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CV19 Legal Cases
The Covid-19 Snake Venom Connection
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The Covid-19 Snake Venom Connection

A true horror story playing out in the bodies of billions on a planet called Earth...

Emergency Alert on this one.

This one is filed under Covid-19 Legal Cases because it will be one of the biggest lawsuits in world history. It will rival Nuremberg.

The Snake People are here and they have injected us with Snake Venom and what is causing Covid-19 deaths are actually people dying from Snake Venom poisoning using Drugs such as Remdesivir where a synthesized version of the venom was used.

That was a rough summary of the allegations that Dr. Ardis is making and he is not making it with just a hunch. No he is presenting hard facts and published studies and articles to prove his case. A masterful presentation in these two parts to completely change the Covid-19 Bat Soup accidentally Wuhan Market release narrative.

When these allegations are researched by other researchers these videos will serve as historical documents and a decisive turning point in the Covid-19 Plandemic saga.

Here is the podcast Mike Adams with who Dr. Ardis was talking gives a summary of his own on the interviews and explains the implications of Covid-19 being Snake Pneumonia which is being treated with a Snake Venom masquerading as a Vaccine.

The Snake Bite was the Vaccine Injection. Yes as a Metaphor and quite Literally.

So far Part 1 and 2 have been released. And Part 3 of 3 was added as of 4/13/22.

Links to Files and further research;

And who was the person that got us into this mess at Operation Warpspeed with its hidden in plain sight Satanic Logo?

Coronavirus: Operation Warp Speed

It was none other than President Trump and his little Snake Speech when he clearly told what he was and what he was doing. It has taken more than 2 years to finally put the pieces together. President Trump was and is one of them.

The Snake People of Jonathan Kleck decodes in the Vatican are real and that is what make this entire connect the dots exercise so synchronous.

Everything now lines up it the Snake People, who allied with the Vatican, displayed in their architecture and art, decode by reversing images, and it was the same they who engineered the Covid-19 Plandemic in order to hybridize the world population into joining them as Snakes in body and spirit.

As in Lucifer the Snake is taking us down with him.

This story was an End Times story.

Is a large part of the human population are now longer technically still human, why? Because their RNA and DNA writing and rewriting and instructing on and off has made them part of a hybrid Serpent Human Species - TransHumanism is now here.

We are witnessing the Snake eating its its own Tail ritual, the Oubourros in plain sight. This ritual is performed in the end as the last and ritualistic act. Therefore we are also at the end of time if the Snake is consuming its own because we are now a merged part of it, our greatest enemy. What an ending, if things are not reversed.

The Ouroboros is a Greek word meaning "tail devourer," and ...
Ouroboros, the Infinity Symbol - Mythologian.Net

For our Subscribers a Full Transcript is provided below behind the paywall. More to come on this story.

Here a some quotes;

The word Corona means a crown for the king. And virus in Latin actually means venom. So Corona virus actually means king venom. And as Dr. Ardis explains its venom from the king cobra and if you watch that interview with all the documentation, it turns out that according to Dr. Ardis remdesivir is primarily freeze dried king cobra snake venom.

And as he says that's the reason why people who are being injected with this as the only FDA approved and Fauci approved, quote antiviral treatment for COVID which is, by the way a Plandemic you know, an engineered pandemic.

You understand your part snake that the pharmaceutical industry working directly with Satan has actually managed to turn people into partial snakes partial serpents, taking them away from God away from their human origins. And literally turning the the DNA, the protein synthesis mechanisms of their cells into reptilian producers of a neurotoxic venom that destroys brains and lungs and kidneys and the pancreas and heart and vascular system ovaries.

It destroys the fertility of both men and women. I mean, can you think of a more potent and dark symbolic infestation of humanity than this? In fact, who was it that spoke about this? Dr. Ardis mentioned this in his presentation, this is going to be in part three. But he talked about the seed of Satan.

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