatment and what are the Russians doing now in the Ukraine for the last few weeks, they are attacking the energy power grid just as per simulation.
What are the prospects for Peace now? Almost Zero. The Peace will come after thus great war WW3 finally ends with a clear victor. No Peace until then. Because our dear elected misleaders will not and cannot allow Peace because their Paymasters know how to control their puppets and have their own Agenda to follow. Peace is not profitable. War is where all the money is made. No Business like the War business.
Who do you believe that this point in the War? The NATO Nazis or the Russians?
Because if you believe the NATO Nazis, here is the problem, a dirty nuke explosive device is in play in the Ukraine, perhaps in the Mykolaiv region. The problem is neither side is denying a device is in play. They are not really denying the device, they are denying who will use such a device first. And remember all 4 recent breakaway regions are now under Martial Law. It shows just how serious the situation is now.
Kiev denies Moscow’s ‘dirty bomb’ allegations
“Firstly, Ukraine is a committed NPT (non-proliferation treaty) member: we neither have any ‘dirty bombs’ nor plan to acquire any. Secondly, Russians often accuse others of what they plan themselves,” the minister said.
According to the British Defense Ministry’s readout of the conversation between its head, Ben Wallace, and his Russian counterpart Shoigu, the Russian minister “alleged that Ukraine was planning actions facilitated by Western countries, including the UK, to escalate the conflict in Ukraine.”
Wallace “refuted these claims” and warned Shoigu that “such allegations should not be used as a pretext for greater escalation,” the ministry said.
One UK PM is thrown out and another WEF penetrated Drone enters the picture. Now the richest man in parliament is set to Deindustrialize the UK into the stone age.
The outgoing and incoming were both WEF stooges and the spare was the Labour Party candidate Starmer who was you guessed it also another WEF bastard child.

Whether on the left or the right, they were all compromised closet criminals?

In such dark Times when we have lost control of our Governments, Shine the Light on the Truth and Speak Truth to Power. Make Memes not War.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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