Is Inflation really at 17.2% in 2022 Dystopian America?
It all depends on how you calculate the Inflation numbers to manipulate the results
There is the saying “There are Lies, Damn Lies, and then there are Statistics.” In America, according to how you calculate the Inflation numbers you arrive at very different conclusions. And according to Carol Roth on the Glenn Beck Show the real Inflation numbers are shockingly high and the highest they have ever been in history.
America’s inflation just hit 8.5% — the highest it’s risen since 1981. At least…that’s what the media, the Biden administration, and the Federal Reserve SAYS. But if you calculate inflation the same way economists and politicians did in the 1980s (which the website ShadowStats has already done), our rate today is closer to 17.15 PERCENT! Carol Roth, financial expert and author of ‘The War On Small Business’ joins Glenn to explain the TRUE state of our current economy…
Just look at the comparison of $100 in 2008 vs. the same in 2022 and how much spending or purchasing power in terms of value you have lost.
The U.S. economic and systemic-solvency crises, which began to unfold in 2006 and 2007, and which brought the domestic financial system to the brink of collapse in September 2008, still are playing out and still threaten systemic collapse. Coming into those crises, unsustainable and uncontainable growth in the federal budget deficit already was threatening a hyperinflation in the United States by 2018.
Ever wondered how Trump was able to Make America Great Again? Well it is called unsustainable and uncontainable growth in the federal budget deficit. In another words, if your credit card limit is reaching its maximum limit just increase the credit limit to a new undefined and unsustainable and uncontainable limit and then spend spend spend like it is going out of fashion.
That is how you boost the economy under MAGA and the hell with balancing budgets and controlling spending leave that for some future generation of suckers that will have to figure that mess out at some point.
The Biden Administration does not seem have this Inflation monster under control either, but is rather using it as a blunt instrument for WEF aligned social engineering.
If you wanted a more colorful use of language in describing Inflation then this second video from Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal will definitely perk up your ears.
Where is America heading, well according to Glenn Beck how about Famine by the end of the this year 2022? Nothing Transitory about that headline.
15 percent of all global calories come from wheat and rice, and one-third of the world’s wheat comes from Russia & Ukraine. Crop season for wheat is NOW, but very little farming currently is occurring in Russia & Ukraine. Glenn breaks down the importance of this statistic — plus so many more — and he explains why these numbers point to a possible FAMINE by the end of the year. Plus, Glenn details what YOU can do now to prepare…
There is 90 days worth of food in the global supply chain therefore we are at any moment [such as this current moment where Russia was been removed from the Western financial system] away from a global food shortage crisis aka famine.
One of the many intended or unintended consequences of the War between Russia and Ukraine was a reduction in global caloric intake. Who could have guessed that?