The Ukraine has disappeared from the World Map?
What is going on with America's Geography Classes and why are they Disappearing Nations?
If you canβt find it on the map has the Ukraine not disappeared from the World Map and landed in Africa, Italy, and Florida? Americaβs Edjumacation System producing fine candidates such as these daily.
Can the Natives have their Land back now? It is that small piece anything West of Florida. I am sure it will not be missed by this bunch because they are still wondering how Ukraine is not in Africa.

This scenario is the end result of many years of trying to reproduce that film called Idiocracy. Are we now living inside that Costco?
Welcome to Costco, I Love You.
No my friends, the story began much earlier. We have to go back to the 1960s for this story. If you not heard the story of one Charlotte Iserbyt then these videos serve as a starting point and will help to put the above Edjumacation System into perspective and explain how did we get here.
The Common Core was the Communist Core Edjumacation System according to Charlotte Iserbyt and the dumbing down of America was deliberate. This beginning was what has led to the current Critical Race Theory indoctrination attempt.
Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms (social constructionism).
Her book entitled the Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America can be read for free at, but notice how profound her observation was back then and where we are today. From 1952 to 2022 is exactly 70 years ago. This nation was infiltrated and hijacked long ago by the same group of Elites we now know as the Name Changers of Old, but as the Zionist Masonic Khazarian Mafia of the modern age.
She does not mention this groups Zionist connection by name, that is our added interpretation writ forward 70 years, because which other ethnic group matches this level of power today and had immigrated in the 1950s post WWII.
Communism was just another Ism these Secret Societies used as a cover for their Operations. Social Engineering was their goal then and it is still their ultimate goal today through front organizations such as the WEF and Klaus Schwab.
Her words of warning so long ago when the internet was just being born seem even more relevant today when you tie it back to the what happened to Ukraine and how did it move to Florida and Africa at same time question and answer.
The planning began decades ago.
Yes, the implications for education are clear and imperative. A the efficient functioning of the emerging economy, and the full utilization of its potentialities require profound changes in the attitudes and outlook of the American people, especially the rising generation, a complete and frank recognition that the old order is passing, that the new order is emerging.
It took only 2 Foundations to rule America.
After the war, the Carnegie Endowment Trustees reasoned that if they could get control of education in the United States that they would be able to prevent a return to the way of life as it had been prior to the war.
And they recruited the Rockefeller Foundation to assist in such a monumental task. According to DOD, they divided the task in parts giving to the Rockefeller Foundation, the responsibility of altering education as it pertains to domestic subjects.
But Carnegie returned the task of altering our education in foreign affairs and about international relations.
Education became the Communist Core Edjumacation System not by accident, but by deliberate design. A study sponsored by the Carnegie folks of course was summarized by one Professor of the day;
This study was funded to the tune of $340,000 by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, quite a sum of money in 1934 dollars! Professor Harold Laski, the philosopher of British socialism, said of this report: βAt bottom, and stripped of its carefully neutral phrases, the Report is an educational program for a Socialist America.β
Remember, Welcome to Costco because I Love you. In closing to answer the question where is the Ukraine on the World Map - see the maps below.
A closer look.
And now for the advanced students. Yes the borders are in dispute, so where is those contested borders maps.
Before the Russian invasion aka Special Military Operation to DeNazify and DeNATO and DeMilitarize the Ukraine.
And now after the Russian campaign. As you can see most of the nation is not under occupation or daily shelling, but is not what the Lame Stream Media wants you to believe.
As a final reminder, a Socialist Education System requires workers not thinkers and certainly not those who ask questions and write articles asking questions. Thinking is to be done by the State and you do not need to worry your little head with such things.