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Corona Times News Podcast
When the Red Sea turns Red with Blood

When the Red Sea turns Red with Blood

The Blood of Tyrants or just more Innocents in this future timeline in the Red Sea, find out in this post

From time to time, a great cleansing must take place and the cycle of time gives us such repeated moments in time. From time to time, either it is the blood of innocents that are shed, as in happening now in Gaza, and soon to be future America, or better yet the blood of tyrants must be shed to preserve Democracy, Freedom and Liberty and all of the related pursuits enshrined in the noble intentions of those founding fathers. That time to time is right now, in this End Times, at the end of the year 2023, in December 2023. It is that Thomas Jefferson time. Hammer time. Do we have this, or do we not have this? If you do not have this prepare for the consequences of choices.

This podcast was at least two peoples who seem to get it, but still cannot say it, namely Mike Adams and Steve Quayle on their Brighteon channel.


The talk about how soon the Red Sea will turn Red with blood as the even the remote viewers foresaw this event comes into manifestation, as all of the requisite pieces to accomplish such a planned goal are coming together and are being put into the right places for a catalytic trigger event.

Another planned Pearl Harbor for America, but this time in this cycle of time we are about to see another Pearl Harbor in the Red Sea to start WW3 for the masses. It has to be a spectacular event to repeat over and over again on social media to whip up the sleeping masses to get them ready for another War for Zionist Israel. As the Golani Brigade has collapsed it is now the turn of the American Marines to fill those ranks and do the hard-core fighting on the ground in the deep underground in Gaza tunnels that is now required to defeat the new bogeyman of Hamas.

Americans and Europeans will have to now join in the fight. And thus, an event is needed to draw NATO into the Genocide of Gaza. Thus, Zionist Israel is plotting and planning with its most ardent Terrorist supporters such as the new imposter King Charles of the UK, who are two main parties actively sabotaging any efforts by the Americans to cut and run from the war-based crime scene. Hence Peace is not even on the tables.

And according to Quayle and Adams, Lavrov was recently in DC to give the America the terms of surrender of the Ukraine. As in Russia has defeated NATO in the SMO called Ukraine and now NATO must start a new battleground to engage Putin and the Russian forces. Hence the false flag coming up to start WW3 in the Red Sea to be blamed on the Houthis or the Russians or the Iranians or the Chinese or the Gazans, but in those actors a new alliance was born. The Grand Christian Muslim End Times Alliance against Zionist Israel and the NATO bandits. The next stage is about to start very soon on a TV screen and mobile social media screen very soon.

But what is odd that they both Quayle and Adams name the traitors involved namely Mayorkas, Yellen, Nuland and others, but they very clearly fail to name their Zionist Israeli connections and roots. The evidence is clear as day yet they fail to call it out and they chose to dance around it and incredibly label a different group as Middle Eastern Terrorists, when in fact there were the opposite.

Why self-censor yourself if you are really truly interested in Independence and Self-governance? Why then be ignorant of the Zionist Occupation? Why be in total denial of it, or even worse yet to be too scared to even speak truth to it? At some point you have to recognize the elephant in the room. Yes, it is Middle Eastern Terrorists, and every time Mike Adams uses that label to castigate an entire race and region, then think of this crew of naked Bandits who have blood dripping from their hands.

Middle Eastern Terrorists

The Answer the Questions of “Why”, because it is more examples of self-censorship for fear of the End Times Beast and the power of that End Times Beast System have to target and neutralize chosen voices of dissent. They are making Lists, and we are all likely on it if you have made it this far down the rabbit hole. Welcome fellow listers.

Below is a post addressed to you from a Zionist group that is working to punish people for free speech. This is not on. If any action is taken against Malaak Hattab, I will personally work on a campaign for boycotting you.” #BDS #BoycottIsraeliProducts


Be careful who and what you are supporting in these End Times. You are on the right side of history when you preserve life and aid the innocents and give food and shelter to the needy. And if you are collectively murdering and killing and humiliating innocents and then claim you are in the right, then please know you were in on the wrong side all along.

So in that regard, we have double whammy good news for Quayle and Adams, we found two words they can use in future podcasts with definitions included for clarity;

  • “Middle Eastern Terrorists” = for example Zionist Israelis engaging in Genocide or just think of the IDF soldiers like Tomer Greenberg and associated Terrorists who kill as Sport for the Chosen Elites. They are especially fond of killing innocent Muslim children.

  • “Israeled” = for example when someone from New Jersey goes to Zionist Israel and steals a Palestinian house and says if “I don’t steal it, then someone else will.”


Even former Communists are rejecting this Genocide in Gaza, yet Quayle and Adams are confused about the identity of the Terrorists operating in that region. So here are some more podcast talking points to help them in their good works.

“Today it is Gaza. Tomorrow, who will it be? If you allow Israel to continue, where will it stop?"

The daughter of the legendary Che Guevara, Dr. Aleida Guevara addressed the Arab peoples.....

Questionnaire for Quayle and Adams to help with their podcast talking points.

What side beheads a donkey and desecrates a cemetery to provoke a reaction to call the other a Terrorist? Answer, Zionist Israeli armed Terrorist Colonizers rhetorically called Settlers. This cemetery and this poor donkey were both “Israeled”.

Who lies at every turn and does not even respect the memory of the Nazi Jewish Holocaust? Answer, Zionist Israelis such as Eva Schloss. Watch her confessing to the fact that some of the WW2 Nazi “Auschwitz Liberation was faked with photographers and crisis actors.” What happened to the Snow?


Do gives aid and comfort to Pedophiles as a nation of national security? Answer yes, the same “Middle Eastern Terrorists” aka the “Usual Suspects”.


Who hates the name of Jesus and spits on Churches? Answer yes, the same “Middle Eastern Terrorists” aka the “Usual Suspects”.


Which Ism is like Nazism? Answer, Zionism.


That was the good news, talking points of Quayle and Adams.

Now for some bad news if you connected to this ship. Because it looks like it is the one marked for the false flag according at least to this channel of twitter if the Gematria was accurate. It is unlikely anything will happen til the end of January of 2024, because the Russians are unlikely to start a major operation at this point a few days away from their Russian Orthodox Christmas, which starts on Sunday, January 7, 2024.

HMS Diamond = 33 and yesterday December 28, 2023, was a missed target date. But the Imposter King is still very active in his sabotage of affairs for the Dark Side. The Russians just lost a naval vessel docked in the Crimea, so they are itching for revenge and if the numbers are to be believed, either it is this HMS coffin or the other coffin operating in that region. The Missile was suspected to be British provided.


The British will claim that since Crimea belongs to Ukraine, then this was an attack on a ship within Ukrainian territory and therefore not an attack on Russian soil. But of course, Russia sees it the other way and this dock in the Crimea is the Russia side and thus this attack was a direct attack on a Russian naval ship, which has not been totally gutted and many lives were lost. Are we noticing the chess pieces moving into place for the next stage, a Russian response in January 2024 in the Red Sea?


Don’t get “Israeled” in these End Times. Keep your guard up and watch out for those “Middle Eastern Terrorists” that look like IDF soldiers and European Colonizers. If you are an A Lister like CTN then welcome to the Tribe.


Those “Middle Eastern Terrorists” are losing as told by Scott Ritter.


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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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