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A Jew and 2 Goyim explain Zionist Israeli Crimes
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A Jew and 2 Goyim explain Zionist Israeli Crimes

Take it from these diverse sources America too is under Zionist Occupation

America shares the same fate as Palestine believe it or not. Why? Because America too is under Zionist Occupation just like Gaza by the same dual citizens occupying the Congress and Senate and most of the halls of power in that Den of Corruption called Washington, DC. An absolute and unrelenting stranglehold on all levers of power to control all outcomes for their Zionist Agenda. Loyalty to Zionism first and to hell with America which is to be used as necessary for whatever and wherever they need to foment more death and destruction. The 2 Goyim explaining the background to the Gaza Genocide are Brian Berletic from The New Atlas and Mike Adams.

A group that is less than 1% of the population controls most of the Congress and Senate and most of the NeoCons aka ZioNeoCons are all the same peoples, and you cannot see the real and present before you then you too have been assimilated by the War Machine run by the same folks running the cesspool in America’s swamp. If you cannot even see or smell the stranglehold of power this one group has, then it seems your capacity for critical thinking must have been Vaccinated away?

Here is an Orthodox Jew explaining why he supports Palestine and rejects the State of Israel and Zionism together. Real Jews are not to hold a state after the destruction of the 2nd Temple. So, who is intent on destroying the Al Aqsa Mosque to replace it with a 3rd Temple? Answer, the same Zionist Israeli Criminals running the Gaza Genocide.

And did anyone notice the name of the operation run by the Intelligence Agencies in Zionist Israel aka ISIS aka Israeli Secret Intelligence Services aka Hamas used the name “Al Aqsa Flood”. As in the Flood for imminent Destruction and Al Aqsa as in the place to be destroyed. They were giving you a hint as to their Zionist roots and their future plans all in one. And whenever they get caught in their own lies, without fail they will cry the old lines of perennial Victimhood and Anti-Semitism.

A group that was the Victim in WW2 is now the Oppressor in WW3. If you have never heard of the 75 years of Nakba then you too have been assimilated by the DC run Borg.

We will end it here tonight with this short clip from a mighty IDF commander. A former IDF that seems to be committing mutiny via social media against the IDF. Oh, how the mighty fall, because it is always Pride before the Fall. Some but very few are brave enough to admit the truth and tell the world the IDF is corrupt, Netanyahu is a Terrorist Leader of the Hamas Terrorists who are paid mercenaries of the very same Zionist Israeli Intelligence Agencies aka ISIS that are handling them for such terror operations for wider regional outcomes. The goal now is now not just Gaza, but the rest of the Arab Middle East and the building of a Greater Israel with new borders and new rules and more occupation.

The Greater Israel Project: A Zionist Scheme To Transform The Geopolitical Map Of The Mideast ...

And if you forgotten about little Natan, the dreamer who died and came back to tell us that the mighty IDF will only hold out for lousy 2 days, then this time is a very good time to watch this video in full again. What will become of little Zionist Israel then on day 3? Go the 30 minute mark if you want to skip ahead to the destruction of the mighty IDF. And guess what is now happening after October 7, 2023 and today just happens to be the 7th day after on a Solar Eclipse on October 14 which is nine months pregnant with more symbolisms of death and destruction prophesied a long time ago.

An Israeli boy died for 15 minutes and came back with an account of seeing Messiah, heaven, hell, and even Obama as Gog. What does it all mean and should we put any stock in it? Find out what I think is the probable source of his NDE vision...

Summary of Natan's Vision

So what does his vision predict? Here's a list:

  1. After he died, he rose above the earth and saw a light that was full of love and security. He can’t properly explain how amazing this was.

  2. Messiah has already here and is very well known. People will be very very surprised. (He seems to be alluding to Jesus but is afraid to say it as common among Jews and Muslims. A Jewish believer told me after listening to the interview, "Natan appears to have seen Jesus the Messiah and obviously feels threatened to give a full disclosure of the event. Another interesting thing is that he saw 'Messiah' and knows who it is and everyone else knows who it is too but to his listening audience (the Jews) he tells them that they would be very, very, surprised. Natan apparently knows from his statement the "Messiah's Name" but still omits it and not shares this most important and anticipated detail??? Again, this method of obfuscation is common among Jews and Muslims. In other words they are cowardly and basically deny Him as Peter did, thrice."

  3. The war of Gog and Magog started Sept 11, 2015, and it will get much worse in the weeks or months to come.

  4. There will be a huge world war that will eventually lead the nations of the world to unite and attack Israel and Jerusalem.

  5. The leader of the free world is now Gog. Gog is none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

  6. The whole war will last only about two weeks. (oops, that would have ended Sept 25th according to 5.!)

  7. The Jews who did not keep Torah will die. The number will be in the millions. This is in addition to the non-Jews who will also perish.

  8. Mt. Zion will split into two and the Messiah will be revealed. Messiah will be able to sense by smell who is a real God-fearing Jew and who is not.

  9. Messiah will fight against Gog and kill him. Gog will be buried in Israel.

  10. During the war, two atomic bombs will be shot at Israel and God will suspend them in the air for two weeks. (They will eventually fall on Tel Aviv and Haifa.)

  11. Israel will be captured but the worthy will survive in Jerusalem.

  12. Messiah will wear a garment that is stained in blood. The blood symbolizes all the Jews who were killed while righteous. Messiah will then take revenge on the nations of the world who have oppressed us throughout the years.

  13. It will take a very long time to bury all the dead.

  14. Only those who do really repent will survive.

  15. Those who repent will inherit the highest level of heaven.

  16. The Holy Temple will descend from heaven and there will be a resurrection of the dead. This will take time and not happen immediately.

  17. It's a "matter of months" till the final redemption.

Jewish Boy Natan’s Near Death Experience: From God or Something Else? – Escape All These Things (Luke 21:36)

The mighty IDF is now amassing 300,000 plus reservists for this very outcome. Who will then have to enter the war to defend little Zionist Israel? Answer, American boys and girls will be sent to die in countless hamburger hills to defend little Zionist Israel. Welcome to the American Occupied Territories. America is now just like Gaza and will suffer the same fate at the hands of the same culprits and same usual suspects.

Zionist Israel respects nothing not life not liberty not rules not laws. Even animals have rights and on judgement day, even this donkey will be testifying against them.


Here is the Mighty IDF against a rolling tire.

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