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Archbishop Viganò has been excommunicated by Jesuit Pope Francis

Another Jesuit consolidation of power move by the first Jesuit Pope to remove any voices of dissent within the Catholic Church to the Vaccines, the Masonic Magicians, and the WEF's Green Communism.

If you belong to the Catholic Church, this post affects you in this life as well as in next and final round. Archbishop Viganò has been excommunicated by Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope. For the Jesuits to make this move now signals there must be an even bigger event coming the future. What could that event in 2024 be?

Archbishop Viganò has been excommunicated by Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope. July 5, 2024

For the past few weeks, there has been high drama within the Catholic Church on who leads them into the end times. Will it be the Jesuit Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio or will it be an even worse option, as the Catholic Church was compromised long ago. For that discussion we will cover in the last part of this post, but first let us examine what has led up to this decision.

A historic event that will be long remembered Archbishop Viganò formally accuses Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism @CarloMVigano

His Excellency requests that the episcopacy remove Jorge Mario Bergoglio from the Throne of St. Peter because a heretic cannot assume the papacy "Before my Brothers in the Episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism, and as a heretic and schismatic, I request that he be judged and removed from the Throne he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years. This does not in any way contradict the adage Prima Sedes a nemine judicatur, because it is evident that a heretic, being unable to assume the Papacy, is not above the Prelates who judge him."

S.E.R.-Mons.-Vigano.pdf (


It does not get more serious in the Catholic Church than to be accused of heresy and schism and when it is the first Jesuit Pope being accused then it is an even bigger scandal. What the Archbishop Viganò was accusing the Pope of, is what the Archbishop Viganò was instead accused of himself and removed from the Catholic Church. The document referenced is the response from the Catholic Church and his removal. The script was flipped on the Archbishop by the dirty Jesuits.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been declared to be in schism and excommunicated
2.43MB ∙ PDF file

Here is a brief summary of the document translated into English:

  • Background: Archbishop Viganò, born in Varese on January 16, 1941, has held various significant positions within the Catholic Church, including Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.

  • Charges: Archbishop Viganò is accused of schism, rejecting the authority of Pope Francis and the legitimacy of the Second Vatican Council.

  • Proceedings: The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith initiated an extrajudicial penal process against Archbishop Viganò, citing his public statements and actions as evidence of his refusal to submit to the Pope and the Church’s teachings.

  • Outcome: Archbishop Viganò has been declared guilty of schism and excommunicated. He has the right to appeal this decision within 60 days.

Watch the summary video below on what the implications are without the very real threat of the Serpent Race as part of the discussion. Because without taking an Alien False God Serpent Insect Race Twin Female Energy takeover over the planet then we really are lost in the weeds.

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