A potential False Flag on NYC warning to blame Iran Russia and China Nexus
Beware of the Great Game and the moves they are making with this warning from Israeli News Live
Israeli News Live claims to have a lot of insider knowledge and they were pretty spot on with the Georgia Guidestones when 30 days before the implosion INL and others had gone to the site to pray for its destruction and exactly 30 days later it comes down.
Which is covered in our previous post on the Georgia Guidestones. INL is reporting he has information that suggests they are getting ready to evacuate NYC. That is easy to say, but there has to be some supporting evidence. FEMA is making moves, but then again when is FEMA not making moves to set up Camps we have been hearing about that for decades.
So discernment is the key here once again and you have to take the data points and piece it together and at this point since no event has happened therefore it is still in the realm of speculation.
So in terms of speculation here is our view of how this plays out and remember there was to be 3 or more supporting data points that will function as evidence in this Great Game Dirty Nuclear Potential Act of Terror, they seem to be working on. They are even releasing public service announcements to warn NYC residents of what’s coming.

Our speculation is that yes NYC is a target and this video is the first data point added to the Kleck prophetic warning about NYC being flooded and then combined with those who will be blamed, which will be blamed on the Iran Russia and China Nexus.
Just another coincidence that just days ago Russia launches a City Killer Sub and we are speculating about NYC and for years Kleck has been warning about a Nuclear Tsunami type attack on NYC which is even printed on the $100 and $10 US Dollars?
THE RUSSIAN Navy today took delivery of its giant "city killer" submarine designed to unleash a radioactive tsunami with "apocalypse" drones.
The Belgorod - which at 604ft is the longest sub ever built in the world - is claimed to be ready to enter service after successful trials.
The third and fourth data points is NATO is escalating the war in Ukraine and that will eventually lead to a war with Russia, but they need a pretext to go Nuclear with Russia and this False Flag Great Game Dirty Nuclear Potential Act of Terror fits the bill perfectly.
Because it also allows for the destruction of Iran and little Zionist Israel will now have the perfect pretext to strike Iran and hence their joint air strike drills for this purpose.
Israel: Iran ‘First and Foremost’ on the Agenda For Biden Visit
(CNSNews.com) July 11 2022 – Ahead of President Biden’s first presidential trip to the Middle East this week, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said Sunday that countering the threats posed by Iran will be at the top of his government’s agenda for the visit.
He told a cabinet meeting that Biden’s visit beginning Wednesday “will focus first and foremost on the issue of Iran.”
Noting confirmation at the weekend that Iran has begun enriching uranium to up to 20 percent purity using advanced centrifuges at an underground nuclear facility, Lapid called for a “decisive” response from the international community.
With this False Flag multiple primary targets can be taken out at once just as with 911 the terror crew were basically all Saudis, as was Osama, yet America strangely chose to annihilate the economies and then go occupy Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan for that False Flag they carried out themselves. The same thing will be done here if it plays out as we are laying out here. FEMA and the FBI plan the op and blame Iran, and called the revenge of Soleimani who Trump took out in 2020.
The Great Game Dirty Nuclear Potential Act of Terror plan is to dirty nuke NYC and blame the Iran Russia and China Nexus which then gives the Globalists Kabal the moral pretext and justification for a Nuclear first strike on Iran Russia and China all at the same time.
That is essentially the only way for America Zionist Israel and the NATO Alliance to win against that Nexus, otherwise they may have a chance to regroup and strike back.
Would they not have a fair case for being falsely accused and then on top of that being attacked by a rain of missiles first and then the ground troops for occupation and then economic plunder - it was the Iraqi Model of Redevelopment, destroy first and then rebuild, which oddly sounds very familiar to Build Back Better, does it not?
Fair to say Russia and China are not Iraq and AfPak, even if Iran is expendable. This potential attack on NYC way be the trigger to set of a War in the Middle East that drags both NATO and the Nexus into direct confrontation, which is what the Great Game is all about, War every few years keeps the economy humming along.
Also fair to say that would definitely be well into WW3. You just needed a spark to light the fuse. And perhaps that spark was already lit with the assassination of Japanese PM Shinzo Abe on July 8 2022, but why? Because, WW1 began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria. Was this event in Japan, the new Franz Ferdinand moment before WW3?
On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo by the 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, a member of Young Bosnia. Franz Ferdinand's assassination led to the July Crisis and precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia, which in turn triggered a series of events that eventually led to Austria-Hungary's allies and Serbia's allies declaring war on each other, starting World War I.
Now watch these Twitter videos and see if you can spot the False Flag in the making. Remember, these are all rituals based on the numbers and letters. The assassin is below with his home made weapon, but was he allowed to get that close to Abe and have to fire two shots and even start too early on the first attempt?

Now for the too early False start for the staged Jesuit False Flag?

The shooter’s name has standout Gematria.
Yamagami Tetsuya = 224 / 181 / 89 / 55
- The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) = 224
-181, 42nd prime (Japan = 42) (Jesuit = 42) (Freemason = 42)
-Chaos = 89
-Satan = 55 *God = 55
Interesting that Gavrilo Princip is the name of the Franz Ferdinand assassin yet when you add his name to Abe and write the date of 7 7 as in July 7-8 the day of new assassination based on time difference and location you get 110, which is one of master ciphers in Gematria and the encoded number on Zachary’s book.
This Japan incident was not a small accident or incidence. Because on June 28, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Abe was assassinated on July 8 and the number of days in between is 10, which strange because the Kleck NYC decode is on the $100 and $10 US Dollars and that is another 110. The Jesuits doing it by the numbers once again.
Take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News