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Biden is Out, now comes the Kamala and Chaos

Alex Jones was right again about the Biden drop out. What comes next, find out.

About 10 days ago, Alex Hones predicted with his insider knowledge that Biden would drop out. Now comes the even more incredible news. They may try to install Hillary Clinton as the replacement, even though the entire DemonCrats TreasonCrats campaign is trying to throw their support behind Kackling Kamala.

Statement from the pretend President Biden. He is now a lawless lame duck President who is not the next nominee, but he is still in the Whitehouse with the Nuclear Codes. And now with the Presidential immunity rule, we have a senile dementia patient who can do whatever he wants without consequence, like maybe perhaps order another False Flag? Because he is protected for all official acts.

Statement from the New President in waiting Kackling Kamala Harris Emhoff.

Or the Alternative Madam President, Hillary Clinton giving her Statement.

The Donor Class is being guided by the not so hidden hand of Alex Soros to say Kamala is the one and time to circle the wagons and protect the leader time. Get ready for more pant suits in many other colors from the future Madam President.


Alex Soros, heir to the influential Soros donor family, has publicly endorsed Vice President Harris for the presidency.

This move comes amid growing speculation about the Democratic ticket for the 2024 election.


"It's time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump.

She is the best and most qualified candidate we have. Long live the American Dream!"

This development may influence other major donors and shape the Democratic primary landscape.

Sources: NY Times, X

This Alex Soros is the same one who sent that cryptic tweet about the glass with the bullet hole and $47 USD for the next President, who would be number 47. It is all encoded by the Letters and Numbers like you will not believe. Is this so-called endorsement another kiss of death from the Soros family or is it something else?

It is actually based on the Numbers and Letters, in another obvious Gematria based ritual for the masses to be entranced by. It is right there, but nobody can see it. Just run the numbers and find the hidden in plain sight code the elites.

Biden Resigns by the Numbers and Letters of 116 which is the reverse and inversion of 611 or 911.

biden resigns july 21 = 116

Because 6:11PM EST was the time of the Trump Shooting in Butler, PA.

We live a Gematria based Jesuit Masonic Scripted Reality.

The time of the shooting at 6:11PM EST is what ties the entire ritual together like Magick. Even Kamala’s infamous kackling words are encoded to the 119 or 116.

We are also given a clue on the next VP choice with the Sodomite Buttigieg. In the end times to have a mongrel such as Kackling Kamala; half Jewish, half Black, half Indian, half West Indian, half Caribbean, and half American with an open Sodomite leading the Republic is the perfect dark symbolism for the Sodom and Gomorrah show called America in the end times. Jesus come quickly please.

Joe Biden exits the race and endorses Kamala Harris, Sunday, July 21, 2024, 107 days before the election

Keep in mind Kamala Harris took the White House at age 56, like Barack Obama and Joe Biden “won” the 56th US Presidential Election, and the last time a President announced they would not run for reelection, was Lyndon Johnson, who replaced JFK, and that was in 1968, 56 years ago (Society of Jesus=56, Washington DC=56, Black Lives Matter=56).

Once again, Kamala Harris was born exactly 263 months after Joe Biden (56th prime).

And just when things could not get crazier we have the potential for another coup with the replacement of the replacement with the Gavin Newsom, Big Michael Obama, or perhaps Hillary Clinton into the picture at some future point.


Paul Ingrassia:

"According to constitutional scholar Dr. John Eastman of the Claremont Institute, (an opinion I share alongside many other legal professionals), Kamala Harris is ineligible to serve as President under the 12th Amendment.

Thus, Kamala must step aside for another candidate who is actually a natural born citizen."

Now 3.5 years into a Biden Administration we notice that wait a minute we have another Obama born in Kenya situation. We now have a VP and potentially the next President who was not even eligible to begin with? Hence our little mongrel.

Sounds like a perfect setup for someone to sweep in and take the nomination, but first all of the Biden Delegates have to be released at the Convention so that they can back the chosen candidate, but first that choice has to be made. Otherwise, there will be a bloodbath at the DNC between DemonCrats fighting each other.

This story is not done yet. More twists and turns yet to come. Follow our Twitter and Notes section for the latest updates on the fast moving news as the timelines are shifting wildly and erratically. Trump was not supposed to be in the picture, but since he survived the entire timeline has taken a major inflection side route.

The Gematria of it all in more detail with Gematria Effect News 25.

The Trump Vance ticket and why it is so dangerous for our rights and freedoms, as the Peter Theil Nazi Log Cabin Sodomite Republicans take over the party from within in another coup on the other side of the political spectrum. With Trump we are not getting any draining of the swamp, but rather a permanent swamp state.

Donald Trump is not draining the swamp, but making it a protected wetland.

Trump to name BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to lead the Treasury and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to lead the Fed.

He will pick even worse people than the first time around, how that’s even possible….

You MAGAs better wake the hell up already.


Old snake eyes is not done with America yet. He still has some more snake bites to administer with his new group of AIPAC approved Zionist Jewish Chaos Agents. For the poor MAGAtards having one eye as a slit and the other as round is totally normal. That is the extent of their strong delusion that they cannot see it at all.

Read the signs and stop falling for the lies. He will deceive and betray you again. Did anyone ever tell you what MAGA even meant? Why not ask the Satanists that.

Hierarchy in the Church of Satan - Church of Satan

Membership. The First Degree denoting Active Membership is only for members who seek more involvement with the organization and other local members. The remaining degrees (from the Second through the Fifth) are not open to application or to request. Our specific standards for them will not be publicly released.

The administration watches the progress of qualified members, and may choose to grant recognition to outstanding individuals based on demonstrated excellence in the understanding and communication of Satanic Theory, coupled with significant potent practices in the arena of the real world which have produced superior achievements.

People naturally and quite organically rise to particular levels, and we may take note at our discretion. This is meritocracy at work. So, if you are so inclined, keep us updated on your accomplishments so that your progress may be noted.

  • Registered Member (no degree)

  • Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)

  • Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)

  • Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)

  • Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)

  • Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)

Notice the Magus is Anton LaVey, who was actually born Jewish Anton Levy before the name change to hide the obvious Jewish origins of his name, an old Jewish trick.

Good luck explaining that away that fact on the Day of Judgement when you are questioned about your decisions. MAGAtards are called as such for a reason. We did our very best to warn you about the dangers of voting, so our record is on the record.

If you still need more analysis of the shooting here is more than 2 hours of that.

Since we are talking investigation, can you guess who blocked the release of the JFK files when in office? Answer, you guessed it the Deceiver in Chief, Trump.

Trump Told Roger Stone He 'Won't Believe' What's in Classified JFK Files

"Even he, Trump, held back 20 percent of the documents," Stone told Jack Posobiec of Human Events, part of the GOP nonprofit Turning Point USA. "When I had the occasion to ask him about that, I said, 'Why didn't you let it all out?'

"He said, 'I can't tell you, it's so horrible you wouldn't believe it. Someday you'll find out.' That was the sum total of it and he didn't want to talk further about it. He kicked the can down the road to President Joe Biden."

The most dangerous time in the history of the Republic in these next few months. More False Flags and the like to come as the Chaos Agents go into full War mode in America. Anything can happen here and even Trump may not be the next one.

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