Is Freedom of Speech dead or alive in Canada? Technically speaking, Canada does not have Freedom of Speech legislation, it has Freedom of Expression provisions.
Free speech and expression are rights against the government. They are not rights against other people.
Why is that relevant? Because as the Trucker Convoy protests showed us that there are limits to the Freedom of Speech or in the case of Canada, Freedom of Expression.
The Freedom ends when the Government feels threatened and claims that the Trucker Convoy protests are violating the rights of people in this case the residents of Ottawa and hence the legislation to stop Truckers from Honking.
Honking was used as a tool to limit Freedom of Expression because it was harming others as claimed by the Government.
There are categories of Speech that are not Protected such as;
Threats to commit a crime
Child pornography
And this brings us to the point of this podcast and the speech by Dr. Daniel Nagase, an Emergency Room Doctor in Vancouver, Canada. This speech was delivered at University of British Columbia where apparently the famous “lipid nanoparticles” technology was first developed.
If Freedom of Expression exists in Canada, why is it not being enforced?
If Freedom of Expression laws are clear about what is protected and not protected then under what legislation are Government authorities and leaders allowed to inject their electorate with a deadly vaccine that causes sterilization?
The spike protein has been put into the human genome into at least 1.25 billion people on this planet. And if that gene is silent, there's no way that I can tell that gene is there. I won't be able to tell until problems start happening in their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. This is the magnitude of evil we are dealing with. We are dealing with people who have the money, the power to pollute the entire human genome. And I'm sorry I should have been on to this four months ago.
- Dr. Nagase
The simple answer is there is no such law because the laws are meant to protect the people whether is it from honking or from vaccines. The application of the law should be just as blind as the justice being done. That is why the Lady Justice has a blindfold over her eyes when holding the scales of justice.
So then how in the name of the Creator did we allow UBC to develop a technology that harms people so directly and why did Government officials promote and coerce the population to take an unsafe vaccine?
That is why Dr. Nagase explains the power of Ideas and it is this idea that people should be protected by the law and not harmed because of it.
Where is the application of the Law to protect peoples?
The mistake we are making as he did is that we are putting our trust in Governments that are actually harming us rather than protecting us and using legislation to selectively insulate themselves while exposing the population to harm and injury.
This was a short, but very powerful speech by Dr. Nagase and the Transcript has been provided below so you can allow along.
And one of the things that I talked about when talking about cancer was reverse transcriptase. How the story that you've been told that mRNA doesn't change the DNA is a lie. Because bodies human bodies have something called reverse transcriptase, which can turn mRNA into DNA. And once something is turned into DNA, it can change the cell for the rest of that cells life.
Full Transcript of Dr. Nagase Speech
Dr. Daniel Nagase
Thank you all for coming. It is good to see all your faces. I have a bit of a sobering message today. And it's about leadership and mistakes. And I'll start off with a mistake that I just realized that I made this past week. And it's a big mistake. Because I think because of this, we're gonna lose about a billion children and I'll tell you how it happened. After November the third I did a speech in front of City Hall.
And one of the things that I talked about when talking about cancer was reverse transcriptase. How the story that you've been told that mRNA doesn't change the DNA is a lie. Because bodies human bodies have something called reverse transcriptase, which can turn mRNA into DNA. And once something is turned into DNA, it can change the cell for the rest of that cells life.
A couple of weeks after that speech at Vancouver City Hall on November the third, I was on a Zoom call with some pretty famous people. And I brought up the topic of reverse transcriptase. And an expert in the field of cell biology and genetics, someone who had devoted his life to researching cell biology and genetics. He said, Oh, Dr. Nagase don't worry about reverse transcriptase.
That's not a significant problem and because I'm an emergency doctor, and the last time I actually studied cell biology was 20 years ago. I thought, well, this guy probably knows what he's doing. He's famous, he's reputable. He has tons of credentials. So I stopped thinking about reverse transcriptase.
That was four months ago. If I had had stuck to my guns, kept my mind thinking. Instead of listening to an expert, I would have brought you this message four months ago. And the message is this reverse transcriptase, causing liver cancer, immune cancer, lymphatic cancers. That's only one part of the problem.
The problem as was leaked by a Japanese study last summer, was that the lipid nanoparticles made here in UBC with your money. They were designed to target three organs the liver, the spleen, and ovaries. And here's the thing. Had I kept thinking about reverse transcriptase, talking about reverse transcriptase. I would have realized four months ago that ovaries have reverse transcriptase too, to any mother, any mother to be, even if she is not pregnant yet.
If she gets an mRNA vaccine, that mRNA if it's using the UBC technology, the UBC lipid nanoparticle technology. Those mRNAs are going to go to the ovaries. And guess what? In the eggs, there's reverse transcriptase. And when there's reverse transcriptase, that spike protein mRNA gets changed into DNA. And when it's changed into the DNA, it can go inside the egg cells and permanently change the DNA for future generations.
If you're lucky that DNA change will happen in a reading frame. And what a reading frame is, it's the part of the DNA that gets transcribed into proteins and that spike protein is so toxic, that any embryo made from that egg will die. That's only a part of the problem. There are things throughout the human genome called non reading frames, there's DNA that stays silent, that is never transcribed into proteins until the next generation. So if that spike protein DNA created from spike protein mRNA, from the Pfizer or Moderna jabs.
If that gets inserted into a non reading frame, that mutation is silent. It is hidden inside the DNA of that egg cell which means an embryo will when that egg cell is fertilized, can grow into a normal embryo, a normal child, a normal adult, except for one thing. There is a hidden spike protein mutation in the DNA that the adult doesn't know about, because it's silent.
And it will only show up when that adult tries to have another child and that DNA goes undergo something called recombination where nature mixes the genes from that adults mother and father to create a new human being and during that mixing process sometimes silent DNA segments get reactivated.
Five billion people have been injected so far on this planet. Half of them are women. Two and a half billion, half of them will be women who are young enough to have children. There are 1.25 billion carriers of mutations in the egg cell line of their bodies 1.25 million women who are capable of giving birth to children who carry something that has never been seen before in the human species in the entire human genome.
And that is the spike protein. The spike protein has been put into the human genome into at least 1.25 billion people on this planet. And if that gene is silent, there's no way that I can tell that gene is there. I won't be able to tell until problems start happening in their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. This is the magnitude of evil we are dealing with. We are dealing with people who have the money, the power to pollute the entire human genome. And I'm sorry I should have been on to this four months ago.
But I made the mistake of listening to an expert. So I know everyone wants to have faith in their leaders. But I want everyone here to have faith in something greater than a leader. Because leaders are human. They make mistakes. They figure out the truth too late. I want us all to be united with ideas. united under the Creator because this is a massive war. And unfortunately in part due to me, I think we've lost the first battle but there's many more battles to come. And in order to win this we are going to see our leaders fall, leaders who tried their best and made mistakes. We're gonna see leaders corrupted with money, torture, jail time.
But the one thing that doesn't die because leaders can be killed we've seen that happen in human history leaders who tried to do the right thing, leaders who were not corruptible. They get assassinated, and then their movement dies. So I have a solution. I have a solution. I want you to share with everyone that is capable of listening. Follow ideas, not people because ideas live even when the person dies. And that's how we're gonna win this, because we are gonna win this because we have the ideas of proof on our side. So thank you very much. Thank you very much each and every one of you.
Some ideas are worth fighting for.
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