Corona Times News
A Threat Bigger than Covid-19?

A Threat Bigger than Covid-19?

The Deliberate TakeDown of the Logistics Supply Chain and Labour Shortages

When you weaponize a virus and then the resultant vaccine for Social Re-Engineering and Re-Shaping to a Brave New World you should not be surprised to learn that the next phase involves weaponizing the the climate and combining that with Covid-19.

Yes the Covid-19 Vaccination Mandates are being used as the Trojan Horse for other Agendas. You take the excuse of Climate Change and then say we are deliberately Breaking Supply Chains to reduce Economic Output. Why? To allow the Earth to Heal and like the Magick Wand being waved the Vaccine Mandate was the tool of choice.

They could not shut the economy down without an excuse. Their pretext of choice was the Vaccine Mandates. An end run to achieve the wider agenda; to starve out the masses, reduce the population and create a new slave and soon to be obsolete class of meta-humans.

The WEF calls this scenario the Great Reset.

Mike Adams provide a look at what will happen once the Supply Chains collapse and how to prepare for this eventuality. We are headed towards Government action to shutter businesses and drive them towards a Universal Basic Income scheme where all Debt is forgiven, but you will never had private rights of any sort, including property. They even made videos about it.

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