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When and where "murder is the sport of the elected"
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When and where "murder is the sport of the elected"

Remember that old Police Song Murder by Numbers, well here is a decode for the ages and how it ties into everything that is happening with Gaza, Zionist Israel, the End Times and Kabbalistic Gematria

Some good news to share finally amidst all the bad news of the ongoing Genocide in Gaza. We are making progress against Terrorism. Some 40 IDF Terrorists and then a few and then a few more were dispatched by express mail to the lake of fire. Do any of these IDF Terrorists look like Tigers to you? These are delusional demented soy boys out for weekend warrior fantasy adventures, where America the little Zionist bitch is paying all their bills and expenses. They were soldiers yes, and yes they died a soldier’s death and as such they should have known what War is about.


Take for an example Tamer Greenberg, a name that sounds like any Jewish deli owner from New Jersey along with 40 of his other IDF Terrorists were just sent to the lake of fire. You see, some progress is being made in the War against Terror finally, slowly but surely, we are getting there in this long War against Terrorists and their networks.

According to Tamer, these were Tigers. If these were Tigers they just lost to a team of rag tag cats with AK47s and sandals. The mighty IDF hoax is now exposed. The video above is the one before going into Gaza and the video below is what happened to him after boasting of his Tigers. When the fight is taken to them, they melt like candles.

Stew Peters goes onto the Zionist shill Alex Jones show in an attempt to lay out the facts but is instead mocked and ridiculed by the Infowars team.

Here is some of the recent work of the IDF Terrorists and the Anti-Christ Army.


Some more “dancing Israelis” aka IDF Terrorists dancing after killing more innocents, which is textbook End Times oppression that is ripe for judgement by God.

And even better news we have some footage of the lake of fire which just appeared out of the blue and white as if it was all meant to synchronize together. This new lake of fire from Iceland just happening today, a message for the Zionist Israelis of today.

Of course, everyone agrees that the likes of Tamer Greenberg are IDF Terrorists, right? Yes, but why? Because we said so using words and letters here just typed. Watch how it is done by the other side, the ones promoting and justifying Genocide.

By that standard Susan Sarandon is also on the list and has been recruited by Hamas.

Do you see how easy it is to throw words and labels around? For example, if you help or even report or sneeze in the direction of Gaza you are guilty of being a Terrorist. Why? Because you are with Hamas and you are just recruited without your knowing. You are too “Goyim” to understand how the labelling game works.

Only Zionist Jews have the right to use labels you see, so you see we are on our own private war against the voices of Hate and Terror. A PRIVATE WAR as per Blacks 6th edition, a PRIVATE WAR is “one between private persons, lawfully exerted by way of [self] defense, but otherwise unknown in civil society.” A PRIVATE WAR by CTN on Terrorists. Self-defense against raw Zionist Jewish power in all aspects of media, print or social or films or TV or advertising or anything related to the Media.

Which brings us today to now today’s TruNews in which the synchronicities are truly bountiful in their End Times harvest. We at CTN and TruNews are on the same page in many ways and it is good news to see at least two places with the same message.

  • Zionist Israel is the End Times, but also the Zionists with the Ai in Alliance are the ones stage managing the End Times Beast System.

  • The IDF is a Terrorist Organization and must be designated as such for its War Crimes against the peoples of Gaza. Netanyahu and his team must be arrested.

  • We stated the IAF was the Anti-Christ Air Force as per their logo on their air plans and now TruNews agrees and says it is an entirely Anti-Christ Army made of the IDF Terrorists working in service of the Anti-Christ.

  • Christians are being deceived by the Zionists in their support for Zionist Israel which is not and is not the Israel of the Bible. It is the Synagogue of Satan from the Bible that part is now clear, because the End Times Beast Serpent has just revealed itself.

  • We both agree that WW3 started in February 2022 with the Ukraine War and now almost 2 years later NATO has lost to Russia and notice both campaigns, the Greater Israel and the Greater Ukraine War was led by two Zionist Jews, the Actor Comedian Zelensky and the War Criminals Netanyahu.

But here is an even more interesting set of points of where TruNews has not reached yet, because they will not cover anything related to Gematria, but they do very well recognize the role of the Occult and the Satanists in the End Times. They would dismiss all of it as the works of the Devil, and yes that is the very point of covering it.

  • Where they have not reached yet is that they do not realize a Grand End Times Christian Muslim Alliance is being formed because of Gaza and this War with the way Russia is sucked into the conflict to defend both Muslims and Christians.

  • Remote viewers have already seen a naval false flag that starts off WW3 in that region of the world, but again they will not go into that because of the reason stated. Strict Christian End Times will only take you so far in knowing the high strangeness of this world, hence we all need some CTN love once in a while.

The Ritualistic Magick Kabbalistic Jewish practice of encoding letters and numbers is not something we agree with either, by reporting on it we are not endorsing it at all, but it is for the purpose of reporting what the “they” people are doing and how “they” think and make their decisions to murder and kill by the numbers.

Because, “they” are mocking us daily with the encoded messages, but is anyone paying attention? For example, how about that old Police song, Muder by Numbers? What is really being said here? Answer, first you have to turn your heart into stone to become a stone-cold killer, if you are going to kill by the numbers and letters for Satan, and the Jesuits and the Kabbalists who run Hollywood and the Music industry.

But did you catch the most eerie part of that opening line? You turn murder into art and that is how you hide yourself and your plans in plain sight, while telling them all they needed to know, disguised, entrained and sold as just music aka the lyrical arts.

These are not items of chance and coincidence. This Magick is real and it works for them otherwise “they” would not be making such films with such obvious messages such as Leave the World Behind. This decode and supplemental video decodes the entire film in great detail. A must watch for decoders trying to decipher this matrix.

The Matthew Perry ritual sacrifice was part of this very important ritualistic film, which was produced by the Obamas. He was killed on the same date that is also Julia Roberts’ birthdate, and they both previously dated, and Friends in part of this encoded Occultic film and so is the lead Actress Julia Roberts. He was killed using Ketamine which just so happens to be 48 in Gematria for the 48 days between the chosen birth and death dates of the victims in play in this sick game of ritual sacrifice.

See how all the pieces fit together, but more so see how these events could not happen unless they were pre-planned by the “they” with extreme details to certain pre-chosen dates, numbers, locations, and peoples, all as part of the black magic demonic ritual sacrifice to appease the false gods of the End Times and the Occult.

Have you learnt your ABCs and your 1-2-3s yet or are you still in denial about the darkness of the world? Was it not stated in the Bible that “they” would hide their plans in plain sight and then ask you “who knows us” and “who sees us”? Answer, we do.

Again, not coincidences but more confirmations of that is true and real. We are living is a Masonic Matrix as per Pastor Wiles, but how does he say that and yet ignore the works of the Devil and their works of Darkness? The Darkness has to be shown Light.

Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord,
And their works are in the dark;
They say, “Who sees us?” and, “Who knows us?”

Isaiah 29 NKJV - Woe to Jerusalem - “Woe to Ariel, to - Bible Gateway

What is being said here? Are these songs or confessions by the Police about how they achieved fame and how you too can be famous if you are willing to sell your soul to the false gods of Music and Fame? Again, who is entering the darkness and how did we all so easily miss such lyrics in the past? Some of the Terrorists and Killers we know by name such as Tamer Greenberg, but as per the Police some names are just too secretive to be mentioned in the public. Hence, we mentioned them by name in another recent post called Jahbulon the Giant Spider under the Getty Museum.

What is this Dark Game “they” are playing here? Answer, this the very script that the Elected Misleaders of the Land which is not theirs as European Colonizers and not as real Semites as in the Misleader War Criminal Netanyahu, for them “murder is the sport of the elected.” These are not lyrics to a song, but the darkest confessions of the Occult.

Accurate down to the use of the Ai in the Command Kill Chain to slaughter the innocents in Gaza. Where War Crimes and Genocide can be committed by using Ai killer bots and its programmable logic, that red line has been crossed and it is being field tested in Gaza for further rollout after the Genocide in Gaza has been completed.

Because as CTN and TruNews are warning you is that WW3 has started, and the rabid blood lust of the Zionists will destroy the planet if not stopped and we are all about to become future Palestinians if this current trajectory stays its course of planned kills.

Yet another example of the Zionist Jewish characteristics of the prime suspects to these crime scenes. Take this latest Occultic contribution by the Zionist Jewess of one Jennifer Wexler in her film called The Sacrifice Game, note the numbers 121 and the meaning of 121 in Gematria and then make your way to note the evil grin on her face.

The opening scene of the film The Sacrifice Game, by Jennifer Wexler - Gematria Effect News

The premise of the film is that a group of people are attempting to summon a demon through ritual murder that will grant them power.

Notice, it is a Jewish woman who wrote and directed this film, Jennifer Wexler. Of course, Gematria is a Jewish practice.

What Zionist Jewish are “they” offering to the world that the world should accept? Other than death, destruction and slavery, what they are offering the “Goyim” is endless rounds of Sodomy. What has changed from the past when they demanded the Angels be handed over so they could Sodomize them? Answer, nothing just changed.

Genesis 19 ESV - God Rescues Lot - The two angels came - Bible Gateway

And they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight?

Bring them out to us, that we may know them.”

So that who may know them? So that modern-day Sodomites like Aidan may have a chance to make abominable sex tapes with them in the modern-day capital of new Babylon, which is now Washington D.C. He just wants to say Hi to the two angels.

Aidan Maese-Czeropski Wife: Is He Married? Family Details

Zionist occupied America with its Master Zionist Israel spreads wide for the intake of wholesome Zionist Jewish values, with the role this time performed by another, yes notice the pattern in play here, yet another Zionist Jewish actor of high fame, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the Congressional staffer who was reenacting scenes from Sodom and Gomorrah before the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone.

Sodom and Gomorrah - Wikipedia

Isaiah 1:9–10,[12] 3:9[13] and 13:19–22[14] address people as from Sodom and Gomorrah, associates Sodom with shameless sinning and tells Babylon that it will end like those two cities.

2 Esdras 2:8–9[26] says "Woe to you, Assyria, who conceal the unrighteous in your midst! O wicked nation, remember what I did to Sodom and Gomor'rah, whose land lies in lumps of pitch and heaps of ashes. So will I do to those who have not listened to me, says the Lord Almighty."

These are real values of your rulers and misleaders in the End Times, so when misguided and foolish Christian Zionists choose their path, then please know what path you have just chosen. And how Sodom was cleansed, so too will America fall.

We did try to warn you that Zionism is the greatest threat to mankind since Nazism.

For the Zionists Israelis what is happening in Gaza is to be laughed at and seen as a sport just as mentioned in the Police song. Notice the wicked smirks and smiles, the arrogance and the pride before the fall for all these despicable peoples. When their cities are turned also to rumble, will that be a war crime to be laughed at and mocked?


Israeli journalist Shimon Riklin has stirred controversy and condemnation after supporting war crimes, stating his inability to sleep unless he sees homes in Gaza destroyed. Riklin referenced the Torah, saying that ancient practices involved spreading salt on the earth.

The IDF Terrorists do their best fighting as soldiers when you are lying on the ground with no weapons and no sense to even cover your head. When they are faced with any real enemy action, they either shoot themselves or run away like Terrorist cowards.

Which makes one wonder, why the Chosen People are just so afraid of death, if the afterlife has already been promised to all of them, why choose to stay on this planet and pay rent and taxes? Answer, they are hypocrites and liars and that is one of the best ways to identity such Terrorists. They are even more efficient in beating and abusing children without any means to defend themselves. Watch this confession.


We end here with the generational divide. The older generation apart from TruNews seems to be exempt from this mass write off, because the post WW2 generation mind programming is too strong to ever be broken. Perhaps when Babylon falls, then they will realize their folly, but it may be too late by that point to repent or repair things. We cannot force you to save yourself, that you have to do yourself. Try Self-Mastery.

America's younger generation is lost. As

@elonmusk said, “the woke mind virus is the greatest threat to the future of humanity”

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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