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UPDATED multi-track Audio analysis of Trump shooting reveals SHOCKING Secret Service failure

UPDATED multi-track Audio analysis of Trump shooting reveals SHOCKING Secret Service failure

How many shooters were there? Since the FBI is not answering basic questions, the public is left to fend for itself in search of answers about the assassination of a President by Deep State actors.

Since the work of the investigation of the Trump Shooting has fallen onto the shoulders of the public rather our public servants, here is an updated Audio file from Mike Adams, Healthranger who is doing some pretty incredible work with these shooting sound files.



  • Crooks used the same shooting club reportedly used by federal agencies including DHS

  • Cheatle referred questions about a 2nd shooter to FBI

  • Cheatle testified there’s no recordings of radio comms

  • Cheatle uses encrypted chat app

  • Someone who regularly visited Crooks visited a building near the FBI in 2023

Now we learn, the FBI communications for the day are not available. These types of answers can only lead to a logical conclusion that there is an active coverup in progress and anyone with answers is being silenced or resigning or being told to keep their mouth shut and not answer any questions. No recordings means no evidence of wrong doing can be put forward, meaning no serious investigation will be done or is even being attempted. What is being done is covering it all up.

I am now doing a layered, multi-track analysis of the audio of the shooting, with the help of new audio files from Chris Martenson.

The highlighted region in this image shows the nearly 3-second gap after the first 3 rounds and the next group of 5 rounds. According to SS director Cheatle, Crooks fired all 8 of these rounds as she claims he was the only shooter.

So why was Crooks allowed nearly 3 seconds after his first 3-round burst to regroup, re-aim, etc., and to fire FIVE more rounds, and then there was another 10+ second gap before the Secret Service took him out?

They should have stopped him in this nearly 3-second gap highlighted in this pic.

You have to send rounds his way to make him duck, cover, rethink, fumble his grip, etc., you don't let an active shooter TAKE HIS TIME and re-aim and fire off another group of five, do you?

So even if there's not a second shooter, the Secret Service totally failed to stop Crooks either way. Almost as if they ALLOWED him to take 8 shots, huh?

  • Audio recordings of the JFK assassination, with analysis of 10 rounds fired. (0:03)

  • Audio analysis of gunshots in a video, differences in sound signatures noted. (6:29)

  • Audio evidence of Trump assassination attempt, with questions on Secret Service response time and actions. (15:11)

  • Assassination attempt on Trump, lack of evidence. (20:51)

Since the public servants are refusing to testify and the Cheetos Lady just resigned, the real work falls back unto the public. It is a sign that to save the Republic it will be the American public that will have to take their Government back from the Donor Class Deep State Deep Church Cabal that has hijacked it. We just did a post on Cheetos lady last night and the day after she is a goner.

Notice this letter has an official letterhead, whereas the Biden letter was written by someone else using perhaps an Ai agent and then signed with a signature that does not fully match Biden’s previous signatures. We are living in a fake reality with a fake pretend President that may not even be alive anymore.


A correction about an earlier post. There were reports that Fink would be on the Trump Team, but Trump has clarified that or altered his plans after the pushback?


Also a correction from Mike Adams, on that audio matter.

Correction on the House testimony, now it seems they said EIGHT brass casings were recovered from the area near Crooks.

So they are now claiming Crooks fired all 8 rounds (the 3 burst + 5 burst), and that Secret Service took 16 seconds (after the initial round) to respond.

So then the question becomes: WHY did they allow Crooks 16 seconds to fire a large number of rounds at Trump without shooting back and stopping him?

Why did it take 16 seconds? Clearly the Secret Service counter-sniper team was ordered to WAIT...

The Cheetos Cheatle Lady knows the number of casings, but will not tell us because, you guessed it because the FBI has got that covered, as in it is trying to cover that number up. If Congress has no Power to make them submit, then it will be a long drawn out process with the Judiciary to make them talk. In another words, this investigation will take years to complete and the final report will be a total whitewash and allocate blame to people who are already dead or resigned.

Meanwhile Kamala is surging in the faux polls and may even beat the Trump?

But she needs to get some better Lawyers who can help her with the well known 3 step technique laid out by Saul Goodman; Placement, Layering and Integration.


There is more news that is even wilder and wackier, which we have to research more to confirm, but it appears as if another Coup is in progress by the Donor Class and this one takes the cake for the level of audacity and chutzpah by the Gangsters of the Kosher Nostra. Biden is missing in action, with no recent proof of life and now the flag in DC is flying at half-mast. Why? Answer, because an active coverup as well as an active coup is in progress in DC by the Donor Class.


Did you know that Benjamin Netanyahu actually brings suitcases full of dirty laundry for government staff to clean? That's one way to assert your dominance I guess...


Is it just a coincidence that Netanyahu has just arrived with his dirty laundry for American taxpayers to clean for him as their slaves. It is an obvious master slave relationship if we are tolerating such things. But why come right now in the middle of a state of crisis with the Whitehouse? Because as the real President of the American AIPAC owned and operated State, he has come to vet the selected candidates and give the final Kosher approval certificate. And that is why the President Blinken move is so incredible and audacious and timed to right now.


Take a good look at the First Zionist First Jewish First Black eyed Demon to take the Presidency as the Acting President with total immunity, all done without an Oath of Office and perhaps a forged signature of a letter not on official letterhead.

Black Demon Eyes Blinken now becomes the Acting President Blinken in a Donor Class Coup by Executive Order.

Black Demon Eyes Blinken now becomes the Acting President Blinken in a Donor Class Coup by Executive Order. Yes you read correctly, by a simple EO Memo the entire voting elections process is rendered meaningless by the Jewish Donor Class Coup.


Memorandum on the Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act



SUBJECT: Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby order as follows:

     Section 1.  (a)  I hereby delegate to the Secretary of the Treasury the functions and authorities vested in the President by sections 104(a)(1) and 104(a)(2)(A) of the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act (Division F of Public Law 118-50) (the “Act”).

     (b)  I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, the functions and authorities vested in the President by sections 104(g), 104(i), 105(c), 105(e), and 105(g) of the Act.

     Sec. 2.  The delegations in this memorandum shall apply to any provisions of any future public laws that are the same or substantially the same as those provisions referenced in this memorandum.

     Sec. 3.  The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.


A power sharing agreement between the Jewess VP Yellen and the Jewish President Blinken as part of the Donor Class Coup, using an ailing Biden.

Take me to your leader now means take me to meet with President Blinken and VP Yellen. Both Ultra Zionist Jews and core members of the Donor Class who have now take their role of the Acting President by stealth using a gang of corrupt Lawyers, some forged letters and no Oath of Office. What a wicked coup.


Read that EO carefully it is saying the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury are assuming the role “the functions and authorities vested in the President”. Since the pretend President cannot even pretend anymore, because he has Covid on top of his dementia related cognitive impairment by Covid-19 Vaccines.

More on this developing story that changes the entire political landscape. Now President Blinken’s plan is to complete the Greater Israel Project and take America to War with Iran. That plan is now is in full implementation phase and hence the arrival of President Netanyahu to manage the Kosher Coup and the Coup leaders. Now this story below from a few days ago makes more sense.

We are days if not weeks away from War with Iran as predicted in our earlier posts. Now that Ukraine has been lost the focus moves to the rest of Europe and the Middle East theatre with Iran in the crosshairs. Then comes the rest of the Islamic nations to conquer for the Greater Israel Project; Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and then finally nuclear armed Pakistan. The Colonel sees the plan too.

But we end with an alert that since War with Iran is now the plan, how are they going to achieve that? Answer, that is how the Trump shooting is related. That chart that he was pointing to is indicating a “Broken Arrow” situation and hence the singing of the song at the RNC and the Bulldog at the WWF led convention.


Sum Of All Fears President Trump closed his acceptance speech at the RNC last night, standing with his family, while Christopher Maccio performed "Nessun Dorma" (No One Sleeps).

This song was featured in the finale of "The Sum Of All Fears" (2002). It's known as the "Payback Ending Scene" in which time ALL the traitors & Deep State Actors were executed..

That Red Arrow is a reference to a Broken Arrow (when a nuke goes missing) in our analysis of the Code in play by the Numbers and Letters. If he is broadcasting a Sum of All Fears message with an American Israeli Nuclear device that goes missing and is then denotated in Baltimore, MD. In that film, a group of Nazis are working with the Israelis to achieve the common goal of starting a War between America and Russia. Does that plot sound at all familiar with that has just taken place with the Donor Class Coup? Answer, Yes of course obviously.

Because if we are dealing with Arrows and a missing Nuke then the film to watch is not only Sum of All Fears, but the film Broken Arrow which is the more likely situation to play out as part of this Coup. Trump’s attempted assassination and faux investigation will be blamed magically on Iran and this nuclear false flag will also be blamed on Iran to start the War with Iran for Israel. America misled by President Blinken will nuke itself to justify a nuclear response to a near nuclear Iran, capiche. In both films the nukes were of American origin, never forget that.

That Bulldog and Code is from the Economist Cover 2019 foretelling the future. Another post is required to explain it in more detail on how we reached these conclusions, but be on alert of for such a scenario in the coming days and weeks inside America. You have been alerted and warned and decoded in real time as the Timelines are altering so fast that prediction models by the Ai no longer work.

Hence the Miracle Timeline start with its infinite outcomes and unexpected set of leaders and misleaders and non-state actors appearing in the production.

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