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Corona Times News Podcast
The Danger of Deep Fakes and TikTok Beauty Filters

The Danger of Deep Fakes and TikTok Beauty Filters

The Ai Tech is getting so good that your Eyes will now Deceive You by their Design

They want you to be deceived. Hence the Pentagram is all over this Ai Technology and they have big plans for how to use it to Deceive the Masses. TruNews breaks the plans by the Pentagram Cabal as they aim to lie.

Just a coincidence that it was the same Pentagram Cabal that ran the entire Covid-19 Operation Warpspeed under Trump. The evidence of that has been covered in previous posts. It is an open secret now. It was the Pentagram Cabal behind it all.

Corona Times News
Trump Confirms he is the Vaccine Man
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Corona Times News
How to Merge Humans into the Borg using Covid-19 Vaccines
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Who lies and lies with intent and purpose as a strategy? That would be Satan as he was the Father of Lies. And therefore, if you are aiding and abetting such an entity in his Lies and in his Plans, then you are one of his little Minions. Hence the One Eyed Cute Dolls they showed in us in films.

The Pentagram is now openly declaring a disinformation war on the masses. You will be deceived, now it is just a matter of whether we can spot the deep fakes and if we can believe our eyes.

The Ai Technology is now so good it is hard to now what is real and what is fake. That is the problem. Because now imagine seemingly other peoples faces can be added to your face in real time as is happening in TikTok right now with the Beauty Filter apps.

Now imagine people using Beauty Face Filters to fool people on Online those who will see those profile photos and think that is what the person actually looks like. How will you know if a Filter was used or not? Who will Lie when asked if they used a Face Filter or not? What happens when crimes are committed using your Face and you get Fingered and Framed by the FBI Crime Syndicate for being a MAGA person?

Are you now seeing the myriad of problems that will emerge when our idea of beauty is distorted by an Ai and unless you can look like the Ai generated version of your face, then you are the one seen as Fake. IT will mess with our minds if very disturbing ways.

A Cluster F#$% in the making of epic proportions. You were warned. Now try to figure what age this girl is in this video and who the real Zhangsta was. Now imagine teenage girls using it to attract older men and the jail bait stories that will emerge.

How badly this Ai technology will be abused and misused for nefarious purposes is unclear, but the potential for deception is very high and the temptation to use such a tech to get an advantage is also very high. And when you are in the Pentagram and Ethics have no business in your business plans, then you can run buck wild with this tech and the results will be equally horrible.

Try not be be disappointed after you see the real version of the person. That is the mind F$%@ing that is awaiting us as this tech gets even better.

The United States has begun pursuing deep-fake psychological warfare as a new weapon to conduct internet propaganda and deception campaigns online, according to federal contracting documents. The Special Operations Command, which fights from the shadows of the world’s most lethal nations, is aiming to use the technology to generate messages and influence operations in peer-to-peer environments through nontraditional channels.

Specifically, the documents say that the command is working on methods to create “deep fake” videos using AI software. These videos — based on AI algorithms — are difficult to identify from real video and can be easily spread across the internet without anyone realizing they’re fake.

German intel has reason to believe that Ukraine destroyed the Nordstream pipeline. Only 30 per cent of Leopard tanks are combat ready. Bots and other ai is being developed to control and brainwash you and I.


Your mind is about to be messed with in very profound and unsettling ways. We are going to see Eye Candy like we never have before and as we said in this earlier post, the Candy will be So Good you will have a hard time saying No. You were warned.

Corona Times News
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Some more evidence to consider on the Fake Constructed Reality we live in.

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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