
Days 29-34: Trump challenges the Crown, now wants 100% of Ukraine, and is confirmed as the Dark One

The high Occultic magick continues in this update on the first 100 Days of the Trump Admin. Trump has gone full World Emperor and wants King Charles, Zelensky and Europe to kiss his MAGA ring.

The high Occultic magick continues in this update on the first 100 Days of the Trump Administration, with Days 29-34. Trump has gone full World Emperor and wants King Charles, Zelensky and Europe to kiss his MAGA ring. He is directly challenging the authority of King Charles of the Commonwealth, which is made up of 56 nations under the Kingship of Charles, but now Trump wants it all.

The Commonwealth of Nations is an international association consisting of 56 member states. These countries are primarily former territories of the British Empire and are connected through their use of the English language and historical-cultural ties.

The problematic signs were right in your face, but the strong delusion amongst his cult members was so strong that they could not bring themselves to the truth.

Now it makes more sense why he is directly attacking Canada which is a key part of the British Crown Commonwealth member nations. He is challenging the King and the Crown because he wants the Crown to be on his head and not on King Charles. Note the coded reference below in this tweet. He says “Congestion Pricing is Dead”, but what he really means is that the authority of King Charles is dead because the King was called Prince Charles as in PC and in Congestion Pricing the letters are reversed of PC. The traditional saying is “The King is Dead, long live the King”. As in since King Charles has Cancer and is dying, the new Trump Tyrant King is rising.


To illustrate how Deceitful, Deceptive, Dishonest, and Dishonorable this wicked demon called President Donald Trump is watch his performance with Ukraine. A few days ago he wanted 50% of Ukraine’s rare earth minerals, and then blamed Zelensky for backing out of the deal, but now just a few days later he wants all of Ukraine and now with no security guarantees in exchange as previously agreed.

Trump's Plan To Extract $500bn In Rare Earths From Ukraine Is 'Unrealisable' - Expert There are very few of the minerals in Ukraine, says Aleksandr Lobusev, Vice Rector at Gubkin Russian State University Of Oil & Gas. In fact, with most of them located in Rostov and Donbass, they belong to Russia.


Someone must have whispered into the Tyrant King’s ear that Zelensky was just gaming him with the value of rare Earth minerals and most of it is in the war zone of the Donbass and therefore really belongs to the Russian Federation. A good analysis of current events so far with Alex as he walks and talks in Athens.


So in the span of a few days we went from 50% as is clearly shown so that the MAGA cultists do not go into denial mode, to now wanting all of the Ukraine and no security guarantees. That is how negotiation with the Tyrant King works now. And according to Colonel Macgregor the Green Goblin Zelensky better hand it all over or else he will be ousted and left with only a few billion of the stolen funds and a quiet retirement on the French Riviera.

The image below is a map of Ukraine highlighting the locations of rare earth metal deposits. But note that this map was a product of USAID and is therefore something that must be viewed with some skepticism given their sordid history.

Deposits of Rare Earth Metals in Ukraine. Source: State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine, 2021

Types of Deposits:

  • Ores of Beryllium (Be)

  • Ores of Vanadium (V)

  • Ores of Scandium (Sc)

  • Ores of Strontium (Sr)

  • Ores of Tantalum (Ta)

  • Ores of Niobium (Nb)

  • Ores of Lithium (Li)

  • Ores of Zirconium (Zr)

  • Ores of Rare Earth Metals (TR2O3)

  • Skarn Deposits

Balance Reserves (thousand tons):

  • Beryllium (Be): 2055.9

  • Vanadium (V): 1443

  • Scandium (Sc): 15.5

  • Strontium (Sr): 859627

  • Tantalum (Ta): 0.865

  • Niobium (Nb): 147

  • Lithium (Li): 2114

  • Zirconium (Zr): 1939.7

Number of Deposits:

  • Beryllium (Be): 1

  • Vanadium (V): 13

  • Scandium (Sc): 3

  • Strontium (Sr): 1

  • Tantalum (Ta): 14

  • Niobium (Nb): 12

  • Lithium (Li): 2

  • Zirconium (Zr): 2

  • Rare Earth Metals (TR2O3): 13


This other survey by the DOI, USGS indicates that there are not that many deposits as to make Ukraine so valuable. Perhaps that is why the Tyrant King now wants all of the Ukraine in exchange for a meaningless security guarantee from an American woketard Army that is over extended and has not fought a proper Army for decades. Better take what you can before Russia takes it all.

So now we come to the nitty gritty of the dealmaking with two scoundrels doing the dealing. And the one who looks more “Honorable” is Zelensky as he points out the original agreement with Biden that must be honored, but how to explain such basic things to a Tyrant King that does not want to listen to any reason or logic?

Trump the Tyrant King now wants to change the terms of the deal in a matter of a few days to now say we are not giving any security guarantees and hand it all over. The repayment or compensation for U.S. aid in exchange for Ukrainian assets was never something that was agreed to by the previous Administration. Here is a big lesson for the others watching such as Greenland and Canada when their turn comes to sit with Trump the Tyrant King and start the negotiations. His words are not “honorable” for more than a few days at best, keep that in mind. This article is behind a paywall and hence the analysis from Alex is where to get the details.

Here is another example of the clown show called the Trump Administration. The Premier of Ontario goes to DC to try and negotiate with the Trump Team and he leaves lost and confused because Team Trump does not even know what they want because the Tyrant King has not yet told them what he wants today because what he wants today will be different from what he wants and demands tomorrow best summarized by the quote of “No one knows what he wants including elected officials down there”. How to negotiate with such a Dishonorable person? Answer, there is no point doing any negotiating with such a demon, best to prepare for total War.

The problem is not just with the Tyrant King himself, but also by the peoples that he surrounds himself with such as his top conman right now called Elon Musk.

And here is Sister Barbara just today getting confirmation of the Dark One that is to come as in President Donald Trump. If you doubt her words then contact her.

So what do we have now when a Dark Tyrant King rises in the End Times just as another Dark One as in the Black Jesuit Pope Francis is on his death bed right after the opening of the Abyss. For that decode watch this video from Kleck as he breaks it down. When the Pope opened these iron doors that is when he caught the deadly disease from the other side aka the Abyss and hence why he is now slowly dying.

The Vatican is not what it appears to be on the surface. The seat of Satan is there. Would anyone reading who is Christian like to explain the upside down crosses at the Vatican as you go into the catacombs with all of the skulls and evil spirits? It is the same upside down cross worn by another Satanic Minion called Elon Musk.

One meaning of Covid-19 was Serpent Sheep Slaughter by the Ai (19) and the Pope at the Vatican was leading the entire effort to depopulate mankind for the Jesuits and their new Alien Pope to come. See our previous decode on that topic.

If you are doubting our words about the Black Pope Francis then read this now forgotten prophecy by Saint Malachi about the list of Popes to come ending with Peter the Roman. Is Pope Francis really the last Pope or will one of the leading Cardinals to replace him called Pietro Parolin, an Italian be the real Last Pope?

Latin: "In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus, quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, et judex tremendus judicabit populum suum. Finis."

English: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End."

Name: Although Pope Francis chose the name Francis in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, some have noted that his birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and his given name "Jorge" is a variant of "George," which comes from the Greek name "Georgios," meaning "farmer" or "earth-worker." Some interpret this as a connection to the phrase "who will pasture his sheep."

The real connection to the sheep pasturing was done with the Covid-19 death stabbies called the Vaccines led by the Father of the Vaccines a President Trump. Are we connecting the dots yet or we are still in deep denial sailing down the Nile.

Why is there a reference by Saint Malachi about a future Beast to come as a Pope?

"Bellua insatiabilis. De balneis Etruriae." (Insatiable beast. From the baths of Etruria.)

A breakdown of the leading candidates to replace Pope Francis.

It is therefore highly symbolic and telling that the totally deluded MAGA cultists are now promoting a third term and beyond for the Tyrant King Emperor of the World with an image of Caesar no less as the in your face message to the masses.

Be careful what you wish for in these End Times because you might just regret to live to see it or you will definitely regret in when you are in the grave weeping as you missed all of the leading indicators pointing to the Mark of the Beast system. A total digital surveillance grid is being laid by Team Trump with the help of his Paypal Mafia cronies in Palantir and other tech firms. It will be sold as security for the Border and Election integrity requirements and for the reduction of online porn for minors, which will all require full biometric IDs for all. They never saw it coming unless you had the eyes to see and the ears to hear what was being told.

The most some Pastors, Preachers and Watchmen can muster together for fear of losing their paid monthly subscribers is to say they are “troubled” by the Tyrant King Trump’s actions and words. You will need to say a lot more than that if you are trying to save your flock from disaster and an eternity in the Abyss that the Black Pope just opened for the world. Speak up or step aside. Because another Pandemic is being planned called SPARS. It will start in October this year and will last for almost 2 years just like Covid-19. The Trump Administration 2.0 will be “Marked” by another round of deadly Vaccines. We shall cover it more in a future post.

When asked if he viewed JD Vance as his successor, Trump answered “no”

In Q drop 2609 it was asked: “Is there a plan in place for AFTER TRUMP?” Q replied “yes” Let’s see what happens.


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