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Corona Times News Podcast
Dioxin Fallout Mass Poisoning Event Part 3
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Dioxin Fallout Mass Poisoning Event Part 3

More evidence to suggest that the Clowns running Central Command are also to be found at the Norfolk Southern HQ and in charge of the East Palestine, Ohio toxic mess

Part 3 of the Dioxin Fallout Mass Poisoning Event taking place in a small town called East Palestine, Ohio. In this podcast Mike Adams and interviews Eric Coppolino on the Environmental Terrorism and Act of War on America by its own Government.

What happened in East Palestine, Ohio was the equivalent of a 911 attack on NYC. When we finally realize later what happened here we will be viewing this event in that light. It is one of those Timeline Marker Events that changes the course of a Nation.

Parts 1 and 2 linked below where we covered the Fall Map and Gematria Occult Films as Predictive Mind Programming Magick Rituals.

Corona Times News
The Films White Noise foretold of East Palestine Train wreck
Listen now (42 min) | The events we are seeing now were foretold months and years earlier in the Films called White Noise. There are two versions of the Film and both are troubling in their implications. And there is even a Book that the Films were based on. The Film shows am average dysfunctional American family, where the father is a professor of Hitler Studies and the mot…
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Corona Times News
The Fallout Map of the Dioxin Toxic Cloud Release
Modelling of the Dispersion Map is very troubling is because it shows an almost 360 degree Dispersion of the Dioxin Toxic Cloud from the East Palestine. See the videos below and also analysis from Kelleigh Nelson on the implications of the Release over such a wide area…
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In this interview both speakers are calling for the immediate evacuation of the small town of East Palestine, Ohio. They believe the situation and toxicity to be that great. While the rest of the bought of by Pfizer media looks the other way and is more interested in helping the Nazis in Kiev recover that people from mainly white rural small town America.

When a Government wages War on its own, East Palestine is what it looks like. You simply get mass poisoned and then ignored, while your tax money is sent to Nazis in the Ukraine to fight Christian Orthodox Russia.

If anyone is wondering what was on those Trains that they lit up in the Fireball? We found the manifest as per the EPA. Check this list of horror on trains in America.

What to know about the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio [February 16, 2023]

Authorities eventually grew concerned about rising temperatures inside a single rail car, which they worried could cause a catastrophic explosion sending shrapnel up to a mile away.

"The risk of the car exploding was described to me as high," Gov. Mike DeWine said at a press conference Tuesday.

Ultimately, officials decided to pursue a "controlled release" of the volatile vinyl chloride. Because burning vinyl chloride can cause the production of other toxic chemicals, including hydrogen chloride and phosgene, officials ordered the evacuation of a one-by-two-mile area around East Palestine, on both sides of the state line.

On Feb. 6, crews released the vinyl chloride from the derailed cars into a trench, where they burned it off in a "controlled explosion," causing a dramatic plume of black smoke.

This week, the EPA released a partial Norfolk Southern manifest that detailed other hazardous chemicals on the train, which included ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate and isobutylene. All can cause irritation or neurological symptoms like dizziness and headaches.

Most of the train's 150 rail cars were carrying cargo that was not hazardous, officials say, such as cement, steel and frozen vegetables, according a manifest of the derailed cars provided to the Environmental Protection Agency.

But 20 cars contained hazardous materials, according to an update this week from the National Transportation Safety Board, which is investigating the derailment.

They even had the audacity to call it a "controlled explosion" which meant the Vinyl Chloride on board went up in smoke and began releasing Toxic Dioxin Gas. And of course the controlled burn or explosion was them just setting it on fire to reopen the lines to get traffic flowing on the rails again. The controlled burn lie explained below.


Here is a Dioxin resources page for citizens and journalists from Eric Coppolino. But read these two paragraphs if nothing else. He knows what he is talking about and has been in this particular space for a long time fighting such corporate demons and their tactics.

The whole dioxin issue leads back to two conclusions

One, there is no safe level of exposure, so therefore, there is no acceptable level of contamination. Dioxin is a multigenerational genetic and hormonal toxin.

Two, public and corporate authorities will deny the problem and engage the public and the press in a complicated game of dissembling the truth, which in the past has included outright deception (including lying in scientific papers, to the press and in court), avoiding any accountability, filing fake lawsuits, burning down people’s homes, and by any other means necessary.

Planet Waves FM

Planet Waves FM - Chiron Return
Dioxin resources page for citizens & journalists, designed for efficient understanding
Listen now (8 min) | Note — This mailing is from Chiron Return, the nonprofit investigative team that publishes Planet Waves FM, the Covid Chronology, a daily news feed and much else. — efc…
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Even ChatGPT knows that burning Dioxins is a bad idea. Here is its response when asked “Can Dioxins be burned away?” Notice none of the other containment methods suggested were used or even talked about on the media.

When it comes to cleaning up existing dioxin contamination, several methods have been used, including excavation and removal of contaminated soil, capping of contaminated areas with clean soil or impermeable materials, and treatment of contaminated soil or water using various methods, such as bioremediation, chemical oxidation, and thermal desorption.

Overall, while dioxins can be formed during the combustion of certain materials, burning them away is not a practical solution, and efforts should focus on preventing their formation and release, as well as cleaning up existing contamination using safe and effective methods.

In closing Eric Coppolino explains the mismanagement of the entire mess started early on and it was a tragic cascading comedy of errors.

The problem here is that nobody was supposed to light the fricking chemical on fire, right. I mean, there was some seriously misguided decision making going on there. Because you couldn't have done anything worse with dioxins, particularly, I mean, to my knowledge, and then there may be more, but we're looking at nine carloads of chlorinated chemicals.

Five of them were vinyl chloride monomer, a precursor to polyvinyl chloride in four seemingly well classified non hazardous cars full of PVC pellets and they all burn so we had nine cars full of these chlorinated compounds burning.

But they were burning in the presence of non chlorinated compounds, which then add the hydrocarbons to the to the mix and so when you add the chlorine burning to the hydrocarbon burning, you get chlorinated hydrocarbons, of which dioxin is by far the most potent and it will certainly be there. Well, this is why they buried the freaking ditch they Very, very the pit.

Eric Coppolino

This story is far from over and the impact of its toxic legacy will be felt for years and decades to come.

Dioxin is a generic term used to refer to a family of highly toxic and persistent chemicals that are formed as by-products of certain industrial processes, such as waste incineration, chemical manufacturing, and paper bleaching.

There are many different types of dioxins, each with its own unique chemical properties and half-life. The most toxic form of dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), has a half-life of approximately 7 to 11 years in humans. This means that it takes 7 to 11 years for half of the amount of TCDD in the body to be eliminated.

2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a highly toxic and persistent chemical that can be released into the air during various industrial processes, such as waste incineration, chemical manufacturing, and pulp and paper production (EPA, 2020).

Breathing in TCDD and other dioxins can lead to various adverse health effects, including respiratory problems, skin rashes, reproductive and developmental problems, immune system disorders, and cancer (WHO, 2010).


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