American Generals and Military are directing the War in the Ukraine using Switchblade Drones
We now have confirmation that yes indeed American Military Personnel are on the ground and in the field directing the affairs of the Ukrainian Military.
Small but deadly and very much American Military. What is this new Weapons System and why it is relevant? The Weapon is a Suicide Drone known as the Switchblade.
And it is relevant because the American Military is now running the War on the ground in the Ukraine, according to a French Journalist that just returned from the field of War and his video below is a must watch.
We can come up with the latest innovations to kill and maim enemies, but we cannot use such ingenuity to solve life’s basic problems and necessities, such is the black hole known as the American Military Budget.
There have also been reports circulating that an American General was captured and now these reports have much more credibility.

Why is is important?
Because we now have confirmation that the American Military is directly engaged in a War with Russia in the Ukraine and the American public does not have a clue nor it is being reported on in the MSM and no Declaration of War has been issued by Congress to authorize such direct activity.
What would happen in Russian Generals were caught directing the Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking coming out of Mexico and justified it in the same as the Americans have?
Such Tit for Tat will only take us closer to direct Nuclear War and in every simulation America loses as we have reported earlier.
Pay attention to Pepe is saying he is an old hand in this game. Soon we will see a break in Diplomatic Relations as well as Trade Relations with Russia from the American and European sides to further escalate the War towards their long planned ultimate end goal.

The money just keeps pouring in for the Ukraine just like Magick for the UkroNazis.

To the point where we have to ask why does this entire War look a little bit staged? Perhaps a photo shoot for Playgirl is next?