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Faking the Data on Covid-19 Vaccine Safety for Pregnant Women

Yes Women can get Pregnant and be injected with Vaccines pre during and post pregnancy believing a lie by the Big Pharma Syndicate

When some Influencers speak their voices ring loud and clear and in this case Dr Naomi Wolf on the lies and web of deceit with the true safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 Vaccines for Pregnant Women.

“It looks to me – this is not an overstatement from what I’ve seen – that this was a clinical trial that by August 2021, Pfizer and the FDA knew was failed, the vaccines were not safe and effective. That they weren’t working. That the efficacy was waning … and that they were seriously dangerous,” Wolf said. “And they rolled it out anyway.”

Reminds one of a Shakespearean quote, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we aim to deceived”.

‘Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’ means that when you lie or act dishonestly you are initiating problems and a domino structure of complications which eventually run out of control.

What we have here is a Big Pharma operating like a Big Crime Mafia Syndicate and knowing their product was not safe still pushed it onto the most vulnerable in the population, the child in the womb. Sounds very much like a Criminal Law matter. So how did still go ahead? Because they bought out the FDA Cronies and Department of the Injustice long ago so there was nothing to really worry about.

CDC Recommended Pregnant Women Get COVID Vaccine Based on Unreviewed Study, Unverifiable Data

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation that pregnant women be vaccinated for COVID was based on a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper and on data from the government-run v-safe system, which the public can’t access and therefore can’t verify.

None of the three manufacturers of the COVID vaccines being administered in the U.S. — Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — completed clinical trials on pregnant women as a part of their Emergency Use Authorization applications to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In its application to the FDA for full approval — which was granted Monday — Pfizer said its “available data” on its vaccine was “insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”

Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nevertheless recommends pregnant women get the vaccines — a recommendation the agency reaffirmed Aug. 11, based on the yet-to-be-peer-reviewed research paper — “Receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines preconception and during pregnancy and risk of self-reported spontaneous abortions, CDC v-safe COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Registry 2020-21.”

The paper’s authors, Zauche et al., found that in a group of 2,456 pregnant women, 14.1% miscarried during 6 to 19 weeks of gestation. This is the duration of time where such a miscarriage is medically termed a “spontaneous abortion.”

This compares to a U.S. average of spontaneous abortion between 10 to 20% for a similar timeframe.

It is at a minimum curious that the CDC would make vaccination policy recommendations based on an unreviewed manuscript. Typically, such a paper would be reviewed for scientific rigor and methodology by the authors’ research peers, and then published in a reputable, internationally recognized journal prior to such a recommendation.

It is also not clear this manuscript would withstand the rigors of peer review given that 89% of the study cohort consisted of medical professionals. This is certainly not a representative sample of U.S. women, as one would imagine that access to healthcare, including prenatal check-ups, would be much greater in the study sample than in the general population.

The study also did not account for 65 individuals who were unable to be contacted after initial enrollment in the cohort, nor did it account for 35 cases of pregnancy loss prior to six weeks gestation.

The Zauche et al. manuscript was based on the CDC’s V-safe database, which the public cannot access. CDC officials have rebuffed attempts to gain access to the database via the Freedom of Information Act, claiming privacy concerns of the database participants.

The public does have access to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database, and The Defender reports each week on those numbers as they relate to COVID vaccines.

As of Aug. 13, there were 1,175 reports of spontaneous abortion to VAERS with an average maternal age of 33.5 years. Of those miscarriages, VAERS data show 16.5% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 23.4% within 48 hours of vaccination and 37.1% within 7 days of vaccination.

Of the reports of miscarriages, about twice the number occurred following the Pfizer vaccine than the Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccines combined.

Unfortunately, adverse events on the VAERS database are woefully underreported, making it impossible to make a direct comparison with the Zauche et al. (2021) data.

Despite similarities to background rates provided by Zauche et al. (2021) — which we cannot independently verify — the CDC does not allow for temporality to the vaccine as a criteria to consider in determining causation.

According to the Bradford Hill criteria, “temporality is perhaps the only criterion which epidemiologists universally agree is essential to causal inference.” @naomirwolf

Dr Naomi Wolf

The source of the investigation began with infant deaths in Scotland, but with the help of researchers and influencers this story is now reaching a wider audience.

As we have said before many times and will repeat here again the Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Campaign is an active Crime Scene. And its needs to be investigated and researched and treated as such.

This Campaign is still around, but currently in a somewhat latent state waiting again to be activated and like the venomous viper striking again with its injection syringe.

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