A Remote Viewing Session from 2017 about an Ominous Feeling about a Coming Virus
Two Films are connected to this Remote Viewing Session you will be surprised
A Remote Viewing Session from 2017 about an Ominous Feeling about a Coming Virus is the story that the remote viewer Edward Riordan is telling us. There seems to be an rather obvious correlation between the film we just reported on the other day called “Died Suddenly” and the Blood Clots being found by Embalmers as a result of the Covid-19 Vaccines aka Bio-Weapon Death Stabbies.
A Remote Viewing Session from November 2017 leads to a new novel Corona Virus that becomes the Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Campaign to deliver the Bio-Weapon into the Human Host Bodies? But there are 2 Films in Play. Yes 2 you will not hear this information anywhere else, it would be safe to assume.
One of the most ominous remote viewings you will hear.
I'm here this was the other session, this was on November 17 2017, as I was continuing on, was getting these viscous kind of elements here. They were, they were strange to me, kind of spongy and fleshy. It reminded me of a snail can find one of these kind of like snail like, like a snail.
Some kind of a biological organism. And it was moving through the veins here. It was an organism, parasite, a virus, like a bacteria or a virus, tissue flesh like skin, which is the color of these of these things.
They're moving through the through the blood vessels here.
Micro organisms as well, which is interesting, because in the documentary they're talking about this is a snapshot from the documentary, The micro organisms or the micro, I guess I could call them micro clots that they're finding and these move on through the body and they create more of these things.
That was getting these micro micro organisms to. They were there was also a type of signal coming interacting with them as well which we will there's there's a lot more to come this is the facility from which they this whole thing started this feels like a breach feels like a third elements like an alarm system going off in a different location like the breach alarm goes off now this schedule or broadcast alarm goes off there's a breach.
The First film is covered in the post above. This one thumbnail image says it all. There seems to be a correlation here. Because in 2 years with 2 films manifest into this reality. What the remote viewer Edward Riordan experienced in his session was like picking up a vibe of something lurking in stealth in the background, a hidden Ai system using Human Host Bodies.
But 2 films in 2 years. In 2018 a film is released, and then in 2019 the virus is released in Wuhan or was that Fort Detrick, Maryland?

This Remote Viewing Session from 2017 has turned out to be more accurate than even the the remote viewer Edward Riordan may be aware of? If he is aware of this second connection to this his 2017 session then for some reason he has chosen not to report that on his channel? So therefore we have to assume even he is unaware of this Second Film that is tied to grim vision that turned out to be true made the year after?
We are referring to the Second film that was made in 2018 called “Await Further Instructions.” Anyone seen that film? How about his film was a fulfillment of the Remote Viewing Session from 2017 about an Ominous Feeling about a Coming Virus.
Await Further Instructions is a 2018 British science fiction horror film directed by Johnny Kevorkian. The film follows a dysfunctional family who winds up entrapped in their house on Christmas by a black substance and receives mysterious instructions from their TV.
Prepare yourself for this confirmation and spoiler alert. But watch this film if you can it is a cult classic, just like Cabin in the Woods. Does its not describe what we have already read on this channel about the Ai takeover using the 5G Frequencies and Covid-19 Bio-Weapons?
Because it all seems to ominously tied together with the remote viewing from 2017? How is that possible? Unless is that a message from them, on the other side, saying Hello, There has been a Breach. The Alarm bells should be going off.
The surviving family members are told to return to the first floor as the television is activating quarantine. Nick is able to get Annji downstairs, but is unable to save his mother, who dies after exposure to black smoke. Nick and Annji rush downstairs and find the TV displaying a bright light, and Nick unplugs the TV.
The light stays on the TV, however, and the house begins shaking. The TV proclaims that it is being resurrected just before Nick passes out.
The TV rights itself and wire-like tendrils snake out of the TV and enter Tony via the back of his head and take control of his body.
They soon realize that the black substance is composed entirely of the living wires.
The tendrils digest Kate's body, leaving only her skeletal remains and her still-living baby amidst them.
Tony brings in another TV, which shows bright colors and reads "HELLO RUBY. WORSHIP ME."
At this point, it is revealed that television itself has gained sentience and wants humanity to acknowledge it as master, as multiple homes have been similarly affected.
Now Compare it to the film trailer. And Compare it to the Film poster and the byline of the Film was “Contain, Corrupt, Control.” We were contained, corrupted and are now in the process of being controlled by an Ai system that was remotely interfacing with the Covid-19 Vaccine aka Bio-Weapons floating and replicating inside the Human Host Bodies.
The Decode of this film should be done separately, but here is a glimpse of how deep this rabbit hole goes. A Viral outbreak, where the TV instructs you to self-vaccinate yourself and prove it to the TV which you will not worship as your New Ai false God.
It was one of the most ominous remote viewings you will ever hear. Part 4 of the original series. Well worth watching the series to see how accurate his feeling was.
Does this reminds anyone of how they Instructed us into an indoor Lockdown and into taking those Vaccines without any choice?
The Vaccines were the foundation as we keep saying. Without that nothing here would be worth reporting or even probably taking place. Remember they said do not take HCQ or Ivermectin that does not work. The reversal of that would be?
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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