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WW3 is the War on your Hippocampus

WW3 is the War on your Hippocampus

What if the real War in WW3 is not on the battlefield, but really inside your head.

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Who knew unless you listen to this particular interview and were aware of another book called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, that the real sinister War being waged on mankind was on your brain matter. How to make you dumb and deaf and blind to the truth all around you and then how to hamper your ability to do anything about it.

The premise of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is mankind is to be targeted with weapons systems that are totally silent, but pervasive and meant to do maximum harm while you are totally unaware of the harm being inflicted on your mind and body. Above is the audio video version of the text being read out, but it is worth reading it all the way. This mysterious book does not have a known author.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the "Cold War" which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples' pastimes, education and political leanings.

It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public's attention from what is really going on. The document you are about to read is real. It is reprinted in its virgin form, with diagrams, as a touch of reality.

Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics.

Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping. All science is merely a means to an end.

The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary?

The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (

Reduce the population to a mathematical formula for mass control and then use that formula to keep the masses under control and in a state of servitude and lack. We are at War with the Bankers and even the British PM needed to be removed from office to understand that fact, which she seemed to be totally unaware of prior, quite shocking.

Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws. -- Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1743 - 1812)

Perhaps Ms. Truss should have read this letter before starting your short lived career. Because inevitability it always comes back to the usual suspects behind it all.

Today's silent weapons technology is an outgrowth of a simple idea discovered, succinctly expressed, and effectively applied by the quoted Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Mr. Rothschild discovered the missing passive component of economic theory known as economic inductance.

He, of course, did not think of his discovery in these 20th-century terms, and, to be sure, mathematical analysis had to wait for the Second Industrial Revolution, the rise of the theory of mechanics and electronics, and finally, the invention of the electronic computer before it could be effectively applied in the control of the world economy.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (

What was missing in earlier decades and times was the mass computing power that was needed to keep track of the masses and with the introduction of more and more advanced computing power and now with the emergence of the Ai threat matrix, they have the perfect silent weapons system to wage their quiet wars on all of mankind. We have covered that ominous and insidious Ai takeover in multiple posts listed below.

Now when you combine the Ai computing power with the Rothschild evil incarnate then what you get is the reality we are living in today; mass debt and hence mass level of slavery and debt servitude from which is no escape. You cannot own a home at least in the western industrialized world without getting a death note aka a mortgage that demands 20-30 years of our life force aka “economic inductance” to even have a home.


The root word “mort” is French for death and “gage” is an instrument as in a financial instrument of mass destruction by “economic inductance”. All by wicked design and intent, but one ray of hope is at least of these blood sucking maggots has now crossed over and is swimming in the lake of fire with his fellow insects forever more.

Lord Jacob Rothschild and Marina Abramović stand in front of Satan summoning his Legions.

Who seems to be one in power here in this photo pointing his finger at the new King? In case you unaware that the Rothschild Banking Family owns the British Royal Family, and we covered that bit of damning news in this earlier post on the Imposter King of England. Even Imposter Kings take their orders from such Jewish Bankers.


That was the necessary background to get to the silent deadly War on your poor little Hippocampus. Notice again here if we break down the words, the word “campus” is a set of buildings in a defined space that contains your university or education facility, as in where you do your higher learning and thinking, but here it houses your “hippo” or your horse or in this context what drives your defined space as in your brain. Below the answer from the Bing Ai on what is the Hippocampus and its importance to you.

The hippocampus is a crucial structure within the brain’s medial temporal lobe. It plays a vital role in several functions123:

  1. Memory Formation and Retrieval: The hippocampus is important in the organization and storage of new memories, especially those that are declarative memories (e.g., memories relating to facts and events)1. It is also responsible for making memories stronger by connecting sensations and emotions to these memories1. It is thought to be principally involved in storing long-term memories and in making those memories resistant to forgetting2.

  2. Spatial Navigation: The hippocampus plays a significant role in spatial memory that enables navigation23. It helps you remember and find your way around places4. It’s also like a map maker, helping you navigate by storing spatial information4.

  3. Emotional Responses: The hippocampus forms part of the limbic system, which is particularly important in regulating emotional responses2.

Damage to the hippocampus can lead to memory impairments and difficulty forming new memories, highlighting its importance in learning and cognition1.

Another must listen to interview with Health Ranger Mike Adams and Dr. Michael Nehls author of The Indoctrinated Brain, and the War on your Hippocampus. The summary of that podcast is below for those already lost in the translation of words, but using with of an Ai system. So you see the double bind, to report the Ai we have to use the Ai to process the information otherwise it is too dense for the average mind. But pay attention below in the summary and the interview and how we come back to mental energy and the lack thereof and the prior concept of “economic inductance”.

Dr. Michael Nells Interview Overview

- Dr. Michael Nells, author of "The Indoctrinated Brain," discusses his book and research on neurology and decision-making.

- Dr. Nells transitions from immunology to studying the mental immune system affected in Alzheimer's disease.

- Deficiencies like vitamin D are linked to Alzheimer's risk, emphasizing the impact of modern lifestyles on health.

Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency

- Vitamin D deficiency increases Alzheimer's risk, especially affecting populations with darker skin pigmentation.

- Chronic inflammation due to deficiencies can impair memory function and contribute to neurodegenerative diseases.

Neurology and Cognitive Function

- The hippocampus plays a crucial role in neurogenesis at any age, influencing learning abilities and cognitive functions.

The Discovery of Autobiographical Memory

- H.M., a patient with epilepsy, had his hippocampus removed, leading to memory loss.

- Removal of the hippocampus caused H.M. to lose the ability to form new memories.

- Despite memory loss, H.M. could still play the piano due to procedural memory.

Understanding the Hippocampus

- The hippocampus is crucial for forming personal memories and individuality.

- The hippocampus resembles a seahorse anatomically and plays a vital role in memory formation.

- Index neurons in the hippocampus are essential for generating new cells for memory retention.

Memory Formation and Emotions

- Emotional events are key for memories to enter and stay in the hippocampus.

- Strong emotional imprints enhance memory retention in neural networks.

Discussion on Memory and Technology

- Listening to audiobooks while working triggers memory recall tied to specific locations.

- Personal experience of solving a puzzle after a moment of insight tied to a specific location.

- The emotional impact of solving a problem leading to writing a book, linked to a specific memory.

Impact of AI on Human Thinking

- Society's fascination with AI neglecting the importance of nurturing our own cognitive abilities.

- Discrepancy in investing in external AI systems versus developing one's internal neural network.

- Dependency on AI for cognitive tasks may lead to decreased individual thinking capabilities.

Nature, Technology, and Cognitive Decline

- Reliance on technology like GPS affects memory and connection with nature negatively.

- Importance of engaging with nature daily for mental well-being and combating cognitive decline.

Understanding Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's Disease

- Challenging the notion that cognitive decline is solely due to aging in Western medicine.

- Discussion on the development and historical context of Alzheimer's disease.

Neurogenesis and Cognitive Function

- Importance of neurogenesis in memory formation and decision-making processes.

The Impact of Cell Suppression on Mental Health

- Cells suppression leads to personality changes, loss of rationality, and job skill deterioration in individuals.

- Index neurons play a crucial role in psychological resilience, impacting mental health and depression rates.

- Reduced production of index neurons correlates with decreased resilience to stress and increased depression rates.

Effects of Cell Suppression on Curiosity and Depression

- Index neurons are linked to curiosity; reduced production results in decreased curiosity in animals and humans.

- Lack of curiosity observed in society may be attributed to suppressed index neuron production.

- Psychological resilience is essential for fostering curiosity and accepting new information without stress.

Censorship and Psychological Stress

- Censorship may stem from avoiding exposure to stressful information due to lack of psychological resilience.

- Society's increasing sensitivity and trigger responses could be related to low psychological resilience levels.

Impact on Brain Functionality

- Undead present plays a role in activating adult hippocampal neurogenesis, affecting brain function.

- Serotonin concentration influences cell development; higher levels promote increased reproduction rate.

Resilience and Individuality

- Some individuals maintain resilience from childhood, while others seem unable to generate necessary cells for resilience.

Understanding Mental Energy and System Activation

- System one is default, system two requires activation by gut feeling for thinking process.

- Mental energy is crucial for system two function, tied to survival capabilities and brain's high caloric energy demand.

- 20% of metabolic energy goes into the brain, debunking the misconception of mental energy being purely metabolic.

The Role of Index Neurons in Thinking Process

- Mistaken belief that mental energy for thinking is metabolic, when it actually involves storing thoughts in index neurons.

- Ego depletion occurs when index neurons are exhausted, leading to difficulty in thinking and decision-making processes.

Neurogenesis and Mental Immune System

- Sleep replenishes index neurons for next day's mental energy.

- Ego depletion signals the need for rest due to depleted index neurons.

Index Neurons and Cognitive Abilities

- Neurogenesis provides mental superpowers essential for social interactions and survival instincts.

- Shutting down neurogenesis can impair cognitive functions akin to attacking the mental immune system.

Comparing Neurogenesis to Midi-chlorines in Star Wars

- Drawing parallels between midi-chlorines in Star Wars and neurogenesis as sources of cognitive abilities.

- Neurogenesis grants individuals unique powers similar to Jedi abilities from midi-chlorines.

Role of Index Neurons in Social Skills

- Social skills rely on the mental immune system powered by neurogenesis.

Dreaming and Memory Formation

- Dreams are remembered when waking up during them, as the brain starts to memorize the dream's end.

- Rare experiences like temporary memory loss upon waking highlight the brain's complexity in identity recall.

- Memory recall parallels a computer reboot, emphasizing the importance of index neuron production.

Mental Immune System and Individuality

- The brain's mental immune system is crucial for individuality and social interactions.

- Individuality acts as a defense mechanism against societal attacks on thinking and uniqueness.

Cognitive Warfare and Narrative Control

- Current global conflicts revolve around cognitive battles within the hippocampus.

- Narrative control aims to limit information intake, shaping individuals' thought processes.

Depression and Neurogenesis, Resilience and Cognitive Health, Coping with Life's Challenges

- Life events, like the loss of a grandchild, can be dramatic but can lead to resilience and growth within families.

- Resilience is essential in overcoming challenges; a compound has been shown to aid in coping with loss without falling into depression.

- High IQ does not guarantee immunity from gullibility; IQ is not solely linked to hippocampus function.

IQ and Brain Function

- High IQ individuals may lack curiosity and resilience needed for critical thinking when faced with challenges.

- Engaging system 2 thinking is not necessary for survival in society, even for those with high IQ levels.

Hippocampus Growth and Decline

- The hippocampus experiences natural growth up to adulthood, followed by a steady growth rate throughout life.

- Studies show a decline in hippocampal volume with age, impacting cognitive health globally.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cognitive Health

- Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain health, particularly in maintaining hippocampal volume.

- Ideal omega-3 levels are linked to optimal hippocampal volume, influencing cognitive function and overall well-being.

Lifestyle Impact on Cognitive Health

- Poor dietary choices, like consuming seed oils over omega-3 sources, contribute to cognitive decline and inflammation.

Neurogenesis and Alzheimer's Disease

- Neurogenesis is a slow process, explaining why Alzheimer's disease is more common in older individuals as the hippocampus shrinks over time.

- The size of the hippocampus, typically around five cubic centimeters, serves as a biomarker for Alzheimer's progression.

- Consistent mental stimulation through activities like learning and social interactions is crucial for memory retention and neurogenesis.

Purpose in Life and Brain Health

- Having a sense of purpose in life stimulates neurogenesis and aids in forming new memories.

- Social engagement, novel experiences, and a purposeful life contribute to hippocampal growth and memory formation.

- Social interactions trigger oxytocin release, promoting neurogenesis; oxytocin plays a vital role in bonding between individuals.

Oxytocin and Memory Formation

- Oxytocin fosters bonding between mother and child by enhancing memory retention during crucial moments.

- Oxytocin not only facilitates childbirth but also strengthens the bond between individuals through memory formation.

Hormones' Dual Functions

- Hormones like melatonin aid in deep sleep while also supporting neurogenesis during rest.

- Physical activity triggers hormone production that enhances physical strength while promoting neurogenesis simultaneously.

Ideal Lifestyle for Brain Health

- A balanced lifestyle involving social interactions, physical activity, adequate sleep, mental stimulation, and healthy nutrition supports brain health.

The Impact of Social Isolation on the Brain

- Lack of stimulation due to modern industrial life leads to shrinkage, chronic exhaustion, and Alzheimer's.

- Study in New England Journal of Medicine shows significant hippocampus shrinkage in isolated individuals compared to those with stimulation.

- After 14 months of isolation, dramatic shrinkage in the frontal part of the hippocampus is observed due to lack of stimulation.

Effects of Fear Mongering on Mental Health

- Pre-traumatic stress caused by fear mongering can lead to hippocampus shrinkage similar to post-traumatic stress syndrome.

- Gates Foundation research paper highlights that fear mongering induces pre-traumatic stress syndrome and hippocampus shrinkage.

Neurotoxic Stress and Hippocampal Shrinkage

- Neurotoxic stress from fear narratives triggers leakage of molecules from neurons, activating immune response and leading to hippocampal damage.

- Molecules leaking outside neurons are recognized as damaged, triggering immune response through receptors like TLR4.

Inflammatory Response in the Brain

- Activation of TLR4 by neurotoxic stress results in production of pro-inflammatory cytokines causing a cytokine storm in the brain.

Fear-Induced Brain Effects

- Fear alone can induce poisoning of the brain, leading to chronic exhaustion, depression, and Alzheimer's.

- Reduced psychological resilience due to fear exacerbates inflammation, contributing to mental health issues.

- Vicious cycle of fear-induced inflammation leads to chronic exhaustion, depression, and Alzheimer's.

Impact of Fear on Mental Health

- Increase in depression rates linked to societal influences and fear monitoring during the pandemic.

- Dramatic threefold increase in depression rates from 2019 to 2020 attributed to fear and societal changes.

Factors Affecting Mental Well-being

- Isolation, lack of exercise, poor diet, loss of purpose in life contribute to mental health decline during the pandemic.

- Negative news exposure and stress worsen mental health by affecting neurogenesis and hippocampal function.

Neurogenesis and Memory

- Emotional connections aid memory retention; lack of stimulation can shrink the hippocampus rapidly.

- Emotional ties enhance memory recall; neutral information is less likely retained without emotional association.

Coping Mechanisms and Challenges

- Humorous strategies like associating emotions with names can aid memory retention.

- Fear monitoring during the pandemic exacerbated existing mental health vulnerabilities.

Vaccination Effects on Mental Health

- Vaccination presented as a solution to alleviate fear-induced mental health challenges during the pandemic.

Discussion on Spike Protein and its Effects

- Spike protein cleavage site engineered into the virus, potentially dangerous.

- Decision to use spike protein in injections could have been avoided, leading to unintended consequences.

- Spike protein's presence in injections may lead to brain penetration and activation of receptors like TLA4.

Impact of S1 Sub-unit Recognition

- S1 sub-unit recognized by TLA4 receptor efficiently, impacting brain function.

- Recognition of S1 sub-unit shared between rodents and humans due to historical exposure to coronaviruses.

- Activation of TLA4 by S1 sub-unit can lead to shutdown of neurogenesis, posing risks for individuals.

Alzheimer's and Spike Protein Connection

- Continuous production of spike protein with cleavage site may program the body against its own neurology.

- Post-vaccination effects linked to S1 sub-unit activating TLA4, potentially causing cognitive issues like brain fog or Alzheimer's.

Role of GSK3-Beta Inhibitor in Alzheimer's Prevention

- GSK3-Beta activated by TLA4 can be inhibited by natural compound lithium, potentially halting Alzheimer's progression.

- Low doses of lithium daily can effectively counteract Alzheimer's progression by inhibiting GSK3-Beta activity.

Lithium as a Natural Inhibitor for Alzheimer's Prevention

- Lithium content higher in ocean-derived foods due to ocean water composition, offering potential benefits for brain health.

Lithium and its Impact on Health and Benefits of Low-Dose Lithium

- Low-dose lithium increases life expectancy by about 30%.

- Blocking GSK-3 activates neurogenesis and autophagy processes.

Lack of Lithium in Processed Foods

- Processed foods lack lithium due to mineral processing.

- Recommending essential doses of 1 to 2 milligrams for health benefits.

Lithium's Role in Treating Severe COVID

- Study shows lithium reduced cytokine storm in severe COVID cases.

- Patients treated with lithium had shorter hospital stays and lower mortality rates.

Importance of Lithium for Mental Health

- Discusses the abundance of lithium in nature and its significance for mental health.

- Mentions natural spring waters with higher lithium content.

Historical Context and Controversies and Historical Use of Lithium in Beverages

- Reference to historical use of lithium in beverages like 7-up.

- Speculation on restrictions due to societal narratives around substances like lithium.

Humor and Suppressed Research

- Light-hearted discussion on past beverage ingredients.

- Mention of suppressed research on the benefits of lithium for neurological diseases.

Global Government and Mental Manipulation

- The need for a global government is emphasized due to the inability of individual governments to address global issues effectively.

- Manipulation of the mental immune system leads to a lack of critical thinking and acceptance of nonsensical orders.

- Psychological effects include decreased self-esteem, increased collective narcissism, and susceptibility to harmful measures.

Majority Influence and Cognitive Control

- Exploiting the desire to belong to a majority can influence behavior, despite not actually representing the majority.

- Reduced mental energy results in stereotypical thinking, making individuals more accepting of objectively harmful measures.

- The normalization of brain-damaging life changes and acceptance of control by external entities are highlighted.

Indoctrination and Loss of Individuality

- Fear tactics lead to an overriding of critical thinking faculties with fear narratives, erasing individuality.

Identifying Misinformation

- The speaker discusses the prevalence of misinformation in society, highlighting the potential impact on historical narratives and individual perceptions.

- Reference to censorship by authorities like the European Union due to misinformation, emphasizing concerns about information control and manipulation.

- Talks about the loss of individuality leading to a culture-damaging shift towards a technocratic dictatorship and AI-controlled social systems.

Challenges with Information Control

- Mention of individuals blindly following destructive systems, emphasizing the need for awareness and timely action.

- Discussion on exploring the effects of lithium and its potential role in societal control mechanisms.

- Highlighting the importance of sharing information on lithium's impact through various platforms for public awareness.

Controversies Surrounding Supplements

- Addressing restrictions on supplements in Europe, particularly focusing on challenges related to vitamin C and D intake.

- Critiquing a journal's controversial stance against vitamin D supplementation despite its essential role in human health.

Debunking Medical Misconceptions

- Discusses contradictory medical advice regarding vitamin D intake, questioning harmful recommendations that defy scientific understanding.

- Challenges prevailing notions about essential vitamins and hormones, highlighting evolving perspectives in medical literature.

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17

- Corona Times News


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