Corona Times News
CV19 Legal Cases
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon gives evidence to Grand Jury on Covid-19 Vaccination Crimes

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon gives evidence to Grand Jury on Covid-19 Vaccination Crimes

The Covid-19 Crime Scene is still in progress, but the Russian Invasion was a much needed distraction for the Global Elites

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon lays out a litany of evidence for The Court of Public Opinion's Grand Jury. More videos can be found at

A group of international attorneys and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modeled on the grand jury proceedings to present to the public all available evidence of past crimes against humanity related to Covid-19 of the "leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices" who assisted in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the people, by the people, and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.

By presenting a complete picture of the factual situation, including the geopolitical and historical background, the trial aims to raise awareness of the collapse of the current hijacked system and its institutions.

Full video version on our Odysee Channel;

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CV19 Legal Cases
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