NYC UN Anniversary October 14, 2022 Book of Revelations Watchdate Alert
An End Times Prediction begins on that day as a potential Timeline Marker about Babylon the Great
More confirmation of were we left off yesterday with the NYC Nuclear Tsunami Prediction and now after posting that post, the YouTube Algorithms were keep tracking and when we went back to check YouTube there was the video below at the end of the post. Substack is not a Google company yet, but the YouTube Algorithms knew what video to have ready after the post?
Because they were checking what was being said, written, and typed. They have Audio and probably data on every site every tab that is open in every browser and most likely Video as well, but we blocked it with black tape, good practice. So know what you are saying, listening to, typing, is likely being recorded by the Big Brother Algorithms at Alphabet Soup.
That is what you call a seriously intrusive Algorithm at work monitoring what you writing in another app, on another platform not even affiliated with Google or owned by Alphabet Soup. Substack is owned by in large from what we can tell by the 3 founders, no mention of Alphabet Soup, but there it was waiting to be viewed.
Back to the coming Apocalypse, we feel as if you start start here with an update from Mike444 about the Seals 1-5 already being open and now a Prediction about the 6th Seal about to be opened. Because it was is other video at the end of the post that the YouTube Algorithms wanted us to see. More End Times confirmations in Dreams and Visions by Men and Women in the End Times.
And more confirmation of the Russian Poseidon Merchant City Whore of Babylon End Times America NYC Nuclear Wall Street Tsunami Prediction. A mouthful yes, but that was literally the number of pieces that are coming together to arrive as such a set of conclusions based on available open sourced metadata that the we are in the Book of Revelations and waiting for October 14, 2022 onwards as in in a few days.
In Mike’s video is links to another video which was the real warning video. Do you see how many levels down of pure algorithmic math matching it had to do to provide this video? The video is about a Dark Winter Warning with the text below. Very powerful, but discernment is the key to good discernment.
U B Ready
1 John 2:15-16
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
My son, PREPARE and SHOUT to My children that this will be a DARK WINTER.
Much evil will arise and attack My children. The evil I speak of is both physical and spiritual. My children have not been taught how to WALK BY FAITH, or have faith enough to STAND AND FIGHT. My children are WEAK in body and spirit, and the evil hordes have gotten stronger.
My children, you must LEARN TO PRAY, believing by FAITH that I hear your prayers. My children have been so beat down by the devil that they have LOST HOPE IN ME.
My son, as WAR looms on the horizon, many think nothing will happen in this nation and things will get better. Many have bought the lies of the enemy and TRUST in man over Me. My children, I AM real, I hear your cries, but because of the LACK OF FAITH, I cannot move. Repent now - turn your hearts to Me. I WILL MOVE WHEN YOU MOVE.
My son, this will be a very DARK and COLD WINTER. Many will not make it and will come home. I have said before that I have opened the first FIVE SEALS and hold the SIXTH SEAL in My hand. Soon I will snap the seal, and My GREAT BALL OF FIRE will come for a visit. The ARMY FROM THE NORTH will cause great havoc, and NO ONE will expect it. They believe the lies that the BEAR is weak and unable to move.
I say, the BEAR IS STRONG, and it's paws will SMASH DOWN, and the world will QUAKE IN FEAR at My ONE--TWO PUNCH on a nation that REFUSES to repent. The right cross by the BEAR followed by a left upper cut will KNOCK THE EAGLE OUT.
REPENT NOW! REPENT NOW! REPENT NOW! Get your house in order.
My son, this will be a long, cold, DARK WINTER. Some will be WITHOUT LIGHT OR POWER, thanks to the Bear, My servant.
Repent now of unrighteousness!
Repent now of unholiness!
Repent now of pride!
Lord Jesus
Does that not match exactly what we just wrote yesterday with the Millstone aka Missiles on the Merchant City aka NYC? A Fire Ball is a match to previous post on the Millstones and the coming destruction. All the keywords were there.
As is also the Dark Winter as reference to and because of the Climate Change Green Communists are returning us to “pre-industrial” levels of global temperatures which is a euphemism or another way of saying we are returning to “deindustrialization” has begun to save the Planet for the melting ice cubes theory again. The same theory people have been hearing since the 1970s. The sky has been falling since the 1970s and it looks like the modern day Green Communists are using the same tactics and same script, how pathetic.
It was these early fanatics of this theory that enamored a then young Al Gore who went on to found his own cult of climate change whose bastard devil child has not led to the Netzero Goals of 2030 where we are aiming for a 45% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030. Which is another euphemism or another way of saying we are going to reduce industry and economy by 45% to achieve our legally binding Netzero targets to save the ice cubes from melting and save the sky from falling.

These same climate fanatics are oddly quiet about the cost of War on the Environment and the NATO Nazis attacking their our nuclear power stations in the Ukraine, but now part of the Russian Federation or the still ongoing undersea attack of Terror on the Russian gas pipelines of Nordstream 1 and 2.
Did we ever notice in all this noise that Government was trying to manage the Weather? Just think of the insanity of that thought that the same Governments that cannot fix your roads or your schools or your debt burdens or your tax burdens, is now suddenly going to successfully manage and fix the Weather? Climate is Weather when expressed and measured over Time.
It is important to understand the context of these posts and these times otherwise we repeating ourselves and right now Time is short, very short as in this Winter it looks like. That is what the Dreams and Visions and Bible researchers are saying. The Alignment of all the metadata points to these next few months of profound changes.
Which brings us back to the date we alluded to earlier October 14, 2022 and our last post on Ben Armstrong and the NYC Merchant City Fall Prediction in the Bible. See this post for Part 1 and this below serves as Part 2.
Part 2 Mike Adams interviews Ben Armstrong
This date marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations and it has a HQ in which city, you guessed it NYC complete with a Beast statue in the front. Nothing to see here except the demise of Babylon the Great aka America that was the Beast Nation the Whore of Babylon that Falls Falls in the End Times starting with NYC.
Get ready as we are in the danger zone in terms of timing in terms of the Book of Revelations October 14, 2022 onwards.
There's something else that backs up revelation 14, Revelation 14, starting at verse six, anyone can look this up, there are three angels that fly by, it's kind of just sitting there.
This is clearly just there to give you a timing of what is happening in Revelation, the first angel that flies by basically I'm just going to sum this up says the gospel will be preached throughout the earth.
The second angel that flies by says, fallen Fallen is Babylon the Great. The third angel that flies by warns about not taking the mark of the beast and I read that so many times in my life, never understanding holy cow, it was right there right in front of me. It's right there. It's telling you between the gospel being preached throughout the earth, which I believe is already fulfilled, that's happened and the Mark of the Beast system being set up.
That's when this mystery Babylon falls. That window is absolutely right now we are right in that dangerous. But now let me blow you away even more.
Which brings us to the City in play matching the Kleck decodes with the Snake System at the Vatican and the Occult Inverted Objects of Tenet and the Inverted Castrated Penis of the Torch of Liberty Flame.
So then I realized that if this is Babylon, Mystery Babylon, it is a picture of the original Babylon and God gave the original Babel, it existed more than 70 years. But he gave it a 70 year time period to rule before its destruction. And I thought, well, if this is a parallel than America must have a 70 year timeframe.
And I kept looking at like, we became a superpower in 1948. And I had been doing this for years. So 70 years from 1948. No, it never really worked out. I said, Well, wait a minute. I'm living the book of Revelation. I believe we're in that window. Why don't I since we're at this point, and we feel it's really near?
Why don't I just go back? Backwards seven years. From this point, it's you took us off the gold standard. That's not what I found. What I was thinking in 1952, so I say, okay, 2022, let me go back to 1952. All I did was to Google America, 1952. Wikipedia, just use Wikipedia. I scroll down and not seeing anything, because I'm looking for something that would pop out at me. And then it hit me October 14, it said, the United Nations opens its doors in New York City. Oh, 1952, October 14, and I thought, oh, spiritually.
That would be the moment because New York existed way more than 70 years. When did God view New York City as Mystery Babylon? That's what I should have been looking for? When would God say, New York, you are now Mystery Babylon? When the UN opened its doors, we have not hit the 70 year mark, mark.
The 70 year mark is just a couple days away. October 14, sometimes God does things right on the day. I'm not saying he's going to I'm saying that we have the seven year from October, all the way to October 23 is a seventh, this is the seventh eighth year, danger year for us to be destroyed. But God could decide and he could say on day one, I'm having this happen. So October 14 is day one.
Mike444 was the original source of the first video.
A Salute and Thanks to all the many known and unknown Watchers; Mike444, Kleck, Sister Barbara, Ben Armstrong, U B Ready, and others we have forgotten for their works. We pray for all for the best of times, but we Prepare for the worst.
Until we meet again in 2023.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
We are 100 Percent Independent and Supported by Readers and Viewers like YOU! Digital Hugs appreciated and Subscribers are even more deeply appreciated. We pray for all for the best of times, but we Prepare for the worst.
Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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