Corona Times News
How the Chinese Red Dawn Invasion will unfold

How the Chinese Red Dawn Invasion will unfold

According to a leaked audio tape that may be another PsyOp or maybe not?

Lude Media and Jennifer Zeng and Mike Adams are the leads on this story. A leaked audio of a CCP PLA meeting discussing a Chinese Red Dawn Invasion on America or another nation perhaps Taiwan, but either way it was a War preparation meeting.

【Top Secret Recording】 War Mobilization Meeting of the Southern War Zone of the PLA: Guangdong Province in The State of War

According to the spirit of the instructions from above, combined with the actual situation in our province, it is recommended that in accordance with the principle of a rapid and orderly Normal to War status transition, military planning, and mobilization, we will focus on the following three tasks.

First, the construction of a national defense mobilization command system.

Second, the implementation of a wartime work mechanism.

Third, wartime control preparation.

Next, please discuss and make speeches.

Comrades, the strategic decisive victory is related to the great cause of our national rejuvenation and the future fate of our country. It will also impact the world's strategic pattern. The Normal to War transition is a key move to win the overall war, the decisive battle of our country, and the people's war in the new era. We must do it quickly and well.

Nations don’t start Wars because they want to lose. Nations start Wars because they think they can Win. What does losing to China mean for America and really the rest of North America? How does the CCP PLA treat its own peoples? What is happening in Shanghai? That should give you an idea of what they intend to do with Americans.

When you are devoid of a religious foundation and you run a Godless Empire then morality is not even an issue because right and down are clear there only one rule that determines what is right and wrong and that is the CCP PLA authority which is the ultimate Godless Empire expanding its reach and territory.

Political map - China

China is moving from a “Normal to War” Economy. It is shifting its entire economy to a war footing. Why would it do that if it was not preparing for an attack or preparing to be attacked. It is probably both because when the CCP PLA attacks America they expect to be attacked that was part of the meeting discussion.

Chiefs, according to the State Council Central Military Commission’s Normal to War transition instructions, and the decision of the provincial party committee standing committee, the province has completed the establishment of the military command structure at all levels as of 18:00 on April 18.

Mike Adams in the podcast explains the details of the plan;

But but first off this, so called leaked recording, this war mobilization meeting, that is said to have taken place in the southern Warzone of the People's Liberation Army, the Guangdong Province, where these war leaders, generals and so on, are discussing their plans for a war.

And there are well war mobilization, converting the entire China economy over to wartime economic output, they are talking about a flotilla of hundreds of cargo craft.

What else are they talking about? There's so many things here their drone production, satellite warfare, and also talking about civil unrest and mass riots in Chinese cities, that they will have to put down using their police forces. It's as if they are anticipating China being invaded, after China stages its own invasion of someone else.  

When will the Chinese Red Dawn Invasion will unfold?

But what JR Nyquist has concluded from this also layered in with his accent have knowledge of Communist China, their war posturing, as well as Russia. And the old Soviet Union, JR Nyquist, has seemingly concluded that what these Chinese military leaders are actually discussing is an imminent land invasion of the United States using hundreds, perhaps 900 Plus cargo craft that are disguised as a flotilla of merchant ships, in other words, you know, container ships, but are actually carrying military personnel, equipment, and so on.

And there's actually a list of what they're loading onto the chips that's in this meeting audio, I'm gonna read that for you here coming up. But JR Nyquist, is he seems to believe that this indicates what I've called a Chinese D Day, a Chinese attack on the continental United States.

And that the timing of this according to information that Nyquist has so far now, just for the record, Nyquist is still being cautious about this, because there are efforts still underway to vet the voices, you know, to try to authenticate a match the voices on this recording.

But he believes that there's there is information, pointing to a potential target date of the first of November of this year. Although this recording does not specifically name the United States as the target just just to be clear. Now, one of the big aha was from from this is the fact that there is confirmation from JR Nyquist, that Russia and China are working together to conquer the United States.

The Russian Invasion was a Distraction? Watch out folks on the West Coast.

But the bigger picture is that Russia is actually the distraction to occupy US military forces and pull them into that front. So that, like I said, China can invade the United States and achieve a landing on the West Coast, while also pulling troops down from Canada into Washington State and invading from the southern regions, Southern California, across the southern border from Mexico.

Why did China install a weak and senile clone into the Whitehouse? Because he was the perfect hand puppet for them to control. Totally compromised and therefore totally bought and paid for and owned as slaves.

I mean, they've got the Biden family completely blackmailed. So the theory is that China could invade the United States, because the military would be told to stand down by the Commander in Chief, which is, well currently claimed to be Joe Biden, but it's not actually I mean, President Trump is still the president.

It's just that Biden is you know, faking, like he's the president. But could Biden tell the military to stand down and allow America to be invaded? Well, George Bush did it on 911 told the military to stand down, and they did. And then we were attacked in a false flag operation.

But this what we're talking about now, a Chinese invasion of America is not just a false flag, this is this is the invasion and occupation of the continental United States. And we would have to hope that there are some sane people still in the Pentagon, or the command structure or the Navy, who would say, you know, screw the chain of command, we're not going to stand down, we're going to start attacking this flotilla of invading ships that are making their way to the West Coast.

We made a post on the Ghosts in the Machine PsyOp and the UFO Hearings PsyOp and now you have the China CCP PLA version of planned PysOp. It is a hot market in the PsyOp business. They will be sold on Fiverr soon there is so much demand and available supply.

Corona Times News
UFO Hearings PsyOp explained
The UFO Hearing is being chaired by Senator Adam Schiff. Yes that Jewish American Senator Adam Schiff whose son wears a Mossad T-shirt in public. Why is that relevant? It is a question of affiliation and allegiance. Who do you serve that is the question? Do you serve is Israle or America? It is question of loyalty? Who do you think Jewish American Senat…
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Okay. All right, one more section from the transcript. And this is the final section that I'm going to share with you here. You're gonna find the shocking here it is. First, we need to strengthen the protection in the political field.

Look at the recent several regional wars, especially the Russian Ukrainian conflict war situation. If you look at the big picture, the United States and the West will try everything to slander us, smear us, in an attempt to confuse right and wrong, to shake our will to win a just and decisive battle.

We must give full play to public opinion, legal struggle, psychological war, ie Psyops and militia teams to strengthen the guidance of public opinion, and psychological protection, and cohesion of patriotic support for the positive energy on the military front.

But in authoritarian societies, people tend to riot more quickly, because they don't feel like they have representatives. They don't have a voice. They don't have any way to say no to the decisions being made by their government.

So China's already talking about, you know, massive Psyops and then they say, quote, second, give full play to the advantages of the People's War, you know, to play up like war is good, right?

Fully learn from the experience of epidemic prevention and control in previous years. In other words, they're going to take everything they did to their citizens during COVID, which was brutal and which violated human rights, but was highly highly effective at silencing, you know, any dissent and then, quote, fully mobilized grassroots organizations widely mobilized cadre, and masses whenever that is organized military, police and civilian forces, launch grid control, create an atmosphere of national preparedness, improve the people's ability to withstand In a war and disaster, so that the enemies and spies have no place to hide, okay?

Are you ready America for China to pay a small visit? Have you sorted out your affairs with God and Country? Take to get things right on all fronts and prepare for a tomorrow that will be very different than the rest of days.

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