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Is April 8th Activation Day for the Vaccines Zombies and the Migrants?
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Is April 8th Activation Day for the Vaccines Zombies and the Migrants?

Some more pieces of the puzzle are coming together as we approach this ominous date as we talk the connections to Trump, Migrants, CERN, NASA and other actors.

Every time we attempt to write this post, more information comes and changes the nature of the discussion. And today was no different, but with only 2 days before the ominous April 8th Eclipse date we have to get this information out for all to see. What happened today? Answer, there was an earthquake in the Eastern part of America, and it was centered according to media reports at Trump’s Golf Resort. These are news headlines that could not be made up even if we tried to do so. This podcast is with Mike Adams, Healthranger from last week, but he covers most of the high strangeness connected with this Eclipse, but there is much much more here to see.


The literal epicenter was Trump and was Trump the target of this projected Quake or was it a natural event? The answer lies in your perspective, are you a Conspiracy Theorist or a Conspiracy Denier? If you are familiar with the Steve Jackson set of cards then you will remember his track record in predicting this card and the Trump card. Can of these things be just a coincidence? At this point in time, we are out of words for the number of coincidences that are interconnected here to this Eclipse. So consider this post Part 2 of our earlier post on the Devil’s Horn Comet and Eclipse.

US Election 2016: Was President Trump's assassination predicted by Illuminati? | Daily Star

Is this even possible to make up or is there a higher hand at play here? Answer, at this point we are not sure anymore of what is going on or what is about to go down on this date, but the signs are all ominous and disturbing for the future America. As usual we have to consider the code of the Elites and see if the hands of the Elites are involved and as usual the ritual is coded to the letters and numbers of Kabbalistic Gematria.

How can it be possible that the epicenter is both Trump’s golf resort as well as some sort of monitoring station named Whitehouse Station, New Jersey? Answer, yes in the bizarro world we are currently experiencing anything is possible, but wait there are even more stranger connections to this earthquake and predictive programming from the Elites at Hollywood. The film in question where New York City is nuked is a cult classic and the Obama produced playbook of events to come called Leave the World Behind. We believe the events being shown are predictive programming at this finest.

2024 New Jersey earthquake - Wikipedia

The earthquake had a moment magnitude of 4.8 and a depth of 2.9 miles (4.7 km). Its epicenter was near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, at 40.683°N 74.753°W. Tremors were felt all across the Northeastern United States from Maine in the north to Washington, D.C., and Norfolk, Virginia, in the south.

Flesh Eating Bacteria Card in the Illuminati Card Game, page 1

In the film, the Obama figure is played by the actor Mahershala Ali as G.H. Scott, but look at this bizarre coincidence, which in our opinion is not a coincidence at all. The character is a New York resident and on board of the New York Philharmonic. Why would that even be relevant here? Answer, keep reading below to see the connection to this projected earthquake on a specific location with specific names and locations.

Leave the World Behind Cast: Every Actor and Character (

Character Profile: A New York City resident with a bad knee. He is on board at the Philharmonic and has interest in patterns that govern the world. G.H. hides a secret about a doomsday event.

Of all the locations and events that happened on this date with the Earthquake, they are reporting the coded numbers and words and locations; namely New York City and New York Philharmonic and the times. If you added the 11:02 plus 40 you get 11:42. And can you guess that is 42 in Gematria? See the decode video above and post from the master at this game of decoding Gematria who is Zachary Hubbard at Gematria Effect News. Because World War = 42 and Iran = 42 and War = 42. No these are not coincidences.

2024 New Jersey earthquake - Wikipedia

The earthquake interrupted a meeting of the Security Council on the Israel-Hamas War at the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan, while a performance at the New York Philharmonic was briefly delayed by cell phones sounding an alert at 11:02, which was sent about 40 minutes after the earthquakes were felt.

In this previous post we told you that America is going to War with Iran just as was predicted in the film and watch how that is now connected. All on the same day and same time and same headline we have an Eclipse, Iran and the Trump related Earthquake.

It was opened in 2004 when Trump was 58. Today, April 5, is the first of the last 271 days of 2024, which is the 58th prime number, going with Trump becoming #45 in the 58th US Presidential Election. 271, 58th prime *Freemasonry=58

58 also has the bomb connection. *Nuclear Weapon=58 & 68

As for the 68 part. *Nuclear Energy=68 *Donald John Trump=68 *Golf=68

Remember what happened in 1968, leading up to 9/11?

And while this is going on rumors of World War with Iran are breaking out.
World War=48 & 42 *Iran=42 *War=42

Keep in mind this earthquake was 42 weeks and days after Trump’s last birthday.

The other location they cited in Wikipedia was the UN meeting. As they are literally discussing the Genocide in Gaza and the crimes of murderous little Zionist Israel we have the earthquake take place. Watch this video. If that is not an ominous sign then we do not know what will qualify as a sign from the heavens that judgement is coming upon America for its role is aiding and abetting the Genocide of Gaza by America.

In the film there is a scene in which leaflets are raining down on America, just like as if America will be the next Gaza at the hands of the same murderous little Zionist Israel regime that distributes leaflets before the slaughter begins. This one from the film says “Death to America”, so that must be what the Obamas have planned form America.

Israel Defence Forces drop warning leaflets in Gaza telling people to flee (video)

And in the film there are several references to phones and alerts on phones, but they all indicate bad news either a terror event, grid down or a some type of hacker attack. Therefore all of these things on the phone alerts and also cited in the Wikipedia article again are not mere coincidences, they are warnings. Expect power outages, hacker attacks and grid down blackouts to be blamed on the upcoming Eclipse in 2 days. That is a very real possibility so be prepared for that. Notice the burning Bridge that may have Collapsed.

All of that as background because we have not even gotten to the Eclipse connections as of yet. That was just the necessary build up. We believe that this film is the literal playbook of the events to come for America 2024-25. And we explained that in detail in this previous post so please refer to that for review. This scene is a good summary.

Not only is it the playbook, but with the just recent Bridge collapse in Baltimore, we believe the first Domino has already fallen just as the film predicted. It was Coup d’Etat, Civil War and then Collapse, but such films and the Elites love to twist their words and their plans and play the inversion game so the real order is Collapse first and then the other two stages which we now believe will commence as of April 8th and hence why all these events are lining up.

As we said in the previous post based on this amazing alignment of dates and even the planets that something very big is coming on April 8th and it will be Covid-19 level of event when we look back at it in our collective history. Whatever they have planned or will appear it will be significant on many levels. Below is a short summary of the many events that are about occur related to this Eclipse. Try to grasp the enormity of it all.

  • The first city that the Eclipse passes over is Eagle’s Pass, Texas. And what is that and why is that significant? That is the epicenter of the Migrant hordes coming across the border. How better to delay the elections and activate the Vaccinated Zombies as well as the Migrant hordes that with this dark vs light event on 4/8? Are we about to see another 911 event that will mark another 1776 Revolution moment?

  • Activation via 5G signal is a very real technology and the insertion of the nano tech fibers into the Vaccines had to be for a reason. See this scene from Cell for what that ugly scenario looks like. Prepare accordingly and your keep firearms close by.

  • The Eagle’s Pass, Texas also ties in Trump and his Border Wall failed promise and the elections, which is either be cancelled, or postponed or outright stolen and hence the activation of the Civil War scenario when the MAGA folks go ballistic.

  • CERN is being activated on April 8th. Will the interdimensional portals to bring in the demons from the other side succeed or will it fail once again? Another film called the 3 Body Problem predicts that CERN is connected to Ai and to illusions in the sky. What are 3 bodies and could it be Earth, Moon, and the Devil’s Horn Comet? Or is another planetary body about to make an appearance and that is why NASA is sending rockets to either monitor or provide a counter narrative?

  • Watch this recap from the Man of Recaps to save time binge watching that TV series, but if you have the time and energy it is worth watching the first five episodes because the last three episodes are quite lame. Some deep concepts at play here and you couldn’t come up with such stories without insider knowledge.

  • NASA, the folks of Never a Straight Answer are sending 3 probes into the path of the Eclipse in the name of Science, which is the new religion being pushed on us all and the Covid Vaccine hysteria was a prime example. Will it be repeated? Perhaps.

  • There is a mass Cicada apocalypse about to start again in this time frame that will be a once in 17 years release of billions of bugs. And the message from this film was that the Aliens that are incoming broadcast a message saying “You are Bugs”.

  • Why name the project APEP? Because Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path (APEP) will investigate how the drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere, but APEP is named after the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the sun deity Ra, according to NASA.

  • Nothing to see here other an a Serpent Deity and a Devil’s Horn Comet all coming in hot at the same time. In fact that green comet has already appeared in areas and it is being called the Mother of Dragons Comet by some in another coincidence.

    How to see once-in-a-lifetime 'Mother of Dragons' green comet visible in the sky tonight
  • The Red Heifer sacrifice may also occur on April 8th in Israel to mark the start of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, but that means that the current mosque called the Al-Aqsa Mosque must be destroyed for that to happen. And the Oct 7th Hamas operation was called the Al-Aqsa Flood. So now we have both Earthquake and Flood references in play in that part of the ever volatile world. See this thread on the topic based on what the Temple Institute has been planning for many years now.

    Red heifers
  • This first week of April coincides with the Islamic month of Ramadan, and on the last 10 days which is happening right now is believed to when the Night of Power happens. That is the night when you destiny for the next year is decided. And it falls close to April 8th depending on when you started your fasting. The destiny of billions of peoples are being decided as we speak. What is in store for you in 2024-25?

  • Ironic because in the Quran the second chapter is called The Cow and refers to this Heifer as being not Red, but Yellow in color. Those murderous little Zionist Israelis have changed their own books and are about to sacrifice the wrong colored cow and in the process destroy themselves and their land in disobedience to God.

  • Surah Al-Baqarah; They said, “Call upon your Lord to specify for us its color.” He replied, “Allah says, ‘It should be a bright yellow cow—pleasant to see.’”

  • Surah Al-Baqarah; When they are told, “Do not spread corruption in the land,” they reply, “We are only peace-makers!” - does that not characterize perfectly the current situation with the current set of Imposter Jews spreading terror across the lands.

  • The real Temple was Jesus, the real King of the Jews, whom they mocked and rejected in their blasphemy. So the rebuilding of the Third Temple is not at all Biblical. That blood curse is still upon them cursed Jews just as they requested. Matthew 27:25 “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.”

  • There was a film called the Second Civil War from 1997 as in 20 years from the 2017 Eclipse that last went across America. The film poster has a Statute of Liberty in ropes tied up and blindfolded and just today with the Earthquake in the NYC area we have the same replica idol of Lucifer struck by lighting. Yes that is a replica of Lucifer that was not a metaphor. The Statute of Liberty is based on the Lucifer idol.

  • And whose name was like a Lightning strike? Answer, it was Barack Obama; oh dear we have a problem here as we are back to the film produced by Obama about NYC and just today the lighting struck that very Statute modelled after Lucifer, why else with Jacob Rothschild and that wicked Witch be proudly standing next to it?

  • Did Jesus Claim Barack Obama is SATAN? In Luke 10:18 Jesus states, “I beheld Satan as Lightning fall from Heaven.” How does a Jewish Rabbi, which Jesus is credited with being (John 1:38), say in HEBREW, that Satan is like LIGHTNING from heaven? Barack, also transliterated as Baraq in Hebrew, is LIGHTNING (Strongs Hebrew word 1300). Even in Greek, Barak is LIGHTNING (Strongs Greek word 913) for the name of a person! The ONLY WAY, a Jewish Rabbi can say in Hebrew that SATAN is LIGHTNING is, SATAN BARACK! Hebrew translation and Biblical ref. To the word Barack Obama

  • There is more symbolism from this film from 1997 and the 2017 Eclipse. The Second Civil War starts when India nukes Islamabad, Pakistan and creates a large refugee crisis and those poor brown children from Pakistan are forced upon some White Conservative American states by a leftist aid group, but Idaho resists and that is what serves as the trigger event. Does that scenario sound at all familiar with what is happening right now with the nuclear war alerts and the Migrant hordes?

  • The Governor of Idaho is having an affair with some Mexican reporter and leaves his wife for her and decides to resign his office at the height of the troubles, but instead of it being reported as his Succession plan it is misinterpreted as his Secession plan by the Lobbyists and idiots in charge of America at that time. So there is your Mexico and Pakistani brown migrants Idiocracy connections, but the 2017 Eclipse made landfall in Oregon and then Idaho second as in the second time or the second civil war in Idaho and in particular Idaho Falls, Idaho. Pure symbolism about another fall?

eclipse anniversary
2017 Great American Total Eclipse - Creative Force
Enthusiasts in Arkansas ready to see eclipse; most of sun will be hidden
  • We will end here with Trump and a possible blackout EMP event related to him and a plane crash dream. At this stage we are into dream interpretation, but this dream about an EMP over America is quite clear. This blogger JSnip4 is saying that he has had a dream about Trump appearing to be in a plane crash, but in fact he was not in it, but the appearance of his possible death triggers mass chaos and again leads to, you guessed it, which is dream interpretation, a second civil war, in which a deceiver Trump allows it to fester and simmer for pure political advantage and gain.

  • Why would this deceiver of the masses be posting a RIP with 5 roses on his Truth Social account if it was not a decoded message confirming his extremely wicked plans for America? Yes Snake Trump as in the “Father of the Vaccines”, that is the one we are referring to. He deceived you once and he may be about to do it again just in time for the new Civil War film coming out 4 days as in 4 years symbolism after 2020, the April 8th Eclipse date. Just more coincidences? Answer, highly unlikely.



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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17

- Corona Times News


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