Funeral Director confirms post Vaccine Blood Clots related Deaths
Funeral Director John O’Looney is interviewed by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
When an Embalmer in America and a Funeral Director in the UK are both reporting the same thing with post Covid Vaccine deaths then we need to pay attention. When two locations are reporting the same thing, we just need one more location to confirm a scientific pattern.
Once is random, twice is coincidence and three times or more is enemy action, never forget their own words when you are in the middle of an active crime scene and a victim of their plans.
The same type of blood clots appearing in two different locations is no longer an innocent coincidence because the size and shape of the hydra organism is the exact same in both locations. See the short video below to see where we are at with the blood clot related deaths in the UK with Funeral Director John O’Looney.
Link to full video interview:

The problem was noticeable very early on for him as we was being asked to declare deaths, when that is not his job or qualification, that is something only doctors do.
So very early on in 2020, we were told that the NHS had to be protected, protected. So this meant that doctors would no longer be turning up at deaths and certifying. And we received an email from the local Thames Valley Police asking us to declare death because obviously I'm not qualified to certify I could declare death.
And if I had any concerns to raise those concerns with the police, for the coroner to be called in. And that really didn't that for me, alarm bells rang because I'm not qualified to determine someone's passed away. I'm not medically qualified. I'm an undertaker. We do checks during the course of our work.
Funeral Director John O’Looney
It gets worse and worse from there as in the faking of data was noticeable to him in 2020 onwards when most of us are just finding out now what has been going on.
It was first falsely declaring everyone and anyone who died as a Covid deaths in the early stages and then in the stage we are in now, nothing is a Covid death as nobody could be dying from Vaccines they took to cure Covid, but actually killed them.
The Police and the Government Health Authorities and the Doctors were all complicit in these crimes which is still an active crime scene as we keep repeating over and over.
None of them, no police. No doctors were in attendance. So he would ask me, he would ring me up. And I would kind of tell them, you know, I picked up a guy from a care home. I'd spoke to the guy's family, there was no doctor present, there was no COVID test taken.
He'd been in there for years. He had onset dementia, that's what he died from. And he would insist that was a COVID death. And I kind of well, why is that? And he said, Well, we've been told there was one COVID death in that facility. So every one has to be called a COVID death.
Funeral Director John O’Looney
The same milky white goo that is in the blood of Vaccine injured victims that was reported in American by the Embalmer Richard Hirschman. It should be our collective duty to bring those people responsible for these Covid Vaccine related crimes to be brought to account, as citizens of this Earthly plane.
There's also vaccines that are clearly causing cardiac issues. And we see this in the unprecedented record number of young sportsmen and women who are collapsing and dying and retiring globally in the last 18 months. It's felt that this was thrombosis issue, I can tell you, it isn't a thrombosis. These are growths that grow inside the arteries of these vaccine recipients.
And we were finding, we had a young guy in a few weeks ago, who will remain nameless respect for his family, but he was under 30, who died suddenly. And we opened him up and his arteries were full of like a calamari white spaghetti type substance, and it grows exactly to the shape of the arteries.
So if you have quite thin arteries, and if you're getting this reaction from this vaccine, and these things are growing inside your arteries, it's not going to be too long before you suffer cardiac failure, cardiac arrest stroke. And that is what is happening, I believe, to these people.
Funeral Director John O’Looney
Are noticing a pattern yet? Funeral Director John O’Looney is also noticing what we have been saying that there is a strong correlation between post Vaccine degradation of the immume system leading to VAIDS as in Vaccine induced AIDS. Granted he is not a doctor, but do we all need to be doctors to make a diagnosis or reach a medical conclusion or deny the obvious?
… there's the white stuff inside people's arteries that they're calling clots, and they're not clots. It's a growth that grows to the shape of the artery. And the third one is probably the most worrying one is the one that's going to induce AIDS. So let me explain. And I can only explain as it was explained to me, so over two years, the cells in your body regenerate, with the exception of like your heart, your sexual organs, and a couple of other bits they mentioned.
But this genetic modification of your immune system means that the new T cells have a new instruction, when and they target your body, they see your body as the enemy. So the end result of that is as the time passes, and more and more of your cells have this new instruction, your immune system is decimated, and it attacks you and the symptoms of that are sickness and illness, and there's your new variant.
Funeral Director John O’Looney
Why are the doctors then not speaking out? Because of one word - fear. They are too fearful of losing their cushy salaries and pensions to speak out and speak up about the deaths happening in their care. They are also cowards who are fearful of being sued or held criminally liable for their role in giving the Vaccines. Doctors in the future will be regarded with the same disdain that is saved for our Political Elites.
While the Nurses were too busy making TikTok dancing videos. They had time for this activity in the middle of this pandemic when we were told that hospitals were being overrun with Covid deaths? You guessed it, the hospitals were empty and it was just another big lie related to Covid.
Almost sounds like we were inside of a planned genocide? Just another coincidence?
Now, this guy was full of this stuff, literally full, some of his arteries were 80% blocked with this stuff. And it's not a traditional clot is bright white, and it looks like calamari.
And you can pull it out and for example, the, the top of the femoral artery, you could grab it with tweezers, pull it and the whole clot would come out like two foot long, a traditional clot.
If you pulled that from an artery and it would break up, you can press it with your finger, rinse it away, and it would break up. These don't. They're very elastic, very tough. And I believe they're a deliberate, they're a deliberate addition to these to these jabs.
Funeral Director John O’Looney
Some related previous posts on the topics of Vaccines, AIDS and the blood clots.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News