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THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS and a collapsed supply chain: The Padre Pio prophecies

THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS and a collapsed supply chain: The Padre Pio prophecies

A warning for the END TIMES which may be approaching very soon

An appropriate time to revisit some oldies but goldies and yet to come true end times visions and dreams and messages. The first one is of Padre Pio with Mike Adams. And the second is one Dumitru Duduman from September 1984, some 39 years ago. How many of these 12 Signs have happened so far or are imminent?

12 Signs about When the End of the World Will Happen

In addition to his many other gifts, Padre Pio was able to prophesy, and the Lord Jesus Christ himself communicated with him. In a letter written in 1959 and addressed to Padre Pio’s superior, Padre Pio describes the revelation that Jesus made to him about the end of the world. 

The letter that is said to have been written by Padre Pio is quite long and full of many messages, so we will only look at an excerpt of 12 messages from the book “I grandi profeti” by Renzo Baschera.

1. The world is walking in ruins. Men have abandoned the right path to venture on roads that end in the desert of violence … If they do not drink from the source of humility, charity and love, it will be a catastrophe.

2. Terrible things will come. I can no longer intercede for men. Divine piety is about to end. Man had been created to love life, and ended up destroying life …

3. When the world was entrusted to man, it was a garden. Man has turned it into an atmosphere full of poisons. Nothing now serves to purify the house of man. A deep work is necessary, which can only come from heaven.

4. Prepare to live three days in total darkness. These three days are very close … And in these days they will remain as dead without eating or drinking. Then the light will return. But many will be the men who will not see it anymore.

5. Many people will escape scared. It will run without a goal. They will say that there is salvation to the east and people will run to the east, but it will fall on a cliff. They will say that to the west there is salvation and people will run to the west, but they will fall into a furnace.

6. The earth will tremble and the panic will be great … The Earth is sick. The earthquake will be like a snake: they will feel it crawling everywhere. And many stones will fall. And many men will perish.

7. You are like ants, because the time will come when men will take their eyes off for a crumb of bread. Businesses will be looted, warehouses will be taken in assault and destroyed. Poor will be one who in those dark days will be without a candle, without a jug of water and without the necessary for three months.

8. A land will disappear … a great land. A country will be erased forever from geographical maps … And with it history, wealth and men will be dragged into the mud.

9. The love of man for man has become an empty word. How can you expect Jesus to love you, if you do not even love those who eat at your own table? … Of the wrath of God men of science will not be forgiven, but men of heart.

10. I’m desperate … I do not know what to do for humanity to repent. If you continue on this path, the tremendous wrath of God will be unleashed like a tremendous thunderbolt.

11. A meteorite will fall on the earth and everything will shine. It will be a disaster, much worse than a war. Many things will be canceled. And this will be one of the signs …

12. Men will live a tragic experience. Many will be overwhelmed by the river, many will be burned by fire, many will be buried by poisons … But I will stay close to the pure of heart.

Really to think and meditate, but when will this day happen? The key is in the same Bible 2 Peter 3, 2-13

And to be attentive, because the Lord will come like a thief …


Padre Pio's letter about end of world. 0:00

  • Padre Pio claims Jesus revealed end-of-world signs, including destruction of life through vaccine industry.

  • Mike Adams laments the pollution of the world and the need for divine intervention to reverse it.

End-time events and societal disruption. 3:51

  • Mike Adams predicts a catastrophic event will occur, causing total darkness and resulting in many deaths.

  • He warns people to flee in any direction, but they will fall into traps, such as cliffs or furnaces, indicating no escape is possible.

  • Preparation is key: stock up on supplies for 3 months of disruption.

Biblical prophecy and the consequences of humanity's actions. 9:03

  • Mike Adams discusses the possibility of a catastrophic event causing three days of darkness, followed by three months of supply chain disruptions and the disappearance of a great land.

  • He speculates that the event could be an asteroid impact in the Atlantic, inundating the East Coast of the United States and erasing history, wealth, and men.

  • Mike Adams claims men of science will face God's wrath for COVID crimes, vaccine lies.

  • Mike Adams expresses frustration at humanity's evil actions and lack of repentance, citing examples of Satanism and demonic behavior in society.

  • Padre Pio warns of God's wrath if humanity continues down this path, comparing it to a tremendous Thunderbolt.

Meteorite impact and its effects. 16:22

  • Mike Adams discusses a meteorite impact, mentioning the glowing artifacts created at high temperatures, such as glass formed from desert sand.

  • He provides examples of glass artifacts found in ancient Egyptian jewelry, formed from lightning strikes in the desert.

  • Padre Pio warns of disaster worse than war, including cancellation of many things.

Meteor impacts and their effects on humanity. 21:02

  • Mike Adams predicts massive flooding, fire, and poisoning due to an ocean impact of a giant meteor.

  • Mike Adams suggests meteor impacts could release toxic radioisotopes into the atmosphere, potentially "burying" people with poison.

Biblical prophecy and spiritual preparedness for global apocalypse. 25:25

  • Padre Pio claims God will save souls during apocalyptic events, despite physical bodies being burned or killed.

  • Mike Adams predicts a global apocalyptic event caused by a heavenly body impacting Earth, with darkening of skies, stars falling, and the sign of Christ appearing in heaven.

  • The passage from Matthew 24 is mentioned, describing the sun's darkening, moon's lack of light, stars falling, and Christ's return on clouds of heaven with power and glory.

  • Mike Adams emphasizes the importance of spiritual preparedness during the end times, focusing on living a holy and godly life and being close to Jesus.

  • He believes that physical preparations, such as food and water filters, are necessary but not the most important aspect of preparedness, as spiritual faith and practice are what will truly earn favor with God during the wrath of God.

End times, demonic influence, and saving souls. 32:49

  • Mike Adams claims to be sounding the alarm and revealing truth to help people avoid being victimized by demons in society, particularly those in government, media, and education.

  • Adams believes that the LGBT flag is a symbol of Satanism and destruction of life, and that radical leftists target genitalia to mutilate and castrate children, supporting vaccines, masks, and depopulation.

  • Mike Adams warns that those who reject God will face wrath and judgment, and there will be no forgiveness for those who have been living a life of sin.

  • Pastor Todd Koken Otto urges people to save themselves right now, as the time for salvation is now, not just during the day of wrath.

End times, evil institutions, and survival strategies. 38:42

  • Mike Adams claims Pope Francis is demonically possessed and pushing LGBTQ+ agenda.

  • Mike Adams predicts God's wrath will destroy Vatican City, causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and zombie-like entities.

Demonic evil and spiritual preparedness. 43:45

  • Mike Adams believes God will unleash wrath upon humanity due to intense evil on Earth, comparing it to Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • He would endure three days of darkness and three months of supply chain disruption for God to clear out demonic entities, believing it would result in a fresh start with fewer people and no satanic influences.

  • Mike Adams encourages listeners to prepare for a global reset by stocking up on food and emergency supplies, while also prioritizing spiritual preparedness through reading Scripture.

  • Adams has recorded a new 9-hour audio book, the Global Reset Survival Guide, which is available for free by subscribing to the natural email newsletter.

Dumitru Duduman America is Babylon that will Burn

And now in September 2023, the confirmation of the two above Visions with the Remote Viewer Edward Riordan.

His message is that a Comet is incoming and will change the course of collective history, perhaps as early as November 2023 to February 2024. The Synchronicity is clearly there for all to see and ponder. But our feeling is that soon Brace for impact and the the Sun will Rise from the West?

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Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.

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Until we meet again.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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