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The Stuart Seldowitz Saga on Free Speech, Terrorism and Hate Crimes

The Stuart Seldowitz Saga on Free Speech, Terrorism and Hate Crimes

This incident in New York highlights a number of contemporary issues that have manifested out of the Genocide in Gaza

This podcast with Mike Adams offers some insightful analysis of the Stuart Seldowitz Saga and its relationship to Free Speech, Terrorism and Hate Crimes. On the three main points highlighted by Mike Adams we agree with 2 out of the 3 in terms of what was said by Stuart Seldowitz. But there is more to the story follow the breadcrumbs.

  • What Stuart Seldowitz said to the Egyptian Halal Cart Vendor was NOT part of Free Speech and his First Amendment Rights; Agree.

  • What Stuart Seldowitz said to the Egyptian Halal Cart Vendor WAS Terrorism; Agree.

  • What Stuart Seldowitz said to the Egyptian Halal Cart Vendor was NOT a Hate Crime; Disagree.

It is not part of your First Amendment rights to harass a person and then make verbal threats at a place of his business and then claim that is your Free Speech rights. What is key here is that Seldowitz was a former State Department official with the power to carry out or get someone else to carry out his threat.

Makes you wonder if such a type of attitude is something he recently picked up or is part of his real wicked character. And how did he use his attitude towards Arabs and Muslims in the State Department while he was working there.


We found one clip showing his attitude quite clearly. Of the five American officials shown above at least 3 are to be confirmed Zionists including the infamous Stuart Seldowitz. Thus, also the State Department is another Zionist Occupation outpost.

"We used to joke when I was in the State Department that the Middle East was 500 — you know, is quickly entering the 14th century."

And if you really want to see what it looks like to have fingernails removed then here is the film Syriana showing you what happens with Americans who get caught by bad actors. Note how Americans want to portray themselves here again as the victim in the Middle East rather than the perennial troublemaker.

What was said by Seldowitz were not just idle threats, at this point we have no idea if he sent the text or just threatened to send the text to his contacts in the Egyptian secret service who for any perceived favors from America would be more than happy to pick up another random Egyptian to torture him because he was told by a high ranking American official, that is almost State Department policy there.


That is also what makes his actions, and his words fall into the category of Terrorism and not just vanilla brand Terrorism, but State sponsored Terrorism by the American State Department because he is using his clout, influence, and former contacts from that official Government position to carry out these threats and if they were carried out then they are State sponsored Terrorism by the State Department in our opinion and analysis. We have no way to confirm what has happened in Egypt with his threats.

Stuart Seldowitz, who said “We killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn't enough” with Madeline Albright, who said the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi Children "Was worth it" A fascinating insight into the mindset at the US State Department


Moreover, to say that his actions and his words are NOT Hate Crimes is something we have to Disagree with because his motives were based upon Hate not Love. He was acting out of his Hate and Vengeance based upon a person’s religion, his ethnicity, his views, his appearance and his politics. What motivated his Hate? What he saw in the Halal Food Cart Vendor is what triggered his Hate so to say it was not a Racially motivated Hate attack is totally absurd and missing the importance of this little saga in New York. Lowkey explains it further.

This Racial attack was not the only one and was a pattern of attacks on Muslims and is part of the Zionist Jewish Cancel Culture that forces you to obey to Zionism or you will be Cancelled in terms of your Career and perhaps in the most extreme of cases have your fingernails pulled out.


Follow this Twitter account called Stop Zionist Hate to see the endless cases of pure Hate and Venom being spewed out by the likes of Stuart Seldowitz, who has done more damage to his tribe that than even the IDF. They seem to have a special talent in locating the bigots on social media and reporting them as should be the case. Well done to those folks over there.

Daniel Krieger, a New Jersey Physician at @HMHNewJersey, condones genocide. “If that means turning Gaza City into Dresden or Tehran into Hiroshima, so be it.”


Zionist Israeli Vicious Cancel Culture goes into Overdrive.

The recent cases of Susan Sarandon and Melissa Barrera are just two examples of what happens if you dare speak out against the obvious Genocide in Gaza. Your career in Hollywood will be instantly vaporized by the Zionist Jewish Mafia that controls that cesspit called Hollywood. Was Weinstein a Palestinian using the casting couch?


We are the point of Lists being made by well-known Zionist Jewish Actors who think they can threaten the rest of the world with their threat to make Anti-Zionist Lists of those who dare criticize Zionist Israel and its War Crimes and the Genocide in Gaza. They know who was been Naughty and Nice and they will give you the so-called Gaza treatment when they get their little claws into you.

More examples of the Hate and Venom that is taught from a very early age. Here is a group of Zionist Jewish children celebrating the killing of innocent children in Gaza in a slick music video production. Who teaches Hate and then claims Anti-Semitism?

Was it the same type of List that Micheal Rappaport going make the same type that was used in SCHINDLERS LIST about the Nazi run Jewish Holocaust death camps?

The descendants of those poor Jews who were killed by the Nazis are the now the ones playing the role of the Nazis and these scenes are now seen in Gaza where Zionist Israel is carrying out the same type of Genocide that will lead to a Palestinian Holocaust or Palestinian Pogrom in the future based on the current trajectory of events and forces. The Victims became the new Oppressors and the cycle of Violence continued for another generation or more. At some point this cycle has to be broken.


Does it not all sound like what Kayne West was complaining about was all true, if you dare to speak out against the Zionist Jewish Hollywood Mafia you will be Cancelled. In the bizarro world we live in Porn stars are the ones with Ethics and the Rabbi who owns PornHub calls his company Ethical Capital? This bizarro case involves the Porn star Mia Khalifa which has long been a racial slur to say your Khalifa is MIA as in he is Missing in Action because here we are f $%$ing your brown Christian Lebanese daughter on our videos and making lots of Shekels doing so.

Mia Khalifa The American "Playboy" group announced that it was severing its ties with former porn star Mia Khalifa, after declaring its position in support of the Palestinian people.

The Business Today website said that Khalifa, an American of Lebanese origin, described the Palestinians as “freedom fighters.” According to the site, Playboy magazine informed its subscribers in an email newsletter that Khalifa had been fired and her channel had been deleted from their platform.

"Over the past few days, Khalifa has made disgusting and hateful comments celebrating the attacks launched by Hamas on Israel, in which innocent men, women and children were killed," Playboy's letter said. / X (

Is it too harsh to say such things about a Porn industry which golly jee wiz what a bad surprise is owned by the same tribe that Zionist Jewish bigot Stuart Seldowitz belongs to. Why is just one group behind all of these actions and to point it out is the Hate? They teach and propagate and practice the Hate and then hide behind their constructs.


Here is a thread on another Zionist Jewish Mafia and their control over the Porn industry which will leave you shaking your head and why we have been focusing all our wasted energies in vilifying those poor brown folks in the Middle East who are the real and true Semites without paying any attention to the real elephant in the room. That has been one of the many victories of the Gaza Genocide, the world’s attention has finally turned towards those responsible for the current mess we are in morally and socially. It may well be time for the youngsters and oldsters to give up on that Porn habit after reading this thread on who controls and runs the Porn industry.


Why does a rabbi own PornHub?

So I did some digging. Oh the things that I have found. 🤯

I promise you, you will want to know why.

Get your barf bags ready, coz it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

This is a thread. Brace yourselves.

Thread by @adliehassan on Thread Reader App


If there was no religious backing and involvement at the highest levels then such practices which ironically Stuart Seldowitz was accusing others of are exactly what his own Rabbis condone and practice. These are many treasures that Gaza has unearthed for the world to see and behold.


An update post the podcast for this case. The poor Zionist Jewish bigot aka Stuart Seldowitz is now pulling out the old Anti-Semite card claiming he is the victim of what was said by the Vendor but was not captured on camera. Who to believe and what to believe in this day and age of social media, but until and unless he has those allegations on film with audio, we cannot confirm or deny because we can only judge by what was recorded and shared with the world.


Another splitting of the earth happens when Jerusalem is spilt into two and perhaps then they will finally realize their follies once again?

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