Corona Times News
How to Merge Humans into the Borg using Covid-19 Vaccines
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How to Merge Humans into the Borg using Covid-19 Vaccines

Karen Kingston breaks down the patents and the bio weaponry known as the Covid-19 Vaccines

More confirmation that the Covid-19 Vaccines were designed as a spreading vector. It was the ultimate reversal. They were designed to spread the disease further, rather than to reduce the disease transmission and spread. Spread it at the Quantum Nano Scale outside of our field of awareness and knowledge. It was Deceit Magnified and Entangled at the Quantum Nano level using a bio-weapon called mRNA Vaccines.

Quantum dots are less than 1/100th the size of a micron.

(Most viruses are several microns in size).

While quantum dots cannot be seen by the human eye, the effects of quantum dots are not ‘invisible’ to our bodies.

The electromagnetic fields and frequencies emitted by quantum dots can cause emotional, psychological, and physical disease and dysfunction in our bodies.

Quantum dots can be used as neuroweapons and can cause severe disruptions to your emotions, energy, phsycical abilities and your ability to think straight (brain fog).

Karen Kingston

Another Occult Reversal also known as Lying in your Face. They were marketed as Safe and Effective and now the Excess Deaths Data cannot be suppressed.

A tell tale sign of the Luciferian Hidden Forces and Principalities at work behind the scenes when you see Lying at this Scale. It was all about the scale, from the Global Pandemic scale to the Quantum Nano scale. That was how grand their vision was. And also how grand a deception it was and how pivotal this project is to their plans.

What are they doing at the Nano Scale with these Vaccines? It was what we covered in our post on BioSyn Transhumanism technology and the Biden executive order that gave birth to Borgs or Hybrids. The mixing of biology with Ai technology.

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So I have new information today where I want to go through the patterns to verify some of what we talked about, as well as talk about quantum dots, because that's the backbone technology and energy of this AI bioweapon. And you know, it's a bio weapon, because it's part biology and part technology. And that's what biotech always was, right?

It's the merger of technology. And now we know that's AI, with biology, including the human body. So I wanted to go through, you know, patterns that show that's always been the intention with COVID-19.

Karen Kingston

We are now learning that the War on the Human Body was being waged at the Quantum Nano Scale. You need a special microscope to even see what is going on in this War inside our bodies, and then on top of that you need to have the knowledge base to decipher what you are even seeing on the screen.

Part 5: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: Why are Quantum Dots in the COVID-19 Injections? Karen Kingston

Do you see how specialized this knowledge base is and how few people can operate at this space? Karen Kingston one of the few who both knows this space and who is also speaking Truth to Power in this space. She is also writes on substack.

The Kingston Report
Part 5: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: Why are Quantum Dots in the COVID-19 Injections?
Quantum dots and other nanotechnologies are foreign terms to most of us. They are alien concepts difficult for many people to comprehend even exist. Although not well-known, nanotechnologies such as quantum dot, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), have been used in consumer electronic devices, healthcare products, foods & beverage, military neuroweapons, and medical device research and applications for over a decade…
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What we are looking at is the Hive Mind backbone for the Ai to operate with Human Host bodies aka the Borgification of the Human species. The Mixing of Iron with Clay stuff. Yes that stuff from the Bible remember?

Mixing Iron and Clay

Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Dan 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

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Well its looks like that time is here now when this Vaccines was the method to inject a bio-weapon into the Human host body so that it would spawn and control as its merges with its human host body. The stuff of the Bible and Hollywood films with the Westworld Season 4 Ai Tones to control Game players who were the Human Host bodies controlled by the powerful Ai Hive Mind.

It are going to do it as far as we can tell connecting these disparate dots that the Quantum Dot backbone will be the Key technology to accomplish this mission.

I mean, it looks again, which which is the intelligent sensor, intelligent platform with its own cognitive function that's spawning in your body, and which is the spike protein.

So it says here that it's for creating spawning. I mean, Satan spawns.

Comprising ,modifying, repairing, regenerating, reassembling control and regulation of one or more cells.

Now, what do we talked about earlier? What can what can ThermoFisher's do?

It can tag with quantum dot individual cells send and receive signals from the quantum field? And what is this going to do? It can control or regulate one or more cells?

Karen Kingston

Tag them and then like the Hive Mind control them remotely and make them sicker remotely as well, what a powerful hidden technology that was Safe and Effective.

Did we get the Reversal yet of Safe and Effective? It was not Safe, that was the Reversal. But Yes is was Effective, but not for the purpose you assumed. That was the other Reversal. It was Effective as in the most Effective way to delivery a bio-weapon payload into billions of Human Host bodies.

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Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.

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Until we meet again.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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