
In these Sanctuary Cities, the Republic has already fallen

What do you call it when the Police will allow Migrants to Rape and Pillage at will, because they are part of a Sanctuary City. That is called Surrender, Invasion and that was the Fall of the Republic

Imagine a tomorrow where Kackling Kamala is the President and will remain so for perhaps many months to come. What will be the first thing she does? According to these snippets it appears to be Reparations for the Blacks and Arms Control for all Americans, starting on day one. Can you imagine a better way to get the Black Vote in this elections, other than the trigger word of Reparations?

WOW: Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for REPARATIONS if she becomes President This is INSANE. Enough of this BS!


Which Executive Order will she sign on day one? Reparations or Gun Control?

This is an example of how a psychopath starts talking who lost self reflection by power.

Warning - Kamala Harris saying she can just lock people up with the swipe of her pen……might make you physically sick. This is what Dictators sound like!


If you can believe the Polls, she is winning over the Female Votes, as Trump is losing them in the thousands, which may be enough to swing the elections towards this Queen Kamala scenario. The Female Voters do not feel Safe, so the best way to deal with that is you disarm the population. Good idea? Answer, no as the right to bear Arms and the right to defend yourself are intrinsic inalienable rights. the Queen offers the Female Voters her protection in return for their Vote.

Biden & Kamala confirm they want to ban AR-15s and institute Red Flag Laws that would be weaponized to seize guns from conservatives Kamala isn’t messing around She’s going to seize our guns.


It is a mind trick and less Guns will not make you more Safe, but rather the opposite. The more well armed a population the less chances of civil disorder and petty crime. With an ineffective Police Force with stand down orders and a different set of rules for the Migrant Hordes in Sanctuary Cities, the Republic has already fallen at least symbolically.

Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States (cis.org)

She is one Executive Order from such action to ban you Arms and Disarm the cities before the real invaders come. Because if America simply collapsed in these pre-planned takedown centers called Sanctuary Cities, what resistant will the it give to a national army of hundreds of thousands storming the shores?

In Canada, the Communist Chow has also declared its largest city Toronto as another region of its disastrous American version. Is the plan for Canada the same as America? Answer, Yes but with some Canadian flare and flavorings. Chaos Agents like Antifa would simply disable the 401 based highway system and Toronto would fall in one day? It would not take much as we are seeing in Aurora.


The Pretend President Biden is no longer even pretending, as he lies comatose at the beach for most these summer days as the Republic gets overrun by the Migrant Hordes, who have questionable intent, but that would have to be judged on a case by case basis. Clearly Law Enforcement is not working as the Law is no longer being Enforced, and instead the State has turned on its own if a typical Snake its own tail ritual madness.

Full Screen Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States (cis.org)

If you are living in one of these Sanctuary Cities, the Republic has already fallen. You are essentially on your own and the Police may or may not arrive when you call them for Migrant related 911 Emergencies.

Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

By Jessica M. Vaughan and Bryan Griffith on August 27, 2024

Sanctuary Cities List by States, See where you reside what your choices are now.

  • California

  • Colorado

  • Connecticut

  • Illinois

  • Massachusetts

  • New Jersey

  • New York

  • North Dakota

  • Oregon

  • Rhode Island

  • Utah

  • Vermont

  • Washington

Redacted covers it all here. The Republic has fallen when its own Citizens have no confidence in the Police and the official policy appears to be let them rape and pillage at will, because we are one of these Sanctuary Cities. If that is the case then, what are your lawful options at that stage?

Those are the difficult choices now at hand. To stay and defend what is yours, or be overrun and the Police may or may not arrive when called or relied upon for Emergency services.

A cop tells a citizen who is reporting a crime committed by an immigrant:

"I've arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before, I let him walk out the door because we're sanctuary city.

We do not report illegals, undocumented immigrants."

CITIZEN: "So you're gonna let a person who went to prison, he committed crime in America, who's illegal right now, you re gonna let him go free right now?"

OFFICER: "That's exactly what I'm saying because we are sanctuary city"

This is going to be Harris’ America!


A return to First Principles would be good at this point in the timeline. More Guns in the hands of the Criminals will not make you Safer. That is a logical fallacy and a cheap mind trick. Take care of your own business first and then also mind your own business second.

The Republic has been setup for an Invasion and the enemies foreign and domestic have already breached the non-existent walls and are within American cities and towns by the thousands. The Aurora Police was only some 700.

So logically a team of a few thousand gangsters could take any midsize city in America and overrun its Police Services Mexican Drug Cartel style on the streets of most of America.

That is the currently the state of affairs and add to that Kackling Kamala is the current President. She has won the DNC Nomination without any resistant and is leading in some Polls, and Trump may in prison in about 2 weeks. Things seems to be leaning towards a Kackling Kamala is the President scenario starting right now. That is and was the scary part.

We are not in a what if scenario, she is the current acting Head of the Snake, Kackling Kamala is the President. How fitting that an end times Whore of Babylon would metaphorically rise in the land of the end times Babylon called America to rule over her final demise and ritual sacrifice at the Altar of Ba’al.

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