
The Musk Trump Interview PsyOp Exposed

Did you fall for the PsyOp by these two Demons? Almost 1 Billion did sadly. We explain why.

Only if you have lost your ability to be rationale, to be objective, and exercise your God given critical thinking skills, only then would you have fallen for the Musk Trump interview PsyOp. If you were enthralled and entertained by that waste of time then you were sadly 1 of the nearly 1 billion victims of the Deep State PysOp.


On the one hand we have a billionaire who wears demon suits and wants to put a chip in your head and on the other side a serial adulterer casino mogul billionaire who was the Father of the Vaccines. And these are the two the masses flocked to?


What a strange coincidence that we were writing this post at the 9:24PM rather than AM that is in this tweet, but 4 years apart as the Substack servers crashes.

Your critical thinking skills are totally dysfunctional if you think these two slick agents of the Deep State are here to improve your lives and give you freedom. But you don’t understand Musk is giving us a free speech platform and Trump promised he will build the Wall, they will say. If you wanted free speech there were many other alternatives (Mastadon, Gab, Bastyon) without the baggage of falling for an outright demon such as Musk that even his own children despise.

And what important topics did these two demons discuss? Answer, it was just two fools talking nonsense to distract you away from the real issues. Were any hard questions asked about his Miracle Ear or why both sides support the Genocide in Gaza or what his actual plan to stop the War in Ukraine actually is other than just campaign slogans? Answer, no of course not because it was WWF style fake news entertainment by two wicked Deep State Assets pretending to be your saviors.

Who is Musk really and what is going on with these hand signs for the Devil?


Thank goodness some Americans, a very small minority of thinkers still exist and can see who and what this other demon representative of the Synagogue of Satan.


Here’s another exchange with a MAGA cultist. This is a perfect example of pure delusion & Stockholm Syndrome. This woman admitted she was vaccine-injured, but continues to support Trump, the self-proclaimed “Father of the vaccine”. The Trump spell is so deep; it’s sad to witness.



BET TO COWARD ELON MUSK: I bet 100% of my finances against his total net worth I can prove to an unbiased jury ZERO shots struck Trump. If I lose he gets my assets and I live in the streets as a beggar. If I win, I take his NeuraLink, X, Tesla, SpaceX, & other equities.



If you have to put a chip in your head because Musk is so damn cool and rich, then please watch this video to see what the process will entail. Get ready to have a drill bit open a hole in your head. How else would they get that chip in there? Again, when the critical thinking is missing only then will we have hordes of peoples aka sheeples lining up to be brain chipped by the Musk.

Unless you got the Trump more advanced pasty style chip version. Perhaps that is where Trump is hiding his little demon handler right over his Ear when zoomed in at 420% to match the Economist Cover 2019 code. The original photo is the one below with the Neuralink already installed. Why no questions on the Neuralink?


If you are still down with a chip in your head because Trump has one already? Or is that just his bandage from the fake shooting? But he got shot in the Ear right?

How long has this chip been installed and is that not a risk to the next President and to National Security? Or perhaps that is the bandage from the Butler, PA shooting where we has supposedly injured on the top of his Ear, but he points to his Ear lobe, but the bandage is one inch above his Ear. Did all of that make sense? Answer, it sure does for the MAGA folks, who are ready to apologize for Trump till the bitter end no matter what he says or does. They cannot hold him accountable, but will never admit that or even come to recognize that sad fact.


The Serpent Trump is lies right to you face. Watch this zoomed in video carefully and see if you can spot the Liar lying about this Magic Ear as his eyes move to the right (because you have to flip the camera angle) as if he is imagining a scene aka lying about what happened as per the body language experts.

Notice that right after this question, he does a big gulp, knowing what a lie he has just told, feels the guilt, raises his arrogant stiff neck and stops the fake news press conference. If you had critical thinking skills you should be able to see what is happening before your very eyes as the Serpent slyly lies and slithers away.


To all the Trump apologists and die hard supporters, he is going to push mRNA based Vaccines in his second term to “cure” Cancer, just as Cancer has exploded from the Covid-19 Vaccines. It must be that Strong Delusion again or some type of Magic Spell that has been cast over the minds of these Trump MAGA fanatics?

President Trump is already pushing mRNA "vaccines" for CANCER... after the Covid shots caused the greatest surge in human cancers. And it should concern you that his VP pick, JDVance is heavily invested in MORE Pharma mRMA w/his buddy VivekGRamaswamy



Good to see that even Nick Fuentes has finally woken up to the litany of lies from the Trump Campaign and is now finally going to hold him accountable.

Never forget. Forgiveness is another matter for another time and place. This Nurse went missing soon thereafter. Has anyone heard recently from Tiffany?

I can’t believe people still took the experimental injection after watching this


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