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How BlackRock Conquered the World

How BlackRock Conquered the World

a James Corbett Special Report on the Global Corporate Conspiracy

How did Blackrock, a Corporation take over the World? Answer, James Corbett explains the details. Transcripts and video below. Get your popcorn ready.

BlackRock - The company that owns EVERYTHING

On August 24th 2019, the reckless #CentralBankers, "advised" by even more reckless, gave the go-ahead for #GoingDirectReset (1) aka COVID-19-RT-PCR testing #pLandemic (2).

On October 18th 2019, the latter was tested at #Event201 (2).

From January 2020 on, humanity has been distracted, fooled, abused, expropriated, hurt and killed for its implementation (3, 4).

#JamesCorbett nicely explains the rest, including the quest for total (investor) control by #ESG rating, in "How BlackRock Conquered the World" (5).






BlackRock : La plus riche multinationale au monde soupçonnée de vouloir mettre la main sur les ...

After all, you can always order everything you need from Amazon. Can't you noticing a pattern here? Yes, in case you haven't heard, BlackRock, Inc, is now officially everywhere. It owns everything. Sadly for us, however, the creepy corporate claws of the Blackrock beast aren't content simply to clutch on to a near plurality of the shares of every major corporation in the world.

Blackrock is now digging its talons and even further and flexing its muscles, putting that inconceivable wealth and influence to use by completely reordering the economy, creating scam dynamics, and shaping the course of civilization in the process. Let's face it, if you're not concerned about the power of Blackrock wields over the world by this point, then you're not paying attention.

James Corbett

James Corbett can only go so far. If you want to understand the real power behind the Blackrock it is the Occult. If you do not first comprehend the scope of your enemy list you have lost before the battle even began. For that history see previous post and his video to repeat the point. It all goes back to the same child sacrificial cult of Baal, that is the real Occult meaning to paying your Bail.

You are paying the homage and tributes to Baal in the Court systems. Another form of indentured servitude. Enslavement by the Word. And the Word Keeper was the Law. The Law was corrupted into the Legal system and that system is controlled from top to bottom by the same child sacrificial cult of Baal of the past.

They know our weaknesses and our Vices and do not hesitate to capitalize on that for a very long time now. Nothing has changed in history. Still the same old suspects as almost every crime scene.

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Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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