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Here we go again, Covid Regulations starting again in September 2023?

Here we go again, Covid Regulations starting again in September 2023?

A source within the the TSA has spilled the beans to the Jones

If you had listened to Alex Jones prior to 2019 you would have know to never take death shots from a Government engaged in Democide; Death by Government. You would have clued in because you had already received and read the Memo. If you missed that memo please do not miss this one.

We are in August 2023 at time of writing and we warning you that Biden pretend presidency to please his Jesuit and Chinese pay Masters is going with another repeat performance of the Covid-19 fiasco of Vaccines, Masks, Mandates, and Lockdowns.

We have covered these topics on previous posts so please read those briefs to see the evidence. So rather than discounting the Jones listen to the Jones, as he has been ahead of the curve on all of this mess. If you had listened to the Jones and ignored his rants and focused on his substance of his Intel then you would have know the Covid-19 Pandemic was pre-planned as hence a Plandemic scamdemic from the start. And now they are boldly like tyrants repeating the same play from the same 201 playbook.

How many times have I told you we have sources. How many times have I told you we have the intel and it's 99% right when it comes to whistleblowers. These are people that stick their necks out to talk to me that I know personally.

I'm not gonna go any further than that. But they've been told new lockdowns are coming. They've been told how it's gonna be rolled out, and what they were told by their superiors is exactly fitting in with the larger UN plan.

Ladies and gentlemen, I got a call yesterday, an individual was in town and they wanted to meet with me that I know well, and they are a high level manager in the TSA. And I went and met with them and had a cup of coffee with them and they said, you got to warn people. Tuesday we got called in, the managers, and told that by the middle of September that the new policy is being written, that this is done.

They were told, this is happening, this is not hypothetical. You will all have to wear mask again, and so will airport employees. Then by the middle of October they are going to say that everyone flying has to wear a mask.

And in the meetings, people began to ask them, well, I mean, why is this happening? They said, well, because of the new variant in Canada and because of the WHO. They may declare this, but regardless, we've been told this is going to happen. And then they were told, we expect by December a return to the full COVID Protocol of 2020 2021.

Alex Jones August 18, 2023

Either the reasoning is pure desperation on the part of the Biden pretend presidency, or something else even bigger must be cooking in the background to merit such an extreme response. And that is even more alarming than this news.

What is this time for the sudden Covid-19 measures and mandates? They are going for a new Variant from Canada this time. Blame the Canadians and let us see what happens. These fools did try that 2 years ago and the Canadian Bear sudden awoke from the depths of winter in Ottawa with the Trucker Convoy that shut down the entire mandate mess. That protest works, but do not fooled into thinking otherwise.

That protest of non-compliance changed that Covid-19 Plandemic timeline forever. The people stood up and said No. And soon after the Media Presstitutes discovered a new Variant to cover called the Ukraine. They are still covering that Variant, but there too they are getting tired and need a new topic to distract our attention towards.

Will it be Fire like Hawaii and Canada Season combined with Flu Season this year in 2023? Answer, Yes. So far we have the worst fire season in Canada and in some locations there the entire town is being evacuated.

A short summary free of BS of what this intel means;

  • This much pre-planning and fore knowledge clearly indicates to the naked eye it is being planned and is therefore not a natural event, but rather carefully staged.

  • The Biden pretend presidency is badly losing the War on the Ukraine Variant with Russia, so rather than be nice they are choosing be more Demonic.

  • This time the Mandates will not end no matter how much you protest. They have taken your little plans for protest and waiving the flag into careful consideration and adjusted and counter planned accordingly.

  • This time Compliance will be enforced even more harshly otherwise their plans will fail quickly. Failing means they are losing control over the the unwashed masses. And losing control is not an option for the Klaus Schwab WEF WHO types. This time it will be Do or Die for them to exert the Agenda 2030 plans.

  • Fool me once, but Fool me how many times with Death Stabbies, seriously.

  • Shock Therapy works if you the one doing the reaping as in if you the The Rapist as in the therapist or Therapist, because it was all there in the spelling and in the words themselves hidden in plain sight waiting for careful consideration.

Time for choices on your part, because it looks like They have already chosen Dishonor once again. Stay in Honor and in Non-Compliance.

We are not helpless worms. We are not legless spineless jellyfish. We do not have to sit here and take the same criminal, UN, global WEF, new world order regimes, second rollout of lockdowns and attempts at force injections and travel restrictions and being told you're nonessential. We don't have to lay down and die.

So you have 20 million people dying from the shots, you have all sorts of illnesses, it's all going to be blamed on COVID the heart attacks the myocarditis the blood clots the strokes because it's all kicking in now. Some people die in just a few days or few weeks most people die years later. So the studies show in mice mice most of them don't die right away they die in a few months. Well in mouse life that's a few years in humans.

Alex Jones August 18, 2023

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