Another piece of the puzzle falls into place with our series of post on the Covid-19 Crime Scene Investigation and one which we have not covered in detail so far. And that is the question of HCQ or Hydroxychloroquine of Trump fame.
This audio is of Dr. Harvey Risch who is Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and Steve Deace. Links to the full interview below. Quotes from the audio are also below. Listen and read and try to recognize the magnitude of the Crime that has been committed against Humanity.

HCQ had to be suppressed in the Media and in the FDA Vaccine approval process in order to allow the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to be issued for the then still Experimental Vaccines to be allowed into the Market. If an available drug or treatment is available and safe then the FDA has to use that protocol, which would have meant that the Vaccines would not have been approved for mass production.

It was a Rigged process from the start and therefore another piece of evidence that clearly suggests prior knowledge and prior planning by identified insiders who are engaged in a clear cut Criminal Conspiracy.
HCQ was a cheap effective drug that was readily available and could have ended this Viral outbreak in a few weeks and even more incredible is that it means nobody ever needed to die or even take the Experimental Vaccines, that we are now finding out lowers your Immune System and may give you VAIDS.
Even they are caught on video bragging about planning in 2019 to kill 50% of the Population, how is that not a Criminal Conspiracy? Even when the Co-Conspirators are making videos admitting their crimes? What more evidence is required to file charges against these Criminal Co-Conspirators?
A Conspiracy is when you are plotting and planning to commit a crime. Most clearly they knew the Vaccines were not designed to treat Covid-19, but was rather a covert and sinister Bioweapon designed for another Agenda which is related to the Great Reset and the Climate Change. One of Depopulation to Balance the Finite Resources to bring it into better Harmony with a Green Communist Utopia Earth.

Who Lies such Big Lies? Those with Serpent Tongues who belong to the Serpent Race and who are colluding with the Serpent Power Structure. A list of Lies this long and we are still called Vaccine Deniers?
But what's been the biggest lie that even you as someone at the upper echelons of these institutions, it's just like, how is anyone with a straight face actually attempting to sell this regardless of whether they've been bought and sold or not?
Steve Deace
If there is one Lie that dismantles all the other Lies it would be the lowly HCQ. And yet that Truth has been suppressed like the rest of the List of Lies we were told.
Oh, that's a difficult question because there's so many. For me, the biggest lie is the FDA webpage on Hydroxychloroquine. The FDA webpage was mounted July 1 of 2020. It's been there for two years. It's a fraud.
The webpage says, Warning Hydroxychloroquine should not be used in outpatient treatment because of risk of cardiac adverse events.
Now why this is the biggest lie is that this was the crux of the whole pandemic in the first place, that the suppression of Hydroxychloroquine started before anybody even knew there was a pandemic.
And before President Trump had even said anything that started to my knowledge.
In fall of 2019, when the Minister of Health and France changed the status of Hydroxychloroquine from an over the counter medication that anybody could just go to the drugstore and buy to a prescription only medication. She cited completely false theory that Hydroxychloroquine was what was called Geno toxic that it hadn't caused genetic damage and sales. This is completely impossible.
This medication has been used in 10s of billions of doses and hundreds of millions of people for half a century or more. It is one of the most important medications on the World Health Organization's list of the top 50 required medic medicines. It's used in pregnant women and infants and children. It's just one of the safest medications known.
And yet the FDA had the nerve to purport to say that it's somehow a very safe medication that everybody knows the safe, that somehow suddenly unsafe to be used in outpatient. And by the way, we're not showing you any data that it's unsafe.
So this is the biggest lie had this medication been used at the outset of this pandemic, it would have saved hundreds of 1000s of lives that were needlessly lost. Because this was suppressed for a year while while patients waiting for vaccines, you know, and whatever one thinks of the vaccines, this time period of a year lost led to hundreds of 1000s of unnecessary deaths that would have been treated.
And had we been able to treat this disease adequately. The necessity of vaccines would not nearly have been as important and maybe not important at all.
And that is the crux of the whole pandemic that this pandemic was not used to protect the health of the population.
It was used to sell vaccines and patent medications and at tremendous, tremendous profit to the pharma industry with the collusion of the FDA and the CDC. And this is the nature of what we've been fighting over the last two and a half years, not the virus per se, but but our corrupted response to the virus.
Dr. Harvey Risch
It could not be more clear. It was through Regulatory Capture that the Big Pharma was able to orchestrate these crimes. The entire Vaccine regimen was unnecessary if we had just used HCQ for Virus that only had a 1% Mortality Rate on Average. The Crime of the Century and this Crime Scene is this still active and the Criminal Co-Conspirators are still on roaming around freely with Full Liability Protection.
In case people are not aware of that, the Big Pharma Cabal made sure they obtained Full Liability Protection on the Vaccines well before releasing it on the the Masses.
If you want to see and hear the CEO of Pfizer planning in 2019 to commit these crimes see the post below and watch the video.
Did that voice sound familiar? The Ones that get very sick are the those that didn’t take the Trump Vaccine or the exact opposite? That is the same person saying HCQ might work?
How did Trump flip from pro HCQ to pro Vaccine between mid 2021 to mid 2022? Answer, he was bought off by the same Big Pharma Cabal that bought off the Media and he is now playing the part of a Snake who was bought off.

Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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