
The FBI involvement in Jan 6th Riots means the new Amerika is here

When the Crime Investigators are the Arsonists and Organizers then we have a new Amerika

During the January 6th Hearings taking place in DC currently we have this exchange between the FBI and Senator Ted Cruz. It seems to be that the FBI is the now the largest and most organized Crime Syndicate in the nation? Not an Agency for Investigations, No that is no longer the case. We now have a New and Improved Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI.

Senator Cruz: Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6 Yesterday? Six yes or no? Sir.

Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI: I can't. I can't answer that.

Senator Cruz: Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6th? Sixth?

Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI: I can't answer that, sir.

Senator Cruz: Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6?

Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI: Sir, I can't answer that.

Much more profitable and productive to control both sides of the War, the Arsonist and the Crime Team Investigating the Arsonist. The FBI is playing both sides of the fence and leading the Opposition for the Civilians, because they obviously do not know any better.

Why has the FBI turned? Because America is more realistically now Amerika. The “k” is for the Marxist-Leninist Revolution we are currently undergoing. It may not appear as such at this moment in time in June 2022, but that is where we are headed.

Towards a hardcore Communist Revolution the likes of a 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that overthrew the Russian Czars and replaced it with a hardcore Marxist-Leninist Government that morphed into the Soviet Union until that Empire ended in 1989.

This Revolution led to the Russian Civil War. Let us not forget that part of history. If the FBI has turned and its clearly seems to have gone Rogue. If it is only interested in its own self preservation then that means we have an out of control Agency within the bowels of Government that is acting on its own and running wild with no oversight.

Lenin died in 1924, leading to a bitter succession battle won by manipulative Joseph Stalin. Under him millions died, including many of his supporters. Although revolutionary fervor had dissipated, the U.S.S.R. staggered along, murdering and impoverishing its people, until Christmas 1991. The Soviet flag finally was lowered from the Kremlin for the final time.

Scholars figure that Communism killed between 8 and 61 million Soviets; 15 to 20 million seems most accurate. Estimates of the total number of dead due to Communism — not counting from wars — run from 85 million to upwards of 200 million.

Communist rulers both murdered promiscuously and implemented policies which resulted in mass death, through famine, for instance. The hardship, including poverty, starvation, oppression, and inhumanity, is incalculable. Equally brutal was the assault on the human spirit. Marxism as adapted by Leninism squeezed the very life out of people.


Is history about to repeat again with new Amerika? The events that started in 1917 meant decades of hardship under the weight of an evil like Communism that would not leave Russia, like a stench you cannot get rid off.

Such Revolutions always lead to the rise of “Strong Men” aka Tyrants aka Dictators such and Stalin and Hitler. The new Amerika will see the type of figure same rising to power who will promise salvation, but bring only death and destruction.

The New and Improved Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI is willing and ready to commit Arson when and where needed and even provide a detailed report on how and when it all went down and who the selected patsies where and what their sentences should be. It was such a white glove service. The blood stains were bleached out before being presented as evidence, but don’t you worry about those details.

They must have taken some serious classes on keeping their stories straight, but somehow they still managed to bungle investigations or was it an intentional case of “Match Fixing” the whole game from the start because that was the Marxist-Leninist way of doing things.

The New and Improved Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI knows that the best way to lead the Great Revolution in Amerika is to control both sides it was an old tried and true Marxist-Leninist ideal.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

― Lenin

That is why the New and Improved Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI lady cannot answer the question. Because it would be an admission of guilt. It would better just to plead the 5th and nothing more, rather than such an awkward and obviously ill advised response.

The standards of the New and Improved Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI, have fallen quite a bit because hiring decisions must also follow the latest New and Improved Woke Marxist-Leninist principles.

Which brings us to the curious Ray Epps who was witnessed by several people for inciting January 6th protestors, but was he an FBI informant? Marxist-Leninist version of the FBI: Sir, I can't answer that.

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack ...

Under such circumstances that choices we stark and depleting by the hour. The sands of time we escaping our grasp as we had lost control of this nation as it became the new Amerika. Will it be like The Man in the High Castle version with a toxic blend of Nazism and Communism, where the “cripples are burnt on Tuesday”; no big deal because that is new Way in new Amerika.

Choose wisely.

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