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The Twin Female Rival Energy Manchurian Candidate Manifests Itself

The Twin Female Rival Energy Manchurian Candidate Manifests Itself

The Women behind the scenes are now coming out in the front...

If we are trying to answer the question of who is running the show, who is really running this wayward nation, who are the ones behind the men of powers? The surprising hidden in plain sight into front our faces was the answer. It is a very discrete, but well understood political arrangement, a marriage of convenience of the women (which is a twin female rival energy from the works of Jonathan Kleck confirmation), and the companies or corporations financing the project America.

This podcast with TruNews in the first hour one how Dr. Jill has now decided on Biden’s future and what the implications are of the pro Trump Supreme Court decision to given Presidential immunity. The Biden’s are plotting with the chosen group of corporations on what to do next. The decision is not what most expected.

To decipher what was just said, watch this deleted scene from the film that is now most appropriate, called the The Manchurian Candidate (2004) featuring the one and only of her kind actress Meryl Streep. The scene is referred to as “How's Business?” in which the Manchurian Corporation, talks business with their chosen selected political candidate running for the office of the Presidency. These 3 short minutes explains our reality today in 2024. It is all about big Business using Government as the cover for their ambitions and obscene profits.

Meryl Streep represents the Dr. Jill character, and Raymond represents the Biden character who is being mind controlled by the more powerful female behind the scenes. And that Dr. Jill character is the one making the decisions and perhaps she has not decided to come out of her shell and declare what the rules really are. Here is she basking in the fame and enjoying every minute of it, keeping a senile dementia patient hostage to her own political ambitions? Are we living through the real version of the Manchurian Candidate (2004) in 2024, one generation later?

Who will decide the future of America? Dr. Jill will and here she is looking very Presidential indeed. The new Edith Wilson, Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep type of character rises to the top of the game of thrones. Instead of Biden being dropped, Dr. Jill has decided the cadaver still has lots of life still left it in because the happy juice providers are the corporations that are the life blood of this system - money aka campaign donations and the donor class that controls this nation under the guise of Democracy. It is sick cycle feeding frenzy of the worst predatory sharks.

Notice she is wearing all white in the first photo and now black in this second photo above. Because white and black is being shows as symbolism. Because, at first white, is that not what you wear to a wedding? Because, all black is what they wear to a funeral? But the opposite as in what as above so below as the inversion rule the white is the new black signal of symbolism. Has a new marriage taken place taken the twin female rival energy and the legal entities that are dead fictional corpses called corporations? A shell and a husk situation.

It is the corporations doing the political engineering and the profiteering to then plough back into the political campaigns to elect the chosen selected candidates who then lube the wheels and grease the tracks so that the profit train never get derailed on its way to the next quarter of obscene ill gotten blood soaked profits.

There It Is: Biden Family Now 'Expected To Discuss Future Of Campaign' After Disaster Dementia Debate

"The decision-makers are two people — it’s the president and his wife," said one of the sources familiar with the discussions, adding "Anyone who doesn’t understand how deeply personal and familial this decision will be isn’t knowledgeable about the situation."

According to another person 'familiar with his mood,' Biden is "humiliated, devoid of confidence and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear."

"It's a mess," the person said.

Another source said, Joe will only listen to Jill Biden.

"The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady," they said. "If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course."

After NBC News printed the above story, a 'source familiar' scrambled to let them know that the Camp David gathering was not a formal family meeting.

And before you can blink your way to the debates, there is another twin female energy rival waiting to pounce of your pound of flesh. We have kackling Kamala to look forward to in the path called how “America was Destroyed from within”.

It was the twin female rival energy of the end times manifesting itself before us for all to see who was really in charge now. Dr. Jill was the that new embodiment. If not Dr. Jill then it was another trans race twin female rival energy big Michael to the rescue for the Democrats, which we think now since that manifestation is clear to see, they really are the Demoncrats.

All of these events are not all mere coincidences, there is a clear pattern in play for all to see. She is here and means business as we noted in this previous post about the vision of William Branham.

We shall refer to them Demoncrats as such hence forth in coming posts. Because either way to cut it, a twin female rival get the job and controls the rest of the body as the head has already been comprised into by the corporate system.

It is their time and they will not be denied. They are bold enough to print their chosen candidate and he is not even running for President or even as VP. That is how subliminal programming works in your minds eye. Your vote has now been already decided for you, and you just just to fill in this little form to confirm aka conform.

The Demoncrats are here and if you vote for that monster please understand the consequences of actions in the end times. Do not be the architect of your own demise. Voting is very dangerous and has consequences if you end up voting your oppressor into power, which is exactly what we are doing. Hitler was voted into power by the Germans and then he turned on them. History repeats itself. And this rhyme is signing this tune. We were already shown a fictional reality called Hollywood in the TV series Man in the High Castle. Both choices are bad for the entire nation. All 3 candidates are Zionist Nazi owned when the Syndicate is in charge.

I've never seen RFK Jr. wave an American flag like that...

And when we said before you can blink that was a direct reference to the ability of someone to not blink for 17 seconds? If you try this experiment please leave your comments in the post or in the Notes section, where regular updates can be seen if requested. Was this double body acting put his given script for the TV?

These links are all interconnected so we can report with repeating a lot of things.

We are here, until we are no longer here. Speaking the Truth just like voting will have consequences under a Nazi ideology called political Zionism Nazism in the end times. It was the first amendment, but if that can be amended further to the Reich’s requirements and likings, then all is possible in this Zionist Nazi timeline.


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