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If you thought Covid-19 was over think again about the Global Pandemic Treaty

If you thought Covid-19 was over think again about the Global Pandemic Treaty

James Corbett explains why is this WHO Treaty so important to our collective future

There are mixed messages being sent about the Covid-19 Pandemic so let us bring you some clarity about this planned future. This post features James Corbett as he breaks down the dangers with this Treaty and its implications for us all.

First ask yourself, if Fauci is saying that the Pandemic is over in America then why make plans at the WHO and the United Nations for a new Global Pandemic Treaty?

Here's why Dr. Fauci says the U.S. is 'out of the pandemic phase'

The U.S. is no longer in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the coronavirus's continuing global threat, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Biden. But Fauci also warns that people should still be mindful of the disease.

"We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase," Fauci said in an interview with PBS NewsHour. "Namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now."

"So if you're saying, 'Are we out of the pandemic phase in this country?' - we are," he said.

"The United States and the entire world is still experiencing a pandemic, but there are different phases of the pandemic," he said. "And what we are in right now is somewhat of a transitional phase, out of the accelerated component into hopefully a more controlled component."


There it is Fauci is telling you the plan. We are entering a New Phase as in a New Virus as in a New Plandemic that is being planned. We are just in the planning phase right now, thus the temporary break and the temporary lifting of Mask Mandates, etc.

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The Answer also lies in the Word "Pandemic" itself, because it should be spelled "Plandemic" as in when you are Conjuring a new Spell because that is ultimately where this plan is heading.

The English language it is very condusive to Onomancy aka Word Magick and we will have to cover that in another episode.

The Covid-19 Narrative has run its course and a new "Pandemic" is being planned aka a new "Plandemic". James likes to use another word for this situation and it is the "COVID-19 Scamdemic".

The Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa sparked a massive Global Awakening against the Fauci Trudeau WEF Covid-19 Mandates and Lockdowns at the start of this year and then after then the Protests were forcibly ended and bank accounts were seized the Protests just suddenly as they started fell of the news radar and then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late Feb 2022.

These two events effectively killed the Covid-19 Narrative for the time being in the news and hence their plans for a New Virus and a New Treaty and a New Pandemic.

Listen carefully to Tedros Adhanom the WHO Director;

The COVID 19 pandemic is the most severe health crisis in a century, more than 6 million lives have been lost countless livelihoods destroyed.

Health Systems disrupted already vulnerable people pushed into poverty and the global economy plunged into its deepest recession since the Second World War. And although we are now seeing a welcome decline in reported deaths, the pandemic still far from over. Transmission remains high. Vaccine coverage remains too low in too many countries.

And the relaxation of public health and social measures is creating the conditions for new variants to spread. Our focus must remain ending the pandemic In particular, by supporting all countries to vaccinate 70% of their population, with priority on the most at risk groups.

But even as we work to end this pandemic, we owe it to those who have died, and those who have been affected to learn the painful lessons, that pandemic is teaching us and make the changes we must make to make sure the world is better prepared for the next pandemic.

You would not need a brand new Treaty to address an old virus, would you? No.

And are existing Treaties and Laws enough to reach the 70% Vaccination Target? No.

What you need is a New Virus and a New Global "Pandemic" that you can tackle with New Powers of Enforcement and Coercion and Penalization if you do not Comply.

In its current form, the WHO does not possess such powers […]To move on with the treaty, WHO therefore needs to be empowered — financially, and politically.

[The treaty should possess] An adaptable incentive regime, [including] sanctions such as public reprimands, economic sanctions, or denial of benefits.


The denial of benefits and economic sanctions were taken straight from How to End the Canadian Trucker Convoy Protest Playbook and now that is being scaled up for the entire world. We are all going to be Canadians when this Treaty is passed!

Are you seeing the dangers we are facing here? A Treaty especially an WHO and UN International Treaty by definition has a lot of Weight in terms of the Law. Any Nation that signs such a Treaty is automatically bound by the terms of the Treaty. Meaning that Nations now have to enforce those terms in their local jurisdictions whether the public wants it or not and whether it violates existing local laws. The Treaty takes precedence above and beyond the Constitution for example in America.

Take the case of Africa when it tried to defy the WHO.

Two African countries – Burundi and Tanzania – had Presidents who banned the WHO from their borders, and refused to go along with the Pandemic narrative. Both Presidents died unexpectedly within months of that decision, only to be replaced by new Presidents who instantly reversed their predecessor’s covid policies.

Less than a week after the death of President Pierre Nkurunziza, the IMF agreed to forgive almost 25 million dollars of Burundi’s national debt in order to help combat the Covid19 “crisis”.

Just five months after the death of President John Magufuli, the new government of Tanzania received 600 million dollars from the IMF to “address the covid19 pandemic”.

It’s pretty clear what happened here, isn’t it?

Globalists backed coups and rewarded the perpetrators with “international aid”. The proposals for the Pandemic treaty would simply legitimise this process, moving it from covert back channels to overt official ones.


All of this detail comes back to a central point that we are being Governed as Public Servants in a Manner that does not take our views into consideration.

The public consultation period was a sham and it is now also over therefore, the views of the public are no longer relevant now the Bureaucrats and Technocrats and the Globalists like Klaus Schwab that now write the final wording of the Treaty and we have to simply comply and obey.

Another Trucker Freedom Convoy may be necessary in August 2024 in NY when this thing gets passed.

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