What the Start of a Financial Contagion looks like
Who will be the Financial Contagion Patient Zero? It looks like that unfortunate prize in history goes to Liz Truss on Day 1 of her Mini Budget.
Some data points to show readers what the Start of a Financial Contagion looks like. A Financial Contagion is like a Viral Contagion, it has to begin somewhere with the hunt for Patient Zero. Who will be the Financial Contagion Patient Zero? It looks like that unfortunate prize in history goes to Liz Truss on Day 1 of her Mini Budget.
Financial Contagion Scenario #1 - British Bond and Mortgage Markets Implode
The Train Wreck administration under the new UK PM Liz Truss has plunged the entire nation into financial chaos. In the UK the mortgage rates have been near 0-2% for years and in less than 3 weeks in office she has managed to literally blow up the Bond and Mortgage Markets and almost the entire UK economy with her Mini Budget.
The average rate on a two-year fixed mortgage has jumped to just under 6%, according to data released on Tuesday, dashing hopes that UK government efforts to calm the financial markets might ease the cost of home loans.
Amid warnings from brokers that 95% mortgages could be the next casualty of the financial uncertainty triggered by Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget, research firm Moneyfacts said the average new two-year fixed rate jumped to 5.97% on Tuesday, having already risen to 5.75% on Monday.
Lenders effectively pulled down the shutters after the market turbulence caused by the 23 September mini-budget, withdrawing 40% of deals last week. Many of the biggest lenders have now re-entered, with Nationwide, NatWest, Barclays, Virgin Money and Skipton returning with new offers.
Data shared with the Guardian shows that the total number of new 95% mortgage products available has fallen to 129 – less than half the number on sale on the day of the mini-budget, because of fears homeowners could end up in negative equity if house prices were to fall by 10% or more.
The average new five-year fix was priced at 5.75% on Tuesday, up from 5.48% on Monday.
The average two-year fix has surged from an average of 4.74% on 23 September, and 2.34% at the start of December last year.
In the UK 95% mortgages are those where you only need to put down only a 5% down payment, whereas in Canada and other jurisdictions that requirement for a new home mortgage financing can be 20% or more. The Mortgage Market was so bad the Banks and other Lenders stopped offering Mortgages because of the economic uncertainty. That is how fast things can change and implode in these uber leveraged and hyper sensitive financial markets.
It is a domino effect, take down one piece and the rest fall like dominoes taking out the entire system. Watch the video above from UK TV to see how badly British voters are reacting to the new PM. And in the short 3 weeks of chaos in the UK is what the Start of a Financial Contagion looks like. This scenario can be repeated now anywhere.
Financial Contagion Scenario #2 - Market Crash Cycle Experts warns of Future Crash
Is the Worst Market Crash in History Just Weeks Away? - Aaron Brickman Interview. Watch on Rumble. But the basic summary is that the Stock Market will rally and crash in a specific pattern and on certain dates. If those conditions are met, which so far look like they are, then the rest of the cyclic pattern suggests a hard crash landing. And hence his extreme short positions. This month of October 2022 is according to Brickman when it all goes down. He knows that the Financial War is also a Spiritual War against the forces of Darkness that use the Banking System to enslave the masses.
Financial Contagion Scenario #3 - OPEC+ and Price Caps may have killed the PetroDollar.
One of the most important pieces of news and it people are not processing the gravity of the news. Saudi Arabia in its move to cut oil production has signaled to America that is no longer a reliable economic partner or a vassal state, but is now aligning with Russia, which of course directly undermines the tacit Oil priced and paid in Dollars PetroDollar USD agreement and standard that has existed since the 1970s.

That PetroDollar has been blow up again as a result of the War in the Ukraine and the Sanctions on Russia. The OPEC+ Oil Cartel has made this move because America with the EU was trying to impose a Price Cap on Oil. As in OPEC nations own the Oil, but America with the EU will set the Price of as they wish. It was a tit for tat response to the Price Cap on Oil and as result Oil production was cut, but more moves will come from the Saudis soon. Alexander covers all the relevant points below.
Saudi Arabia is now in danger of going down the path of Libya, Syria and Iraq. All of these nations are being raped of their Oil by America. It works as follows, first you change the local regime and then install a puppet government and if that fails then simply use the Marines to seize the Oil and keep it for yourself and call it Democracy.
Saudi Arabia’s MBS better know that the Zionist Israeli Jackals who are experts at regime change will be unleashed if he continues down this path of rebellion. His biggest move to signal a War with the Collective West would be to announce OPEC will buy and sell Oil in currencies other than the USD Dollar. The counter response from American CIA and its Zionist Israeli Jackals will be lighting fast because the reaction from the financial markets will also be like lighting has just struck the Whitehouse. It would be the end of the USD Dollar Financial standard and then America turns into Venezuela overnight.
Financial Contagion Scenario #4 - The WEF 666 plan of De-Industrialization is game on.
It was just by chance that we came across something we saw last year. A master plan to turn off the economy as is being down in Western Europe was planned months ago and some brave learned souls saw and knew the entire gameplan months ago. Below is the relevant because we are at the end stage as in the last Phase which is Phase 6. The earlier Phases dealt with the Covid-19 Vaccine fakery that would be launched on us.
Here is Phase 6 and when we say “De-Industrialization” that is exactly what we mean. When they say they want to return us to “Pre-Industrial Levels” in Carbon Emissions, how do you think we will achieve those levels without turning off the Industrial Base? They are telling you the plan, but we seem to not get it? Words matter so then pay attention to their words, because they are planning your future in these sweet words.

Key aspects of the Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Additionally, the agreement aims to increase the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change, and at making finance flows consistent with a low GHG emissions and climate-resilient pathway.
To reach these ambitious goals, appropriate mobilization and provision of financial resources, a new technology framework and enhanced capacity-building is to be put in place, thus supporting action by developing countries and the most vulnerable countries, in line with their own national objectives. The Agreement also provides for an enhanced transparency framework for action and support.
How do you keep global temperatures below 2 degrees? You have to control Carbon Emissions and that is how you bring global temperatures down to the target level of “pre-industrial levels”. That means we return to times when there was no Industry to save the Climate for the Green Communists led by Greta. That is the real meaning behind “pre-industrial levels” and “De-Industrialization”.

That is why Western Europe is being turned off. Not by Accident, but part of an organized plan to take down the Economy to bring in the Anti Christ Beast Financial System.
This post was published in October 2021 and so we missed an entire year of warning.
Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
> – Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
> – To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
> – Activate the «Great Reset».
> – De-materialize money.
> – Cancel debts and loans.
> – Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
> – Seize properties and land.
> – Ban all global medicines.
> – Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
> – Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
> – Extend the measures to emerging countries.
> Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.
(What does N.O.M. stand for? -hm)
Thanks to NKhttp://messanonews.com/2021/10/mike-yeadon-timetable-to-tyranny/
They seem to be quite proud of their plans and remember most of the world is already a signatory to this Paris Agreement.
The point here being that their wicked Plans seem to be going right on schedule and according to the master gameplan schedule. Remember we suggested that the Great Reset might begin on October 1, 2022 and so far a few days into October and the PetroDollar Oil System that held of 50+ years was just blown up on Yom Kippur which was Oct 5, 2022 right after the Americans blew up the Russian Nordstream pipelines.
Connect the Dots and win the Prize in the End Times, which was your Spiritual Salvation which is the only thing that really mattered in all of this talk. Know your enemies and know how the Forces of Darkness work and know what you needed to do.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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