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What is a Dream, Premonition, Vision or a Nightmare?

What is a Dream, Premonition, Vision or a Nightmare?

How do we tell the difference between our experiences in that other realm of time and space

In late 2023 things are so far gone that even Mike Adams is having Dreams or rather Premonitions as he ahs labelled it. But what is the difference between a Dream, Premonition, Vision or a Nightmare? Answer, read the ChatGPT answers and listen to Mike talk about this thoughts about the future of America.

Dream, premonition, vision, and nightmare are all experiences related to the world of dreams and consciousness, but they have distinct characteristics and meanings:


  • A dream is a series of thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations that occur in the mind during sleep. Dreams can be vivid or vague, pleasant or distressing.

  • Dreams often reflect the subconscious mind, personal experiences, and emotions. They can be a mix of memories, desires, fears, and fantasies.

  • Dreams are a natural part of the sleep cycle and occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep.


  • A premonition is a feeling or sense of anticipation or foreknowledge about a future event. It's often described as a strong intuition or hunch.

  • Some people believe that premonitions can provide insight into events that have not yet occurred. However, scientific evidence supporting the existence of premonitions is limited and often controversial.


  • A vision is an experience in which a person sees something, typically while awake, that seems to be beyond the ordinary or has special significance. Visions can be sensory experiences involving sight or other senses.

  • Visions can have cultural, religious, or spiritual importance and are often interpreted as messages or revelations from a higher power or the subconscious mind.


  • A nightmare is a particularly distressing or terrifying dream. Nightmares often involve intense fear, anxiety, or a sense of danger.

  • Nightmares can disrupt sleep and leave a person feeling anxious or upset upon waking. They may be caused by stress, trauma, or various psychological factors.

In summary, dreams are a common aspect of sleep that reflect our subconscious mind, premonitions involve a sense of foreknowledge about future events, visions can be extraordinary experiences with spiritual or symbolic significance, and nightmares are distressing dreams that evoke intense fear or anxiety. These experiences vary in their nature and meaning and can have different interpretations depending on cultural, personal, and psychological factors.

broken car covered with flame
Photo by Flavio on Unsplash

We have covered other Dreamers in the past, but not Mike Adams as of yet.

I had a very vivid dream this morning that I have to share with you because I think it's I think it's a premonition of things to come. And the dream was that there were gun battles, at the ballot, counting areas precincts buildings in the 2024 election.

And I think that this this dream, really, it was very, it made a very deep impression, emotionally charged impression, I was horrified by it, realizing that America is breaking down into a civil war scenario and thinking that, gosh, you know, if the events portrayed in this dream come true like this, it means that the Civil War begins with the next attempt by the Democrats to rig the election.

Mike Adams

It lines up with his recent RED ALERT - New Mexico Governor declares Second Amendment NULL AND VOID... it's a civil war TRAP!


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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

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